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1、一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻1. 停止吃快餐食品,每天吃早餐。Stop eating _ _ and have breakfast every day.2. 我每天锻炼,身体状况非常好。I take exercise every day and now I am _ _ _.3. 我腿疼,浑身很热。 My legs hurt and I was hot _ _.4. 我们应该参加学校的各种活动。We should _ _ _ all kinds of school activities.5. 上周我妈妈感冒了。My mother _ _ _ last week.6. 让我量一量你的体温。 Let

2、 me _ _ _.7. 快餐中缺乏维生素和矿物质。_ _ is very poor in vitamins and minerals.8. 淋到了一场雨,他全身都湿了。 Caught in a rain, he was wet _ _.9. 他感觉不舒服,去看医生了。He _ _ and went to see the doctor.10. 玲玲昨天肚子不舒服,没去上学。Lingling had a _ _ and didnt go to school yesterday.11. 米老鼠赢得了全世界儿童的心。Mickey Mouse _ _ _ _ children all over the

3、 world.12. 购物时,人们有时忍不住买一些他们不需要的东西。While shopping, people sometimes _ _ _ something they dont really need.13. 他的新书将在下个月出版。His new book will _ _ next month.14. 这本小说是两年前出版的。This novel _ _ two years ago.15. 结果,他经常生病,成绩下降。_ _ _, he often fell ill and his grades dropped.16. 我真得开始收拾这个地方了。I really must star

4、t _ the place _.17. 让我看一眼。Let me _ _ _.18. 请穿上暖和衣服,不然你会感冒。Please put on your warm clothes, or you will _ _ _.19. 从太空返回,宇航员的健康状况很好。Returning from space, the astronauts were _ _ _.20. 一些卡通片赢得了世界各地年轻人的喜爱。Some cartoons have _ _ _ _ young people all over the world.21. 当这个小男孩找不到妈妈时,他忍不住哭了。The little boy _

5、 _ _ when he couldnt find his mother.22. 本月末我们将有一次考试。_ _ _ _ this month well have an exam.23. 几年来我一直和她保持着联系。For the last few years I have _ _ _ _ her.24. 琳达总是在购物之前列一份购物清单。Linda always _ _ _ of things she wants to buy before shopping.25. 我打算九月底去德国工作。Im going to work in Germany _ _ _ _ September.26. 我

6、知道你很忙,我不会占用你太多时间。I know youre busy, so I wont _ _ too much of your time.27. 我们都太过轻易地指出母亲的缺点。We all too easily _ _ our mothers failings.28. 这个订货单你要填写一下。You must _ _ this order form.29. 我害怕她,但同时我也确实喜欢她。I was afraid of her, but _ _ _ _ I really liked her.30. 它取决于你个人的选择。It _ _ your personal choice.31. 务

7、必与我们保持联系。Make sure to _ _ _ _ us.32. 我们需要列一份购物清单。We need to _ _ _ _ shopping things.33. 你能帮我吗? 没问题。Can you help me? _ _.34. 时间飞逝,我们的父母一天天地变老。How time flies! Our parents grow old _ _ _.35. 李叔叔昨天带我们参观了他的办公室。Uncle Li _ us _ his office yesterday.36. 我们是否去攀岩取决于天气。Whether we will go rock climbing _ _ the

8、weather.37. 这个老人安静地坐着。The old man sat _ _.38. 妈妈早晨五点钟叫我起床。Mother _ _ _ at 5:00 in the morning.39. 大明希望在山顶上能够凉快一些。Daming hopes it will be cooler _ _ _ _ the hill.40. 鲍勃半夜醒了,就没有再睡着。Bob _ _ in the middle of the night and couldnt fall asleep.41. 我能不能加入你们的谈话?May I _ _ your conversation?42. 不要着急!这则新闻今晚将播出

9、。Dont worry! The news will be _ _ tonight.43. 谢谢你带我们四处参观。 Thank you for _ _ _.44. 如果你亲自去看杰克,他会很高兴的。If you go to see Jack _ _, he will be very happy.45. 我为我们伟大的祖国而感到自豪。Im _ _ our great country.46. 汤姆迫不及待地打开了他的包。Tom _ _ _ open his bag.47. 我认为你编造他的谣言很不厚道。I think its very unkind of you to _ _ stories ab

10、out him.48. 这孩子上学了吗?Is the child _ _?49. 他们开始倒计时了。They are _ _ the days.50. 在写作比赛中,丽丽得了一等奖。Lily got the _ _ in the writing competition.51. 别不好意思,试一试。 Dont be shy, just _ _ _.52. 我的妈妈爱吃甜食。 My mother has a _ _.53. 太阳系是我们星系的一个小部分。The _ _ is a small part of our galaxy.54. 没问题,你想干什么都行。_ _, you can do whatever you want to do.55. 那个关于航天旅行的故事很有趣。The story about _ _ is interesting.56. 学生们可以参与到他们的日常生活中。The students can take part in their _ _. 3



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