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1、AIP Management 进程中行动管理,今日学习目标 了解进程中行动的影响 认识到进程中行动可以进行管理 提供一套流程对进程中的行动进行管理,并将其转化为成果 学习如何分析现有的进程中行动(基础状况)和期望的进程中行动(目标状况),并制定行动计划,将进程中行动从基础状况发展到目标状况 用实际操作来证明进程中行动管理的作用,Todays Objectives Understand the impact of Actions-In-Process (AIPs) Realize that they are manageable Provide a process that will manag

2、e AIPs and convert them into Deliverables Learn how to analyze your current AIP workload (baseline)your desired AIP workload (entitlement) and develop an action plan to move from baseline to entitlement Use a practical exercise to illustrate the power of AIP management,AIP Management进程中行动管理,进程中行动是在流

3、程中部分完成的工作,它有 明确的最终成果(完成后应该是什么样子?) 明确的完成时间(什么时候完成) 有负责人和明确所需的资源(谁) 流程的速度由确定: 任务要求:最终成果的复杂性 流程设计:步骤和次序,所需资源 工作量:积压工作和进行中的工作 总的流程速度取决于速度最慢的流程(瓶颈问题) 瓶颈问题经常会转移,An AIP is a partially completed task, existing in a process, that has: A defined deliverable - (What does it look like when completed?) A defined

4、 due date - (When) An owner and an identified resource requirement - (Who) The speed of any process is determined by: Requirements of the tasks (complexity of deliverables) Design of the process (number and sequence of steps, resources) Amount of work to be performed (Backlog and work in process) Th

5、e total process line speed is only as fast as the slowest process (bottleneck) Bottlenecks often move around,AIP Basic Concepts AIP基本概念,What is AIP Management?什么是进程中行动管理?,AIP Management is about the control of work flow in the non-manufacturing environment Any process, even one operating at entitlem

6、ent, can be overburdened if the amount of work entering the process is not controlled Overburdened processes become “non-repetitive” processes, which leads to chaos,进程中行动管理是在非生产 环境下工作的管理 任何流程,即使只需一步就可达到目标状况,假如工作数量进入流量不被控制可能会负载。 负载流程由于没有重复的改进从而导致混乱。,What are Actions-in-Process (AIPs)?什么是进程中行动?,For ex

7、ample, AIPs could refer to: The new program being created for sales incentives. The orders-in-process in an order entry process. The new products being developed for the marketplace.,例如,进程中行动可能指的是: 为刺激销售而创建新的活动 在订单输入流程中正在处理中的定单 市场的原因从而开发新的产品,进程中行动管理的益处: 将实际行动和战略挂钩 关键行动能够更快完成 提高整个组织内部的沟通 能帮你节省15-25%时

8、间 增加产量(全部的数量,最高的价格及生产效率) 总流程速度只相当于最慢的流程(瓶颈)的速度,是可变因素,AIP Management Benefits: Link actions to strategy Complete critical actions sooner Improve communication throughout organization Allow you to re-channel 15% to 25% of your time Increase Output (Overall quantity, Highest value, Productivity) The to

9、tal process line speed is only as fast as the slowest process (bottleneck) which may be a variable factor,AIP Basic Concepts 进程中行动的基本概念,大齿轮尽力带动小齿轮 大齿轮范例 老板 大项目 大客户,AIP ORIGINS 进程中行动来源,BIG GEARS DRIVE LITTLE GEARS HARD Examples of Big Gears: The Boss Big Projects Big Customers,AIPs Propagate Geometri

10、cally 进程中行动(AIP)层次分布图,AIP R/G,AIP R/G,AIP R/G,R/G,R/G,R/G,R/G,R/G,R,R,R,R,R,R,Completion 完成,AIP G,CEO AIP G,R = Receiver 接收者 G = Generator 提出者,AIPs Propagate Geometrically 进程中行动层次分布图,你是否感觉自己就在底端?,Do You Feel Like you are in the Bottom Box?,YES,“AIP Overload” causes paralysis in any process resulting

11、 in missed schedules, long cycle times, and low First Pass Yields.“进程中行动超负荷”引起流程的瘫痪,导致无法按期完成工作,周期时间长,第一次通过率低,是,Do you need AIP Control?进程中行动需要控制吗?,Why Control AIPs为什么需要进程中行动控制?,AIPs need to be aligned strategically for a company to focus on its business and customer objectives AIPs need to be aligne

12、d tactically in order for a company to focus its resources to meet its business strategies AIPs need to be controlled functionally in order to meet cost/profit/cash requirements to improve financial performance If AIPs are not controlled, the cycle time of all processes will tend to increase If cycl

13、e times increase, more resources are needed to complete actions in a timely manner Therefore, lack of AIP control ends up costing a business more money,公司需要将进程中的行动进行战 略性的统一, 将目标集中于公司业务和客户 公司需要将进程中的行动进行战术上的统一, 将资源集中在满足商务战略上 各部门需要进行进程中行动管理, 以满足成本/利润/现金的要求, 提高财务表现 如果不进行进程中行动控制, 所有流程的周期时间会趋于增加 如果周期时间延长,

14、 按时完成行动需要增加资源 因此, 缺乏进程中行动的管理, 会导致公司花费更多的钱,CT =,Where:AIP =Actions-In-(the) Process, i.e., the number of active AIPs PS =Processing Speed, i.e., the average number of AIPs completed during a given time interval AIP=正在处理的行动, 即: 进行中行动的数量 PS= 工作处理速度,即:在给定的时间段内完成的AIP平均数量,PS,1,(AIPs),a,And:,A Simple Formu

15、la with a Powerful Message 一个简单的公式带出强有力的信息,Completions Time Period,AIPs,进程中行动,周期时间=,已完成任务 所用时间,用过滤器来优化管理 我能做吗 能否增值 是否符合战略目标 能否帮助客户 如果不做 后果如何 集中精力 事情太多,时间太少,Manage priorities by using filters Can I do It? Does it add value? Does it meet our strategic goals ? Does it help my customer? If I dont do it

16、- what are the consequences? Stay focused! So many things to do - so little time!,Manage Activities (AIP Management) 工作管理(进程中行动管理),How Many Symptoms of Excessive AIPs Do You Have? 在过多的进程中行动中你有多少的症状,返工 解决问题耗时太长 太多紧急、应急事务 解决问题的能力变弱 错过交付日期 不可预测的流程;第一次通过率下降 降低 周期时间延长 不信任/迁咎于他人 检查/以防万一 频繁改变优先次序,Rework. Problem resolution takes too long. Lots of fire fighting and expediting. Problem solving capability becomes poor. Missed delivery dates. Unpredictable processes. First



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