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1、,专英与结构课程汇报报告,Falling-water House, 设计师:弗兰克劳埃德赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright) 设计时间:1934-1935 建造时间:1936-1937,Reading direction,介绍篇,The first part,1.1 Introduction,弗兰克劳埃德赖特(FrankLloydWright)美国的一位最重要的建筑师,在世界上享有盛誉。他设计的许多建筑受到普通的赞扬,是现代建筑中有价值的瑰宝。赖特的建筑作品充满着天然气息和艺术魅力,其秘诀就在于他对材料的独特见解。泛神论的自然观决定了他对材料天然特性的尊重,他不但注意观察自然界浩瀚生物

2、世界的各种奇异生态,而且对材料的内在性能,包括形态,文理,色泽,力学和化学性能等等仔细研究,“每一种材料有自己的语言,每一种材料有自己的事,对于创造性的艺术家来说,每一种材料有它自己的息,有它自己的歌。 ”有机建筑”是现代建筑运动中的一个派别,赖特就是这个流派的代表人物。这个流派认为每一种生物所具有的特殊外貌,是它能够生存于世的内在因素决定的。同样地每个建筑的形式、它的构成,以及与之有关的各种问题的解决,都要依据各自的内在因素来思考,力求合情合理。赖特主张设计每一个建筑,都应该根据各自特有的客观条件,形成一个理念,把这个理念由内到外,贯穿于建筑的每一个局部,使每一个局部都互相关联,成为整体不可

3、分割的组成部分。建筑之所以为建筑,其实质在于它的内部空间。着眼于内部空间效果来进行设计,“有生于无”,屋顶、墙和门窗等实体都处于从属的地位,应服从所设想的空间效果。这就打破了过去着眼于屋顶、墙和门窗等实体进行设计的观念,为建筑学开辟了新的境界。,1.2 Introduction,The building, constructed in three levels, is built on a rock on a natural waterfall. Its composition is horizontal, although somewhat complex. The vertical axi

4、s is defined by the chimney that stands out above the deck. The building grows from within outwards and is spreading according to the needs of its residents. Therefore, it can be amended, as in the organic architecture building is conceived as a living thing and that can change.,建筑分为三层,建于一处天然瀑布的基岩之上

5、 它是水平组成的,尽管有些地方显得复杂,但大体的纵轴是由竖立在岩床上的壁炉烟囱所决定的。出于户主的需要,建筑空间向外延展,因此,这栋建筑就如同一座有机的建筑,正如同所设想的一样,是活的,能有所变化的,1.3 Introduction,Each floor is marked by wide overhangs that are projected asymmetrically in several directions. In fact terraces are bounded by smooth slabs of concrete. To adopt this solution, Wrigh

6、t was inspired by Japanese architecture. The exterior of the house has an intimate relationship with nature that surrounds it. The architect tried to use natural materials-wood, brick, rock, which achieved a greater integration between the building and the forest that surrounds it.,每一层平面都显示为挑出的结构,其投

7、影能呈不对称地分布在各个方位。事实上梯田形状的立面是由光滑的混凝土板所搭建的;为了采用这种设计,赖特受到了日本传统建筑的启发-建筑外部与周围环境有着很紧密的联系;所以建筑师尽量使用自然的材料-木材,砖材,石材,从而实现了建筑与环境的整合,1.4 Introduction,What really worries the architect is the habitability of the interior. The interior space should be comprehensive and free, and therefore tries to avoid at all poss

8、ible limits. The large living area has a wall of glass that lets you enjoy the view of the waterfall, in addition to receiving its relaxing rumor.,真正困扰着建筑师的是建筑的室内的可居住性-室内空间应该是综合性的与无拘束的,于是为了避免所有不利的因素,这间大型的起居室装有一面玻璃幕墙,可供你观赏瀑布的景致,让你获得闲情逸致,1.5 Introduction,The use of large windows eliminated the separat

9、ion between the rooms and outside. They have, among other functions, to reflect natural light and project it in an indirect way into the interior. The upper terrace provides a more intimate to the house. With this work Wright gets the maximum freedom of expression while maintaining harmony with the

10、environment. With the integration of water, trees, rocks, sky and nature throughout the shelter closes a certain romantic view of the house, but opens a new dimension to the space-time refuge of men.,大型窗户的运用消除了室内与室外的间隔,它们的功能是直接或间接地接收自然的光线以照亮室内。而房屋的梯田型阳台则提供更多的亲切感,正如赖特所做那样,它获得了与环境的最大的协调,随着水流,植物,岩石,天空和

11、整个自然,这座建筑显示出了最为浪漫的景致,正如人类建筑所能达到的最高维度。,概念篇,The second part,2.1Concept,The land on which the house is located has plenty of rocks at ground level, which served as the foundation of the building. The area has a slightly bumpy relief, a forest of deciduous trees that remains virtually untouched since on

12、ly a footpath leading to the house, and Bear Creek, which is the cascade of the house. Terrain of the site were removed rocks that make up the bottom of masonry facades of the building, placed there to create a natural progression from rock to the concrete floor of the parties to highlands. The rest

13、 of the facades is cream colored, contrasting with the color green or brown (depending on the season). Another contrasting element of the house are orthogonal forms that have overhangs and walls, imposing well as the house architecture.(这座建筑所在的地块上存在着许多的岩石, 它们成为了这座建筑的基础,建筑所在区域地形略为崎岖,一座原始落叶林还仍未被开发,直到建

14、设了一条通往别墅的步行小径。而流经别墅的熊溪,岸边的岩层被移除,做成了房屋立面底部的砌体,同时岩石与混凝土共同建造的高地形成了一个自然的风格,剩余的立面则做成了奶油的颜色,对比着绿色与棕色(随季节而定)。其余的对比要素是悬垂正交的墙面,使得这栋建筑让人印象深刻),2.1Concept,The building bears a relationship with the environment that becomes of respect or adaptation to the environment. Thus, the foundation of the house are the ro

15、cks of the place, and some of them forged over the width of the first floor looming next to the fireplace. Much of the house is in overhang at the top of the creek. The engineers at Wright did not trust that this structure would stand and advised Wright to rectify(这栋建筑维持着适应环境的关系,正因如此,这栋建筑的地基是原处的岩石,同

16、时这些岩石还伪装成建筑第一层的四边,在壁炉边若隐若现。房屋的大部分都悬在溪流的上空,赖特的工程师不相信建筑结构是坚固的,建议他修改方案).,2.2Concept,The pride of this architect allowed him to give up being only a few metal pieces that hold the cantilever, which is still standing after suffering the effects of a tornado.(建筑师的骄傲使得他仅使用一些金属支架支撑来悬臂,即便如此,这些支架在经历龙卷风后仍然坚挺),2.3Concept,The house has two floors, extending horizontally with prominent overhangs and terraces, however there is a core that grows vertically, which is the



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