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1、半开放式作文训练,半开放式作文,【写作指导】 半开放式作文是近年来英语学科书面表达的一个趋势和要求,是一种常见题型。所谓“半开放”是指试题给出部分要点,考生自己再增加一些要点。这样的作文可以分为两大部分:试题给出的材料和自己增加的材料。在写给出材料时一定注意不要遗漏要点,更不要曲解试题的意思。在写自己增加部分时也不可以随意发挥,要吃透命题人的意思。例如:关于中学生是否可以把手机带进教室,我们最好不赞成带手机进教室,因为命题人一般是大中学校的老师,他们是不会赞成学生带手机进教室的。,wlonely,最近教育部就高中取消文理分科的可能性和可操作性,广泛征集意见。消息一经传出,立即成为人们热议的话题

2、。社会各方对此存在严重分歧。请你给China Daily写一篇文章,阐述分歧,并发表自己的观点(至少两点)。,要求:1)可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 2)词数:150字左右。短文开头已为你写好,不计入词数。 参考词汇: 1文理分科:divide students into science and art 2文科生;liberal art students 3理科生:science students The Ministry of Education has been collecting opinions on the possibility and feasibility of

3、ending the separation of science and arts in high schools. But opinions are different.,wlonely,3. 统筹时态、人称: 时态:整篇文章用一般现在时,个别地方可能会用到“一将”。 人称:陈述专家或学生及家长的看法时,用第三人称: Most experts , many students and parents ,they . 发表自己的观点时,用第一人称I。 4.推敲要点表达方法: 1)取消文理分科有利于学生全面发展。 取消文理分科: the ending of the division of scie

4、nce and art, 全面发展: all-round development / development in an all-around way / integrated development 如果你不知道”全面发展”怎样表达,你可以将上句婉转写成:文理分科影响学生的综合素质. affect the overall quality of students. 2)导致的缺乏: lead to / result in sb.s lacking . 3)不关心社会学科: not care about social science , such as. 4)将加重学生学习负担: put mor

5、e pressure and burdens on students,wlonely,5)分科尊重学生个体差异。这句话可分解成: 每个学生都有自己的长处和弱点, 分科是尊重学生的意愿. have ones own advantages /strengths and weaknesses, show respect for ones opinion/interest . 5.难点: 半开放式作文难就难在自己的观点上.会写的,就能得到另外两个要点的分;不会写的或观点不恰当的,就可能失分.因此,发表自己的观点非常重要. 对于文理分科, 你可以说: 过早分科不利于学生未来的发展;如果现行的考试制度不改

6、革, 就没有必要谈论这个问题; 最后要求教育部对此事要慎重考虑.,wlonely,6. 要点提炼: 要点1: 专家赞成取消文理分科. Most experts support to end the separation of science and arts. Most experts are in favor of ending the division of science and arts. Some experts support the ending of the division of science and arts . Some experts hold the view th

7、at the division of science and arts should be ended /cancelled .,wlonely,要点2:取消文理分科有利于学生全面发展。 The ending of the separation of science and arts contributes to students overall development . The ending of the division of subjects helps students develop in an all-around way . The ending of the division

8、 of subjects is good for students integrated development . The separation/division of subjects affects the overall quality of students.,wlonely,要点3:分科会导致部分文科学生理科知识缺乏,部分理科学生不关心社会学科。 The division/separation of subjects leads to some art studentslacking science knowledge while science students dont car

9、e about social science. The division/separation of subjects result in some art studentslack of science knowledge and science students not caring about social subjects, such as history and politics . 要点4: 家长和学生反对取消分科. Many parents and students oppose the ending of the separation / division of subject

10、s . Many parents and students are against the ending of the division of subjects .,wlonely,要点5:取消文理分科将加重学生学习负担。 The ending of the separation of subjects will put more pressure and burdens on students . The ending of the separation of subjects will add more pressure and burdens to students . The endi

11、ng of the separation of subjects will increase students pressure and burdens . 要点6:分科尊重学生个体差异。 The division of subjects means showing respect for students interest . 自己观点1: Dividing subjects too early is not good for students future development. 自己观点2: The Ministry of Education had better take a car

12、eful attitude toward this problem.,wlonely,连句成文: Sample I Most experts are in favor of ending the separation of science and arts . For one reason , the ending of the division of subjects contributes to students development in an all-around way . For another, dividing subjects will lead to art studen

13、ts lacking science knowledge while some science students wont care about social subjects, such as history and politics . However, some parents and students have the opposite opinion . They think the ending of the division of subjects will add more pressure and burdens to students . Dividing subjects

14、 means showing respect for students interest as each student has his or her own strengths and weaknesses . In my opinion , dividing subjects too early is not good for students future development. I hope the Ministry of Education had better take a careful attitude toward this problem.,wlonely,Most ex

15、perts, who support the ending of the division of science and art, insist that the division of subjects strongly affect the overall quality of our people, and they also think that it will result in some art students lacking science knowledge and some science students not caring about important subjec

16、ts like society, social science , history and so on. However, many students and parents oppose this opinion, saying that canceling the division of subjects means putting more pressure and burdens on students, while focusing on fewer courses enables students to do better in their favorite subjects. Furthermore, each student has his or her own advantages and weaknesses, which needs to be encouraged. In my opinion, dividing subjects too early is not goo



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