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1、应用文体的翻译,信函 广告 契约/合同 (自学) 演讲 规则、指南和说明(自学) 证明书与通知(自学),英语信函的特点和翻译方法,1、英语信函的组成部分 1)heading 信头 2)inside address 收信人地址 3)salutation 称呼 4) body 正文 5)complimentary close 信尾套语 6)signature 写信人签名 7)enclosure (encl) 附件 8)postscript (P.S.) 再启/又及,Office Box 1507 Department of Mechanical Engineering Nanjing Univer

2、sity Nanjing,China July 9th,1999 The Registrar of Admission The Graduate School The Pennsylvania State University University park, Pennsylvania 16802 u.S.A Dear Sir/ Madam, Having graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Nanjing University in June,1999, I am deeply interested in yo

3、ur graduate school in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. I would now like to apply for admission and a tuition scholarship at your university for the spring term of 2000. I would appreciate your sending me catalog and application forms. As soon as I receive your letter, I shall forward you al

4、l my supporting documents. I am looking forward to your response at your earliest convenience. Respectfully yours, Wang Li,Heading,Inside Adress,Salutation,Complimentary Close,signature,2. Type of English Letters,1. 社交信函/私函 Goodwill correspondence/personal letters: invitation; congratulation; acknow

5、ledgement; apology condolence,etc. 2. 事务信函/公函 official matters business correspondence; job applications; recommendation diplomatic letters,etc,Informal Style,Formal Style,3、英语信函的语言特点:Four Cs原则 Clearness Conciseness Correctness Courtesy,Warm-up: Dec. 6, 2010 Dear Mr. Wang, I acknowledge receipt of y

6、our invitation for the 15th November and regret to inform you that I shall be unable to attend due to a projected trip to Australia and the Far East. yours sincerely Alden Ade,4、英语信函的翻译原则: 1)用词准确 Accuracy 2)言简意赅 Clarity & Brevity 3)含蓄有礼Courtesy 4)多数英文书信用语庄重,翻译时不可译成口头语。酌情使用一些常用文言词语,如:贵,乞谅,承蒙,为盼,赐复等。

7、5)传达原文的文体色彩:如写信人和收信人关系密切,则选词造句向非正式靠拢,反之向正式靠拢; 6)体现不同英语信函的个体风格:如贺信的亲切热情,感谢信的真诚恭敬,吊唁、慰问信的慎重含蓄。,Editing your first draft. Dec. 6, 2010 Dear Mr. Wang, I acknowledge receipt of your invitation for the 15th November and regret to inform you that I shall be unable to attend due to a projected trip to Austr

8、alia and the Far East. yours sincerely Alden Ade,王先生: 参加十一月十五日活动的邀请函已经收到。由于我已预定前往澳大利亚和远东地区一行,恕届时不能前往,谨表歉意。 你诚挚的, 奥尔登.艾德 2010年12月6日,Dear Gloria, I am most grieved to hear the news of the passing away of your beloved grandfather. Heartfelt sympathy and much love to you,dear friend, as you go through t

9、his time of grief. Stan was one of those extraordinary people who will never be forgotten. His life was like a sunbeam that lit up the world around. Now we can bask in the rainbow of the memories that well nurture in the years ahead. No,it wont be the same without him by any means, but we will go on

10、 as best as we can and look forward to the day we will meet again in eternity. love, Bonnie,亲爱的格劳莉亚: 获悉你深爱的爷爷去世的消息, 我万分难过。在历经悲痛的时刻,亲爱的朋友,请接受我深切的问候。 斯坦是个了不起的人,我们永远不会忘记他。他的一生就像一束阳光,照亮了他周围的世界。在未来的岁月里,让我们在记忆的彩虹里永远珍藏着对他的怀念。 确实,没有他的生活无论如何都不会再是原样,但我们一定要尽可能努力地生活下去,并期望在天国有重逢的一天。 爱你的, 邦妮,Dear Sir/ Madam, Havi

11、ng graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University in June,2011, I am deeply interested in your graduate school in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. I would now like to apply for admission and a tuition scholarship at your university for the spring term of 2011. I would

12、 appreciate your sending me catalog and application forms. As soon as I receive your letter, I shall forward you all my supporting documents. I am looking forward to your response at your earliest convenience. Respectfully yours, Wang Li,亲爱的先生/女士: 我于2010年6月毕业于大学机械工程系,久慕贵校研究生院机械工程系之大名,现拟申请贵校2011年春季入学

13、许可及奖学金,如蒙惠寄有关简章和申请表,则不胜感谢。 收到贵校的复信后,我会立即寄上所有证明材料。急盼早复。 您真诚的, 王丽,Dec.6, 2010 Dear Sirs, I am applying for a position with your company in any responsible capacity. I have had a college education and have fiddled around in research and development. Occasionally we have come up with some moneymaking id

14、eas. I would be willing to start off at a minimal salary to prove my value to your firm. Sincerely yours, Edward Kase,敬启者: 您好! 我现申请到贵公司担任任何职务。我受过大学教育,做过研究和开发工作。我们有时还出一些赚钱的主意。我愿从最低薪金干起,以证明我对贵公司所起的作用。 此致 敬礼 爱德华.凯斯 2010年12月6日,Discussion: Which form do you prefer?,保留原文的固定格式、组成部分和约定成俗的套语,不套用汉语的信函格式,特别是不套

15、用“此致、敬礼”之类的客套用语。 or 翻译过程中要进行书信格式的转换,使之符合目的语信函的行文格式和表达习惯。,亲爱的先生/女士: 我于2010年6月毕业于大学机械工程系,久慕贵校研究生院机械工程系之大名,现拟申请贵校2011年春季入学许可及奖学金,如蒙惠寄有关简章和申请表,则不胜感谢。 收到贵校的复信后,我会立即寄上所有证明材料。急盼早复。 您真诚的, 王丽,敬启者: 您好! 我现申请到贵公司担任任何职务。我受过大学教育,做过研究和开发工作。我们有时还出一些赚钱的主意。我愿从最低薪金干起,以证明我对贵公司所起的作用。 此致 敬礼 爱德华.凯斯,Experts Point of View,1.



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