Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医 中药 翻译技巧ppt课件

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《Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医 中药 翻译技巧ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医 中药 翻译技巧ppt课件(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.,Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医翻译,.,广义中医:民族医学 宗教医学 (汉医 藏医 蒙医 苗医 佛医) 狭义医学:汉医 黄帝内经:阴阳平衡 真人 至人 圣人 贤人 精气学说 阴阳学说 五行学说 藏象学说 气血津液,.,.,.,易傳記錄易有太極,是生兩儀。兩儀生四象,四象生八卦。 八卦源於中國古代對基本的宇宙生成、相應日月的地球自轉(陰陽)關係、農業社會和人生哲学互相結合的觀念。 乾坤巽震 坎离艮兑 (天地风雷 水火山泽),.,The theories of Yingyan and Bagua demonstrate how Ch

2、inese think of and reflect on the universe, human and their relationship- in all its simplicity , complexity and dynamics. It is a civilization that looks, not only outwardly, but inwardly. 阴阳学说和八卦的概念,反映了中国人对宇宙,人类本身以及两者之间关系的思考和反省,至简至繁,奥妙无穷。中华文化,不仅洞察世间,也反观自心。 They are dominated by a pursuit of harmon

3、y. With harmony, comes peace. With peace, comes balance. Harmony and balance, is one, not two. 两者的要义是追求和谐,而得平和,而得平衡。和谐与平衡,是一非二。,.,中医的理论体系实际上是在中国古典哲学的基础上发展起来的。 如“元气”、“天人相应”和“心主神”等。 中医语言同中医理论一样,既古老又复杂。再加上历史上不同学派之间的相互渗透与影响, 给理解和翻译带来了很大困难。中医语言突出的特征是明确的特定词汇往往表示不确定的、多变的概念, 有着明显的抽象性。,.,中医翻译原则,五行: five phas

4、es five elements Wuxing 三焦: three warmers triple heaters Sanjiao,.,.,1. 薄文重医,“上古圣人之教下也皆谓之虚邪贼风” pathogen / pathogenic factors (wind) thief wind,.,2. 与西医求同存异,心肝脾肺肾 heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney Xin, Gan, Pi, Fei, Shen 痰 Sputum Phlegm 疳积 (小儿营养不良)infantile malnutrition 癫狂 (精神病)psychosis 卤填 (脑积水)hyd

5、rocephalus,.,This formula helps to resolve Phlegm by drying Internal Dampness and regulates the function of the Spleen and Stomach. 本方具有祛除内湿,调理脾胃以化痰饮的功效。,.,3. 保持国情特色,Powder for Lost Smiles 美国中医学院学报 读者产生误解,以为“失笑散”是治疗表情肌麻痹或心情郁闷不畅的药物。 事实上,医方发挥解释是:“本方具有行血止痛祛瘀、推陈出新之 用,前人用此方,每于不觉中病悉除,不禁欣然失声而笑,故名失 散。“失笑” 实

6、为“得笑”。 应该用音译为: Shixiao Powder, a powder for dissipating blood stasis to promote blood circulation. Yin, Yang, Qi, 中医音译阴、阳、气等概念,就是因为这些概念是“含多义故”。 气:先天之气,后天之气,元气,真气,营气,卫气等;,.,中医译法:,1. 深化译法 能使良医得蚤从事 Flea, louse Early, in time,.,2. 浅化译法,脊髓上通于脑,髓聚成脑 Sea of marrow brain,.,3. 轻化译法,天地合气, 命之曰人。 Human beings h

7、ave emerged from the nature.,.,4. 淡化译法,本品选用具有温肾壮阳,调理充任,温中散寒,活血止痛,强筋壮骨等作用的多种名贵中药材,作用于命门,神谕,神阙,天枢等穴位,经临床观察和科学实验证明,具有防病治病,健体强身,延年益寿等作用。 This product is developed on the basis of TCM theory about kidney.,.,黃帝內經,國外譯法: Yellow Emperors Internal Medicine 國內譯法: Emperors Canon of Medicine Huangdis Canon of Me

8、dicine Huangdis Classic on Medicine,.,Traditional Chinese Medicine is not just a medical system with one purpose of curing physical diseases. It believes that the bliss of being must come from a harmony within and without. 中医学并不是一个以治愈身体病痛为唯一目标的医疗体系,它认为人生的至福来自和谐,此和谐成于中,形于外。 It is a wisdom of life and the universe. 它就是关于人生和宇宙的智慧。 For no wisdom is wisdom unless it deals with the fundamental questions of how to live and how to enjoy living. 若智慧无关乎如何存在以及如何享受存在,便非智慧。,.,Practice:,Passage 1: Blood,


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