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1、电气工程师在三维结构空间里进行布线,以生成合理的线缆走线路径,并生成清晰、准确的施工图表。,目 标,1,过程概述,逻辑布线设计,2D 图表,连线表 元件表,物理特性,3D 布线模型,物理布线设计,配线板布置图 BOM 布线报告,施工制造,2,逻辑布线设计,3,逻辑连线表文件,1A,CA08917373,P,CA12059929,B,19,红色,0.00,TWP,蓄电池输出 1B,CA08917373,P,CAS200,X,13,红色,0.00,TWP, 蓄电池输出 1C,CA08917373,P,CA12129068,BAT,8 ,RED,0.00,TWP, 蓄电池输出 50,CA089173

2、74,N,CAS100,X,13,黑色,0.00,TWP,接地 225,CA12064769,A,CA12129068,L,16 ,红色,0.00,TWP,交流输出 244,CL10098544,E,CR10098547,C,16,浅蓝色,0.00,TWT,动力锁锁住 245,CL10098544,B,CR10098547,D,16,深蓝色,0.00,TWT,动力锁开启,1A, CA08917373, P, CA12059929, B, 19, 红色, TWP, 蓄电池输出,线缆名称,从元件,引脚,到元件,引脚,线缆绝缘体类型,线缆规格,4,物理布线设计 结构空间,5,UG/Harness 元

3、件和引脚分配,A,C,B,6,UG/Harness 接线端生成,A,C,B,自动生成!,7,A,C,B,线 束,UG/Harness 自动布线,8,UG/Harness 3D布线图,9,电气布线设计的一般步骤,Step 1 审核部件Qualify Components. 为接插件等指定端口和识别号 Step 2 创建连接列表和组件列表文件. Step 3 在产品结构下建立一个专为电气布线设计使用的子装配文件. Step 4 将连接列表和组件列表文件的逻辑信息导入到UG系统中 Step 5 放置电器元件. 典型的设备可以使用装配功能, 接插件可使用电气布线模块中独有的放置组件功能.,10,电气布

4、线设计的一般步骤(续),Step 6 指定线束走向路径. Step 7 加入护套 . Step 8 创建线束布线板 . Step 9 加注释.,11,电气布线数据在装配中的组织,12,Lesson 1 连线表、元件表,目的: 将逻辑设计产生的数据转变为物理设计,逻辑布线设计,2D 图表,连线表 元件表,物理特性,物理布线设计,13,线束逻辑设计信息,零件列表,连线列表,14,Edit Connection List File & import replace,xxx_connection.hrn,15,Exercise:,Activity:导入连接列表和组件列表 Workbook Sectio

5、n 1 Review Circuit Design,16,Lesson 2 审核部件,目的:为元件加上线束中特定的智能特性 这些智能属性规定了这些部件是如何放置到线束装配中的,如何与线束装配中的其他元件关联起来的,以及它们在线束设计是如何运作的。,17,审核部件,端口(Port) 是用来定义物理连接的位置点。 多端口(Mutliports)用来在单一的一个连接对象上创建多个逻辑连接。 接线片端口(Terminal ports)定义了在多端口中所指定的接线片的物理连接点 虚拟接线片端口(Virtual Ports)在建立了多端口后,没有指定物理连接点的接线片称为虚拟接线片端口。它代表了连接到多个

6、接线片的逻辑信息,但并不创建出每一接线片的连线,18,审核部件的步骤一:指定端口位置,0.5 in,3 in,wir_6pinrnd_1.prt,wir_meter_1.prt,19,延伸长度和剥线长度的定义:,20,审核部件的步骤二:放置接线片端口,21,接线片端口和虚拟端口,virtual ports,Terminal Port,22,审核部件-使用阵列方式来创建接线片端口,wir_rotary_sw_conn.prt,Terminal ports defined by instance arrays are useful when qualifying connectors with m

7、any pins.,23,不同的创建方法,假设某个接插件有三个接线片,创建的方式有: 可以为每一个接线片都创建一个端口(port). 创建一个多端口,三个虚拟端口. 创建一个多端口和三个接线端口. 创建一个多端口,其中有虚拟端口和接线端口.,24,CASE 1:创建三个端口,在这中情况下,每一个接线片都有自己的特性,需要在线束装配中分别为每一个接线片都指定相应的连线路径,在分配连线后,每个路径都创建自己独立的实体,25,Qualifying a clamp,wir_nylon_clamp.prt,26,Lesson 3 放置元件,目的: 确定在线束装配中放置元件的方法,27,放置元件,放置在线

8、束子装配中的零件一般是设备或接插件 设备是指那些与电缆直接相连的项目,如马达,电压表等, 接插件是指连接设备与电缆的中间环节。,28,使用装配方法定位组件,Creating a fitting port to interface with the connetcor Creating “port” reference set,wir_place_part_assm_1.prt,wir_meter_1.prt,29,放置接插件,Before placing part ,qualify part wir_4pin_conn_eng.prt,30,放置接插件,Placing wir_rotary_s

9、w_conn.prt,确保设备移动时,连在上面的接插件跟着移动,31,Exercise:,Activity 2-1: Qualify a part for UG/Wiring Activity 2-2: Qualify a Wiring Clamp Activity 3-1: Placing parts Workbook Section 2 Qualifying & Placing Parts,32,Lesson 4 定义线束路径的走向,目的: 定义线束路径的走向,33,创建路径走向,Create Smart RCPs - Checking this toggle causes RCPs cr

10、eated by Create Path to be associative if you select objects in the work part during path creation. Use Interpart Extracts - This toggle is only available if Create Smart RCPs is checked. Checking Use Interpart Extracts allows RCPs to create, associative to objects outside of the current work part.,

11、The most important setting for Wiring is the Generate Splines toggle. This applies to both the Simple and Heal methods of path creation. Path segments are created as spline rather than lines and arcs when this toggle is ON.,34,Create Path-Simple,In Wiring, the Simple method of path creation is used

12、for creating paths that have definition points (or objects) other than at the start and end (if just start and end points define the path, the Heal method should be used).,cxj_heal_assm_1.prt,35,Subdivide segment,36,Simple & Subdivide,simple,37,Delete Path,Standard Method The Standard Method allows

13、selection of RCPs, segments, stock or components from the graphics screen. Path Method The Path method requires selection of a start object and an end object. Branch Method The selected object determines the branch in the routing and all the objects that form the branch are highlighted as being sele

14、cted Routing Method All routing objects that are a member of the routing to which the selected object is a member are selected and highlighted.,38,Create Path-Heal,Heal Path provides a set of path creation methods that allow you to create segments between existing objects. Start Length & End Length

15、specify the distance a segment remains linear before it is allowed to bend. When port selected as start or end object,The length values are defined for the ports when the component part is qualified be the default start or end length, can be overridden,39,heal,40,41,Create Path - Shape,42,Create Pat

16、h - shape,43,Lesson 4 Exercise:,Activity 4-1 : Creating the Path Segment Workbook Section 3 Routing Segments,44,Lesson 5. Assigning Components & Connectors and Wire Routing,Purpose: process the information in the list file to automatically assign and route wires,45,Assign Components,Auto Assign,Provides the means for automatically assigning the u



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