2015-2016学年高中英语 Unit2 King Lear Language points课件 新人教版选修

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1、Unit 2 KING LEAR,Language points,The burden of government sits heavily on my shoulders. 治理国家的重担落在我的双肩上。,burden n. 负担, 担子 v. 使负重, 装载, 烦扰,e.g. Dont burden yourself with unnecessary problems. 勿为不必要的问题所累。,2. I have decided to retire and hand over the heavy load of responsibility to you three. 我已决定退休,把责任

2、重担传到你们 三人的手中。,hand over 交出, 移交(权利、责任),e.g. Having lied that I still had the money, I was in rather a corner when they asked me to hand it over. 因我谎称钱仍在我处, 所以他们要我 交出时, 我很尴尬。,The case was handed over to Charles Elwell for investigation. 这个案件转给了查尔斯埃尔韦尔去调 查。,responsibility n. 责任,e.g. Its my responsibili

3、ty to lock the doors. Ill bear full responsibility for the consequences. 我将对后果承担全部责任。,3. See, here is a map of my kingdom with all the boundaries drawn on it. 瞧,这是我的王国地图,边界都标 在上面。,boundary n. 分界线, 边界,e.g. They marked the boundaries of the football fields. 他们画出了足球场地的边界。,4. I have divided the kingdom

4、into three parts, and allocated one part to each of you. 我已把国家一分为三,给你们每个人 划分一份。,allocate v. 分派, 分配,e.g. Id like to suggest that the money be equally allocated between these two areas. 我倒想建议把这笔款平均用在这两 方面。,That space has already been allocated for building a new hospital. 那块空地已经拨出用来建造一座新医院。,5. I love

5、you more than all the riches in the world, more than my freedom, more even than my own eyesight. In fact, I love you more than life itself. 我爱您胜于爱世上所有的财富,胜于 爱我的自由,甚至还胜于爱我的眼睛。 事实上,我爱您胜于爱自己的生命。,这个句子是省略句,完整的表达应该是“I love you more than I love all the riches in the world, more than I love my freedom, more

6、 even than I love my own eyesight. In fact, I love you more than I love life itself.”,这个句子采用排比的修辞手法,一连用了四个 more than,从不同层次和不同角度陈述同一内容,以加强 I love you 的语气。,1. Riches have wings. 谚钱财易散。 2. Content is better than riches. 谚知足胜于财富。,rich 是形容词,它的名词形式为richness。而 riches 是名词,意思是“财富;财宝;金钱”等,它只有复数形式。,6. I adore

7、you more than anything else in the whole world. 我深爱你胜于深爱世界上的七切。,adore v. 崇拜, 爱慕, 喜爱 (= love intensely ),e.g. The boys adore their mothers. 男孩们敬慕他们的母亲。 He adores his wife and children. 他深爱妻儿。,7. I pray you, speak. 我求求你说几句。,pray v. 祈祷, 祈求, 请求, 恳求,e.g. They went to the mosque to pray. 他们去清真寺做祷告。 They p

8、rayed that their enemies might be defeated. 他们祈求上苍让敌人失败。,8. Try harder, Cordelia, or you may lose your share of the kingdom. 好好想一想,科迪莉亚。否则的话, 你将丧失你应得的那一份土地。,分析 “祈使句 + or .”是一个常用句型,意思是“,否则”;另一个与其相对的句型是“祈使句 + and .”,意思是“,就会”。这两个句型均可以与由if引导条件句的句子互换。,e.g. Take care of what you say, or you may regret it.

9、,= If you dont take care of what you say, you may regret it.,= If you do that again, Ill call the police.,Do that again and Ill call the police.,小试 用 or 或 and 填空。 1. Hurry up, _ youll be late for school. 2. Work hard, _ youll succeed.,or,and,9. My dear father, you brought me into this world, you car

10、ed for me and loved me. 亲爱的父亲,你把我带到了这个世 上,关心我、疼爱我。,e.g. He likes pop; he doesnt care for classical music. 他喜欢流行歌曲,不喜欢古典音乐。,care for 喜欢;照顾;计较。,Who will care for the house while the family is away? 全家人都不在时, 由谁看管这间房子呢? He doesnt care for what he eats. 他对吃的东西并不计较。,【比较】 care for, look after, take care of

11、 照看小孩、老人、病人或物品可用look after或 take care of,在较正式用语中,照看或照顾某人也可用care for,但care for更常用于表示“喜欢”。,e.g. You can borrow my camera if you promise to take care of / look after it. 只要你答应把我的照相机保管好就 可以借去用。 I dont really care for spicy food. 我其实不喜欢吃辛辣食物。,1. She moved back home to care for her elderly parents.,他不喜欢吃鱼

12、,但他喜欢吃鸡肉。,2. He doesnt care for fish, but he is fond of chicken.,她搬回家住,好照顾年迈的父母。,【小试】 将下列句子翻译成汉语。,10. Gonefil, Regan, I shall distribute my kingdom between the two of you. 贡纳莉、里根,我把我的王国分给 你们两人。,distribute v. 分配, 散布,e.g. Mother distributed candy among children. 母亲给孩子们发糖果。,11. Do not contradict me. It

13、 is done. 别来顶撞我。一切就这么定了。,contradict v. 反驳, 顶触, 矛盾,e.g. The two statements contradict each other. 两种说法相互抵触。,The report contradicts what we heard yesterday. 这个报道与我们昨天听到的有矛盾。 That is true, and dont you dare contradict (me). 这是事实, 你还敢(跟我)强嘴。,12. But sir, please hear me out. I speak on behalf of Cordelia

14、. 但是,先生,请听我说完。让我代 表科迪莉亚说几句话。,hear sb. out 听某人说完。,e.g. Dont interrupt, just hear me out. 别插嘴,听我说完。,e.g. I am writing this letter on behalf of my mother, who wants to thank you for your nice gift. 我代表我妈妈写这封信,她要感谢你 送的美好礼物。 They are collecting on behalf of charity. 他们以慈善的名义集资。,on behalf of 代表;为了的利益,13.

15、Cordelias devotion to Your Majesty is beyond question. 科迪莉亚对陛下您的 热爱是毋庸 置疑的。,beyond question = without question = cannot be doubted 不用怀疑的,毋庸置疑的,e.g. His honesty is beyond question. 他的诚实是不容置疑的。,比较: out of the question 不可能 (根本谈不上),14. I have to speak out, my Lord. 我必须要讲清楚,我的陛下。,speak out 大声讲 (毫无顾虑地说出),

16、e.g. The teacher asked her to speak out. 教师要她说得响一些。,The newspapers are afraid to speak out against the government. 报界不敢大胆地讲出反对政府的话。 Just speak out. 你尽管直说。,15. You do wrong to cause friction between yourself and your daughter. 你错误地让您和您的女儿之间产生 摩擦。,friction n. 摩擦, 摩擦,e.g. Friction against the rock, combined with the weight of the climber, caused his r


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