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1、Teaching Design of Vocabulary lane; decent; ethics; ethical; stereo; beware; offending;,三. 教法分析,1坚持语篇教学原则,先对课文进行整体处理,鼓励学生采用发现探究的方式,去主动学习词汇,给学生创造自主学习的空间。之后再对新的词汇进行集中的学习和处理。对于那些不会影响到学生对文章的理解的生词,不必重点处理;对于某些可以根据上下文或其他线索理解或猜测其意义的生词,学生可以自己学。教师的任务是教给学生猜测词义的方法并设计相应的活动来检查学生的理解情况(特别注意一些旧词新意的情况),帮助学生通过提高词汇学习能力

2、来提高阅读技巧和应试能力。,eg. 10福建卷阅读C篇Para.2 Two thirds of customers say that environmental considerations inform their purchases to the same degree as they did a year ago, while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental effect on what they buy. 65The underlined word “inf

3、orm” in Paragraph 2 probably means“ ”. Aaffect Bchange Cdisturb Dreject,【解析】词义猜测题。由本段中“while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental effect on what they buy”可知,现在三分之二的顾客在购物时对环境的 考虑比一年前程度加深了。因此A项符合句子意思。,2引导学生及时地对单词进行整理和归纳。可以把刚学的生词和以前学过的单词按照读音规则、构词规律、习惯用法、语法特点,

4、以及同义词、反义词等各种方式联系起来。从不同的角度进行整理、归纳和总结相互联系的词汇系统,逐步培养学生自己的词汇归纳和梳理能力。,3让学生进行组块记忆词汇并造句,为语言运用如口头交际或书面表达打好基础。词块是真实交际中高频率出现的语言现象,形式相对稳定。一般来说,词块包括习语、词语搭配、短语等等。这些词块有完整的意义,可以直接运用于口笔头交际。,如本单元的一些重点词汇的派生词、同反义词及词块组合等:,1)inform (vt.)通知;告诉;熟悉;(对有影响) inform sb. of / about sth. 通知某人某事 inform oneself of / about sth. 使自己

5、了解 / 熟悉某事 informed (adj.)见闻广的;了解情况的 -be well-informed about sth 对精通 information (n.)消息;情报;见闻 informative (adj.)报告消息的;提供情报的,2)basis (n.)基础;根据 on the basis of以为基础;根据 base (n.)根基;基础;基座 basic (adj.)基础的;根本的 3)rely on / upon依赖/信赖 (depend on/upon) rely on/upon sb. / sth to do sth. / doing sth 依靠某人/ 某物做某事 r

6、eliable (adj.)可靠的;可信赖的;确实的,4)ban(n.)禁令 (vt.)禁止;取缔(cf.forbid) a ban on sth.对某事的禁令 ban sb. from (doing) sth.禁止某人做某事 5)turn into 把变成;把译成; 进入;把车开进 turn the frog into a handsome prince turn English into Chinese = translate English into Chinese turn into= come into / enter / drive a car into, 6)conscience

7、 (n.)良心;道德心 for conscience sake为求安心 in (all) conscience 正当地;凭良心 have a guilty conscience about 因而感到内疚 7)expense(n.)费用;代价 at any expense= at any cost 不惜任何代价;无论如何 at the expense of 牺牲; 以为代价 expensive(adj.),以下词选自19个建议补充掌握的常用书面表达高级词汇(考纲中原只要求理解的词汇和其他非考纲词汇),8)fashion (n.)样式;流行;时尚 come into fashion流行起来;时兴

8、be all (the) fashion极时髦 be in (the) fashion合于时尚 be / go out of (the) fashion不合于时尚 follow (the) fashion赶时髦 fashionable(adj.)流行式样的;赶时髦的; 上流社会的,9)promote(vt.)促进;提升;推销 promote sb. to be 把某人提升为 promote his new book推销/宣传他的新书 promote the trade between nations 促进各国间的贸易 promotion(n.),10)worthy (adj.) 有价值的;值得

9、的; 可敬的;应得的; 辨析:worthy可作定语或表语。 作定语时,意为“值得尊敬或赏识的 -a worthy person; 作表语时,意为“值得的 ”- be worthy of sb. / sth.值得的 be worthy of being done =be worthy to be done值得做,worth只用作表语,不用作定语,表示 “有价值” -be worth sth/doing worthwhile可作定语或表语,可用在 句型It is worthwhile to do/doing中。,11)casual (adj.) 偶然的;随意的;临时的 casually (adv.

10、)偶然地;随意地;临时地 casual clothes便装 casual occasions 非正式场合 casual meeting巧遇 casual workers临时工 12)refresh (vt.)使(精神)振作;使恢复;更新 refresh sbs memory使某人重新想起 refresh oneself恢复精力 refresher (n.)提神物;可帮助记忆的事物,13)have no use for不需要;厌恶; 对不耐烦 be of great / no use 很有/ 没有用 come into use 开始使用(无被动) make use of 利用 in use在使用

11、着 go / fall out of use不再被使用;被废弃 put to use使用;利用 use up 用完;耗尽,第二部分:语法,一. 教材和教法分析 1. 语法部分复习了宾语补足语的用法。在复习过程中,应该引导学生进一步认识宾补的位置及可以当宾补的成分。(可利用Ex. 2 on P46来进行引导-找出文章中所有的宾补) 可以用作宾语补足语的有名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式(包括去to不定式既动词原形)、-ing形式、和过去分词。,Dear Mr Foster, I am replying to your kind letter because our president i

12、s travelling abroad. Committee members recently appointed me their chairman and have asked me to tell you how much we all appreciate your donation.,Ex. 2 on P46,It is shocking that so little has been done in the past for these children without parents and we believe it is important to get something

13、done to help them as quickly as possible. Many of these children dont know what it is like to wear clean clothes or sleep in a warm bed.,I have seen many of them sleeping in the street and begging for food. We have found it very difficult to raise the money we need to help them as many people are no

14、t concerned with their welfare.,We consider your offer of help to be a lifesaver for many of these poor children and cannot thank you enough. Yours sincerely, Ms M Lynn Chairman Orphan Rescue Society,2. 宾补的用法很大程度上取决于动词的用法,能带宾语补足语结构的动词一定是及物动词,所以熟悉带宾补的动词对掌握这一语法项目至关重要。要引导学生进行这类动词的总结。,为了使学生能对宾补有更清晰的认识,能

15、更好地掌握其用法,我们可以进行如下分类:,第一类: 感觉动词(一感一闻二听五看) feel /smell/ hear, listen to/ notice, observe, see, watch, look at 所接的宾补可以是动词原形(表主动和完成), 也可以是现在分词-ing形式(表主动和进行)或 过去分词(表被动)。 但这些动词变为被动语态时,其充当宾补的不定式要带to 。,eg. 1.I saw him _(cross) the road. (过了马路) -He was seen _(cross) the road. 2. I saw him _(cross) the road. (在过马路) 3. I”ve never heard the song _(sing),第二类: 含使动意义的动词 let, have, get, make, would like, want等 所接的宾补多为动词原形或过去分词。 (have,get也可接现在分词),If Mr Smith is in the hall, will he please make himself _(know) to me? 2. It makes people _ (know) the importance of prote


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