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1、一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻Uncle Tom英语小升初模拟卷詹晋嘉一、选出与其它三项不同类的一项。( )1. A. pilot B. teacher C. doctor D. man( ) 2.A. blind B. deaf C. famous D. hear( ) 3. A. English B. England C. French D. History( ) 4. A noodles B. rice C. fish D. dollar( ) 5. A. flew B. became C. fly D. spent( )6. A. wrong B. careful C. noisy D.

2、loudly( )7. A. trumpet B. guitar C. duck D. flute( )8. A. football B. team C. baseball D. basketball( )9. A. sent B. drew C. fly D. spent( )10. A. ring B. swimming C. shining D.eating二、按要求写单词。1. light (反义词)_ 2. buy (过去式)_3.she(自身代词)_ 4.hi(同音词)_5. knife (复数)_ 6. China(形容词)_7. lets (完全形式)_ 8. four(同音词

3、)_9. them (主格)_ 10. can not (缩略形式)_三、单项选择:( )1.Its going to -rain in shanghai.A. be B. is C. are D. 不填( )2.This American spaceship-a man into space.A. bought B. gave C. took D. buy( ) 3.The apples are -down the stairs .A. falling B. fall C. fell D. falls( ) 4.Were going to -Chinese.A. speaking B. sp

4、eak C. speaks D. making( ) 5.- A.-is he famous ?-B. Because he made first letters in Braille.A. What B. Why C. Where D. When( ) 6. My mother and I -my father on TV.A. spent B. saw C. made D. watch( ) 7.A. -is a cola ? B. Its 5 yuan.A. How many B. How old C. How much D. How long ( )8.My newspaper is

5、flying away . Who can-me ?A. helps B. helping C. help D. helped( )9 Shes watching TV ,-the doorbell is ringing.A. and B. so C. for D. but( )10. Its cold today . Its going to-snow tomorrow.A. be B. being C. / D for( ) 11.Helen Keller_ born in America.A. was B. were C. is D. are( )12._ a snall child,

6、he became deaf. A. To B.From C. As D. With( )13.When _ you born? A. do B. were C. was D. are( )14.We saw him _ TV. A. in B.at C. on D. into( )15.We can _ a baseball team. A. have B. having C. has D.had( )16. _ August 2009, he went to England. A. On B. In C. At D. From( )17. He is a model _ all the c

7、hildren. A. for B. to C.in D. at( )18.- _you go to a farm? -Yes, I did. A. Do B. Are C. Were D. Did( )19. His father, Yang Liwei, _ 168cm tall. A. is B. was C. are D. in( )20. She _ clearly. A. hear B. hearing C. hears D. is hear四、看图补全单词:$ d_ llar _ p ple s n_ w col_ d_ck h_ t r_ _n h_ mb_ _g_ _ d_

8、_ _b_ _ _ _ _ 五、写出下列单词过去时fly see send ride become write go take say play carry come六、补全对话A. Im going to study Chinese. B. We can write lots of emails C. Ill miss you. too D. What are you going to study ? E. Yes,I am.A. Hello, Daming! Are you going to go to middle school this September ?B. -A. -B. Im

9、 going to study Physics, Chemistry ,History . What about you ?A. -B. How am I going to practice my English now ?A. Dont worry . -B. Ill miss you .A. -七、从右栏中找出左栏中个问题的答语。( )1. What do you want to eat? A. In France.( )2. What did he do? B. Yes, please.( )3. Did you go to the park? C. Five dollars.( )4.

10、 Where was he born? D. I want a hamburger.( )5. Do you want a cola? E. Thank you!( )6. Where is Yang Liwei from! F. Yes, I did!( )7. Could she write? G. In the afternoon.( )8.When did you go! H. Liaoning.( )9. How much is it? I. No, she couldnt.( )10. Here you are! J. He made first letters in braill

11、e.八、连词成句或按要求改句子1. you do want to eat What?-2. Damings making am card I birthday . -3. flying away the yellow balloon is . -4. this about video travel space is .-5.are team going we to a have baseball .-6.I often help my grandfather on the farm.(就划线部分提问)-7. My new pencil-boxes are about ten yuan.(就划线部分提问)-



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