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1、Unit 5What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,一、单项选择。(30分) 1What were you doing when I called you? I was taking _ shower,so Mary took _ message for me. A/;aBa;/Cthe;theDa;a D【解析】shower为可数名词,在句中意为“淋浴”;message为可数名词,意为“信息”,两个词前面都要用冠词。在本句中要用不定冠词a表示“一”的概念,因此答案选D。,2Tell me the _,Cathy. Sorry,Mom.I ma

2、de a mistake in fact. Atruth Bstory Creport Ddate A【解析】truth意为“真相”;story意为“故事”;report意为“报告”;date意为“数据”。根据回答“对不起,妈妈,我事实上犯了一个错误”可知,问句中应该用“真相”,因此答案选A。,3Why did Jim sit in _ when other students discussed the thing? Atrouble Barea Corder Dsilence D【解析】trouble意为“麻烦”;area意为“地区”;order意为“命令”;silence意为“沉默,寂静”

3、。根据句意“当其他学生讨论这件事时,为什么吉姆坐着”可知,句中应用“沉默”,答案选D。,4Are there several _ in front of the house? Sorry,I dont know. Apieces of wood Bpieces of woods Cpiece of wood Dpiece of woods A【解析】a piece of表示不可数名词的“一张/片/块”,当表示复数时,只需要将piece变为复数pieces,后面的不可数名词不变,several意为“几个”,后要加复数,因此本题选A。,5What was Tom doing _ his fathe

4、r was looking for him? Awhile Bsince Cafter Duntil A【解析】while意为“当时候”;since意为“自从”;after意为“之后”;until意为“直到才”。根据句意“汤姆在做什么他的父亲正在找他”,while符合句意。答案选A。,6Where shall we put the piano? You can put it there,with its back _ the wall. Aagainst Bon Cin Dbehind A【解析】against意为“靠着”;on意为“在上面”;in意为“在里面”;behind意为“在里面”。句

5、中要放的物体为piano“钢琴”,因此要选择“靠着墙”,答案选A。,7Does your brother often argue with _? No,he is always friendly to others. Asomeone Banyone Ceveryone Dnone B【解析】someone意为“有人”,通常用于肯定句中;anyone意为“谁,任何人”,通常用于否定句和疑问句中;everyone意为“每个人”;none意为“没有人”。本题选项部分为疑问句,因此首先排除A,再根据句意“你哥哥经常和争吵吗?不,他对别人都很友好”可知,anyone符合句意。答案选B。,8You se

6、em kind of _ today.Why are you so unhappy? Because I didnt pass the math exam. Aexcited Busual Cstrange Dcrazy C【解析】excited意为“兴奋的”;usual意为“通常的”;strange意为“奇怪的”;crazy意为“疯狂的”。根据句意“你今天看起来,你为什么这么不高兴?”可知,“奇怪的”符合句意,答案选C。,9Why are you all wet? It rained _ and I didnt take my umbrella. Acompletely Bsuddenly

7、Ccomfortably Ddifferently B【解析】completely意为“完全地”;suddenly意为“突然地”;comfortably意为“舒服地”;differently意为“不同地”。根据句意“你为什么全身都湿了?”及“天下雨,我没有带伞”可知,B项符合句意,答案选B。,10She _ her mother with the housework the whole afternoon last Sunday. Awere helping Bhelps Cwas helping Dis helping C【解析】根据时间状语the whole afternoon last

8、Sunday“上周日整个下午”可知是过去一段时间,要用过去进行时,过去进行时表示在过去这一段时间内正在发生的动作。she为第三人称单数,要接was,因此答案选C。,11_,I didnt know what happened,but later my friend told me everything. ASo far BAt first CAt last DFrom then on B【解析】so far 意为“到目前为止”;at first意为“起初”;at last意为“最后”;form then on意为“从那时开始”。根据句意“,我不知道发生了什么,但是后来我的朋友告诉了我一切”,a

9、t first符合句意。答案选B。,12Mr. Hand was so tired that he _ in a minute. Awent off Bpicked up Cdied down Dfell asleep D【解析】go off意为“消失;爆炸”;pick up意为“捡起;搭载”;die down意为“减弱”;fall asleep意为“睡着”。根据句意“Hand 先生如此的疲惫以至于他马上就”,fall asleep符合句意。答案选D。,13We went to a concert last night.It _ at seven oclock. Oh,I _ the dish

10、es at that time. Astarted;do Bstarts;was doing Cstarted;was doing Dwas started;was doing C【解析】根据时间状语last night可知,对话在讨论过去发生的事情,要用过去式,首先排除答案A和B。It在句中指代concert“音乐会”,和谓语动词start是主动关系,因此要用过去式的started,第二句中有时间状语at that time“在那时”,要用过去进行时来搭配,因此答案选C。,14Was your sister watching TV when the storm began? _.She wa

11、s playing with her friends. AYes,she did BNo,she didnt CYes,she was DNo,she wasnt D【解析】根据问句“暴风雨开始时你的姐姐正在看电视吗”及回答的后半部分“她正在和她的朋友一起玩”可知,回答前面部分要用否定,因此排除答案A和C,回答be动词was开头的一般疑问句,回答中也要用be动词,因此答案选D。,15Do you remember _ when you heard the sad news? Yes.I was reading a book at home. Awhat you were doing Bwhat

12、 were you doing Cwhat you are doing Dwhat are you doing A【解析】选项部分为remember后接的宾语从句,要用陈述语序,首先排除答案B和D,时间状语从句“当你听到这个悲伤的消息时”的时态为过去时态,因此宾语从句也要用过去式,因此答案选A。,二、完形填空。(20分) There were two little ducks,Quick and Quack.They were _16_ and lived with their mother.They always competed _17_ each other. One day,when

13、they were _18_ home after visiting their uncle,they saw a river.They decided to have a _19_The two ducks swam quickly in the river._20_ of them knew the way very well.Quack wanted to _21_ the race,so he planned to try a quicker way.He knew that the water in the middle of the river was faster and it

14、would help him._22_,their mother ever told them not to swim in the middle of the river because it was dangerous.After thinking about it for a few seconds,Quack finally _23_ to try it.,Soon,Quack was the faster one.Suddenly,the water got much faster and Quack started spinning (打转) around the water.He

15、 was not _24_ enough to get away from it. Luckily,a swan (天鹅) passed by and saved him.After that,Quack _25_ that his mothers words were right,though sometimes he didnt want to listen to her.,16A.neighbors Bpupils Cbrothers Dcousins 17A.from Bwith Cthrough Dbehind 18A.leaving Bpassing Cmissing Dgoing

16、 19A.race Bdate Cpassage Dstorm 20A.Neither BAll CEither DBoth 21A.beat Bwin Chelp Dcompare 22A.However BInstead CAlso DSo 23A.continued Brefused Cforgot Ddecided 24A.famous Bnervous Cstrong Dtypical 25A.realized Bchanged Cimproved Dimagined,三、阅读理解。(15分) One day,while my friend Jenny and I were traveling through Germany,we were very hungry but we di



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