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1、ab:否定,去掉1. abandonbndn v. 【音记】一个(a)笨蛋(ban-don)太笨了,连1+1=2都学不会,于是被老师abandon了。 【例】We had no option but to abandon the meeting. 2.able eb()l a. 【记】-able本身做形容词后缀,表示可.的,能.的【变】abilityblt n. disabilitydsblt n. unable nebla. disableddseblda. enablenebl v.【搭】be able to do sth.【例】Dont make fun of the disabled!

2、 Smoking can enable us to keep a cool head during the crisis. I am able to not only smoke and drink,but also play mah-jong with Chinese damas. 3.abnormal bnm()l a. 【拆记】ab-:不,normal:正常的,那abnormal就是?【例】I concluded that Handian was somewhat abnormal.【注】somewhat:a little4.aboardbd prep. &adv.【拆记】a:一,boa

3、rd:板,想想小学学的blackboard,你在一块板上了,就aboard了。【例】They said goodbye to him as he got aboard the train. 5.abroadbrd adv.【拆记】ab-:不,road:路,Abroad,感觉路不太一样。【例】Working abroad should be an exciting and positive experience.6.abolishbl v.【例】Lincoln abolished slavery.7.absent bsnt a.【拆记】ab-:不,sent:send(送),我今天没去公司送快递,

4、就是absent了。【变】absencebsns n. 【注】很多以ant/ent结尾的形容词变名词,都是把t变为ce,简称踢(t)死(ce)组合。【例】He has been absent from his desk for two weeks. He took my place during my absence.8.absolute bslut a. 【变】absolutely bslutli adv.【例】I absolutely refuse to get married.9.absorb bsb v. 【拆记】ab:去掉,sorb: 吸收, 你会absorb菜或者水果里的营养。【搭

5、】be absorbed in【例】Plants absorb carbon dioxide.He was absorbed in knowledge so much, just like dry sand absorbed water.10.absurd bsd a.【音记】你对小姐姐表白时说,厄(我的意思,山东话)不色的,小姐姐会觉得你这样讲很absurd。【例】It is so absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.11.abuse bjuz v.【拆记】ab-:不,use:用,不(ab-)好好用(use)就是abus

6、e。【例】The abuse of your powers does harm to all other officers who do their job properly.单词释义:1. abandonbndn v. 抛弃,遗弃,放弃2. able eb()l a. 能够【变】abilityblt n. 能力 disabilitydsblt n. 残疾 unable nebla. 不能够 disableddseblda. 残疾的 enablenebl v. 使能够【搭】be able to do sth. 能够做.3.abnormal bnm()l a. 不正常的;反常的4.aboardb

7、d prep. 在.上(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)adv. 在(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)上5.abroadbrd adv. 在国外6.abolishbl v. 废除7.absent bsnt a. 缺席【变】absencebsns n. 缺席8. absolute bslut a. 绝对的9.absorb bsb v. 吸收【搭】be absorbed in 专心致志于10.absurd bsd a. 荒谬的11.abuse bjuz v. 滥用ad:加强;去;往前往上的倾向1.adjustdst v.【拆记】ad-:去,just:正好地,车座椅不合适,需要去(ad)adjust到正好(

8、just)【变】adjustmentdstmnt n. 【注】-ment:名词后缀。【例】He has been forced to adjust his schedule.The dynamic of the market demands change and adjustment.2. admiredma(r) v. 【音记】看到悦悦手用iPhone,肩挎爱马仕,身穿加拿大鹅,我大喊一声“额的妈啊”,好admire啊,在了解他获得这些是在澳洲搬砖搬了俩月赚的钱之后,顿时对它特别admire,然后就特别admire他。【变】admirable a.【例】I admire him for hi

9、s courage.Trump is an admirable president.3. admitdmt vt. 【变】admissiondm()n n. 【例记】I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes.Each school sets its own admissions policy. 4. adoptdpt v. 【拆记】ad:加强,opt:选择,在很多选择当中一再做选择,最终肯定会adopt一个。【变】adoption dpnn.【例】I am never going to adopt any of his suggestions.

10、 I discussed the issue of adoption with care and simplicity. 5. adored(r) v. 【例记】I adored my idol a lot.【注】idol n.:爱豆,对于我们的爱豆,我们要adore啊!【变】adoration drenn.adorable drbla.【例】She has three adorable kids.Kris Wu is worthy of all your adoration.6. adultdlt n. 【例记】Children under 8 must be accompanied by

11、an adult.【变】adulthood n.【例】I failed to maintain my friendship into adulthood. 7. advancedvns v. &n.【拆记】ad-:去,van=went,你往前走就是advance,就取得了advance。【变】advanced a.advantage n. disadvantage n.【搭】in advance【例】The topic of the meeting will be announced a month in advance.Military technology has advanced rem

12、arkably.Without more training or advanced technical skills, theyll lose their jobs.8. adventuredvent(r) n. 【拆记】ad-:去,van=went,-ure,名词后缀,去一个杳无人烟的沙漠就是去做一个adventure。【例】I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year. 9. advertisedvtaz vt. 【拆记】ad-:去,vert:转,-ise,动词后缀,去

13、让你的商品转出去,要为它advertise。【变】advertisement dvtsmnt n. 【例】Religious groups are not allowed to advertise on television.Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local newspaper.10. advisedvaz vt. 【拆记】ad-:去,vis-:看,去让别人看看你的想法,就是向他advise。【变】advicedvas n. 【例】The minister advised him to leave as soo

14、n as possible.Take my advice and stay away from him!11. advocatedvkt v. 【拆记】ad-:去,voc:voice(说),-ate:动词后缀,去不断的说一件事,就是要advocate干这件事。【例】I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalisation of drugs.12. adapt dpt v.【拆记】ad-:加强,apt:适应;能力【例】The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change.单词释义:1. adjustdst v. 调整【变】adjustmentdstmnt n. 调整2. admiredma(r) v. 羡


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