2013年同等学力新大纲样卷1 第一篇阅读理解文章课件

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1、Passage One,Researchers analyzed the diet of 16,000 people in 52 countries and identified three global eating patterns. The typical Western diet, high in fat, salt and meat, accounted for about 30% of heart attack risk in any population. A prudent diet high in fruit and vegetables lowered heart risk

2、 by a third. An Oriental diet, high in tofu, soy and other sauces, made no difference to heart attack risk. People who ate a Western diet had a 35% greater risk of having a heart attack than those who ate little or no fried. The typical Western diet has been widely linked to heart disease. High salt

3、 in the diet can raise blood pressure and the wrong type of fat can clog(阻塞) blood vessels. Ellen Mason, a cardiac nurse for the British Heart Foundation, said: This study shows that it doesnt matter whether you live in Bolton or Bombay, or whether you like to eat British, African Caribbean or Asian

4、 foods. The vital thing is to reduce your intake of salty, fried, fatty food to a minimum but increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat. ,1.Read the first paragraph and do Ex 21. 2.Read the left paragraphs and do Ex 22 and 23. 3.Paraphrase sentence by sentence and explain the important wor

5、ds and expressions and long and difficult sentences. 4.Check the exercises.,一 Steps:,1.Researchers analyzed the diet of 16,000 people in 52 countries and identified three global eating patterns. 2.The typical Western diet, high in fat, salt and meat, accounted for about 30% of heart attack risk in a

6、ny population. 3.A prudent diet high in fruit and vegetables lowered heart risk by a third. 4.An Oriental diet, high in tofu, soy and other sauces, made no difference to heart attack risk.,1.People who ate a Western diet had a 35% greater risk of having a heart attack than those who ate little or no

7、 fried. 2.The typical Western diet has been widely linked to heart disease. 3.High salt in the diet can raise blood pressure and the wrong type of fat can clog(阻塞) blood vessels. 4.Ellen Mason, a cardiac nurse for the British Heart Foundation, said: This study shows that it doesnt matter whether you

8、 live in Bolton or Bombay, or whether you like to eat British, African Caribbean or Asian foods. 5.The vital thing is to reduce your intake of salty, fried, fatty food to a minimum but increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat. ,二Exercises:,(21) Which of the following was NOT one of the th

9、ree global eating patterns? A. A Western diet. B. A prudent diet. C. An Oriental diet. D. A popular diet. 答案 D。 解析 此题属于简单的细节题。第一句话的后半句and identified three global eating patterns说明了有三种模式,在随后的三句话中对这三种模式进行了说明。,(22) In what way does the typical Western diet do harm to our health? A. It makes people eat

10、little or no foods and meat. B. It is high in salt without fried foods and meat. C. It can block blood vessels with the wrong type of fat. D. It leads to the connection between foods and heart attack. 答案 C。 解析 语义理解题。文章第二段前三句话People who ate a Western diet had a 35% greater risk of having a heart atta

11、ck than those . ,widely linked to heart disease.,.can raise blood pressure and the wrong type of fat can clog(阻塞) blood vessels可以判断正确选项。,(23) What is the most important message the writer intends to get across in terms of keeping a healthy diet? A. Try to eat more British foods and vegetables. B. Ea

12、t less fruit and fewer vegetables. C. Try to eat more African Caribbean foods. D. Eat less salt and fat but more fruit and vegetables. 答案 D。 解析 词义互换题。文章最后一句的 reduce在这儿就是 eat less ; increase 就是eat more.,(1) identify vt. 识别,认出;确定; e.g.1. I tried to identify her perfume. 我试图分辨出她用哪种香水。 2. 你能够认出那个抢你东西的人吗

13、? T-C Would you be able to identify the man who robbed you ?,三 Important words and expressions.,(2)account for 说明(原因、理由等);导致,引起; e.g.1.How do you account for the companys alarmingly high staff turnover? 你怎么解释这家公司高得令人忧虑的人员流动率? 2.你如何解释一连输了五场比赛呢? How do you account for losing five games in a row?,(3)pr

14、udent adj. 1. 慎重的, 智慧的, be modest and prudent 谦虚谨慎 2. 节俭的 a prudent housekeeper 节俭的主妇 e.g.1It is always prudent to start any exercise programme gradually at first. 刚开始一项锻炼计划时循序渐进总是明智的。 2.慎重小心的人都会意识到这个问题非解决不可。 Being a prudent and cautious person, you realize that the problem must be resolved.,(4)made

15、 no difference:没有区别 e.g.1.It evidently made no difference whether I was there to look after things or not. 我去不去那儿照看东西显然无关紧要。 2.我们之间对人生所持的不同看法丝毫没有影响我们的友谊。 Our different views of life made no difference at all to our friendship.,(5)be linked to:有联系;与连接 e.g.1.His death may be linked to his longstanding

16、 use of painkillers. 他的死可能与他长时间使用止痛药有关。 2.任何一个文档都可以链接到另一个文档并成为其一部分。 Any other document can be linked to and become part of another text.,四 Translation:,1.研究人员分析了52个国家16000人的饮食习惯并确立了三种全球饮食模式。 2.典型的西方饮食习惯是三高,既高脂肪、高盐和肉,这解释了在各类人群中约占30%人患心脏病的风险。 3.水果蔬菜多的“明智的”食谱会把患心脏病的风险降低三分之一。 4以豆腐,大豆和其他调味料为主的东方人的食谱 也会降低患心脏病的风险。,1.享用西方食谱的人患心脏病的风险比那些很少享用或不享用含油炸食物食谱的人高出35%。 2.典型的西方饮食习惯与心脏疾病有广泛密切的联系。 3.高盐饮食可以提高血压的风险和食用错误类型的脂肪会堵塞血管(阻塞)。 4.英国心脏基金会心脏护士爱伦梅森说:“这项研究表明,不管你住在博尔顿或孟买,也不管你是否喜欢吃英国的、非洲的、加勒比的或亚洲的食物,这都


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