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1、CONSUMER BEHAVIOR,Mei-chiung Chi,Ch1. 透視消費者,什麼是消費行為 消費行為知識的應用 正確思考消費者 消費行為研究發展過程,Whats Consumer behavior About?,研究消費者由評估、獲得、使用、到用盡某產品服務的個人決策與實際行動過程。,消費者的類型,分類A Customer Consumer Ultimate Consumer,分類B Institutional/ Organizational Consumer Personal Consumer,消費者的角色,Initiator Influencer Decider Buyer U

2、ser,Multidisplinary,心理學 社會學 社會心理學 人類學 行銷學,消費行為知識的應用,Consumer Influence Holistic/Postmodern Intercultural,A Consumer Influence Perspective,消費行為與行銷策略 消費行為與社會行銷 消費行為與逆行銷 消費行為與政府決策 消費行為與消費者教育,消費行為與行銷策略,(一)行銷觀念 (二)增進行銷效力 MOA Target Market Marketing Mix,消費行為與社會行銷,滿足社會需求服務的市場 尋求社會支持募捐的市場,消費行為與逆行銷,Conservat

3、ionConsumption,消費行為與政府決策,政府服務 立法保謢消費者,消費行為與消費者教育,如何偵察不實陷阱? 如何尋求補救賠償? 如何進一步省錢?,從後現代的角度,Modern? Postmodern? In the early 1980s Holbrook: use consumer research to understand consumption behavior without any intent of influencing it.,Postmodern Perspective,A focus on ownership and consumption The purcha

4、se decision and buying processes are of far less importance than consumption Consumption experience - sensation seeking, emotional arousal, & fantasizing,Global Intercultural Perspective,Basic needs are universal Youth in Taipei, Tokyo,New York. When cultural boundaries are crossed,Right Thinking Ab

5、out the Consumer,The Consumer is Sovereign Understanding Consumer Motivation and Behavior Through Research. Skillful Marketing can Affect Consumer if The Productservice offered is designed to meet consumer needs. Social Legitimacy of consumer Influence When Shaped by a Proper Ethical Sensitivity,Con

6、sumer Bill of Rights,The Right to Safety The Right to be Informed The Right to Choose The Right to be Heard(Redress) The Right to Enjoy a Clean and Healthful Environment The Right of the Poor and Other Minorities to Have Their Interests Protected,消費行為研究發展之路,Since late 1950s and early 1960s Economic

7、theory- Marketing General considerations: 1)Content- Production-driven to marketing driven 2)Methodology-Behavioral sciences sophistication,Environmental Factors shaping the Marketing Challenge,產品服務供過於求 與遠端消費者迅速正確傳播 迅速經濟鋪貨,以增盈收 獲通路配合支持整體行銷策略 國內及全球經濟成長,消費行為各階段研究重心,Pre-World War II Era Post-World War

8、II Era The Contemporary Scene,Pre-World War II Era A.造成行銷挑戰的環境因素,1. 求過於供,生產成為最大挑戰 2. 拜廣播之賜,得以廣告作遠距傳播 3. 通路多半規模小且屬地方性質 4. 賣方竭力說服經銷商販賣商品, 尤其在廣告刺激需求時 5. 經濟成長直至二次大戰幾無色,Pre-World War II Era B. 行為科學的地位,1. 成長及影響力些微 2. 理論多於實證 直至本時期尾聲,研究方興,Pre-World war II Era,John B. Watson Founder of Behaviorism Todays emp

9、hasis on repetition of brand name rests on his foundation.,Post-World War II Era A. 造成行銷挑戰的環境因素,1. 產能超越需求,行銷觀念誕生 2. 大眾傳播力量突顯(TV ) 3. 通路革新,購買更加便利輕鬆 4. 製造商藉助廣告及大傳媒體之力, 拉抬新產品,且通路配合度高 5. 經濟成長急速,Post-World War II Era B. 行為科學的地位,1. 物理科學的成長, 引發對人類潛能的重視 2. 加速應用行為科學 以了解人類行為與潛能 3. 研究領域突破擴充,戰後行銷策略之指導原則,差異化為新產品

10、發展重心 廣告(電視或其他大眾宣傳)有助銷售 大眾行銷力量拉引商品,通路聽命供應商 不斷研發產品+大眾廣告品牌忠誠 專注於國內市場即已豐足,The Freudian Invasion,Psychoanalysis found its way to the marketplace. Motivation research aimed to uncover hidden motivations. Advertising jumped on this band-wagon.,New Field of Study -Consumer Research Is Born,Consumer research

11、 became the “in thing” in the schools of business. Contributions of our writers: -courses -association - journals,The Contemporary Scene,造成行銷挑戰的環境因素 1. 持續、穩定的經濟成長不再 2. 供遠過於求 3. 消費動機與行為趨向低關心度 4. 大眾市場消聲匿跡 5. 通路勢力高漲,行銷成敗關鍵,1. Getting Close to the Consumer 2. Individualized Marketing 3. Customer Satisfa

12、ction and Retention 4. Brand Equity,Fasten Your Seat Belt,The field is dynamic and exciting, and one thing is for sure- all of us are daily participants as active players in all that is going on in the world of consumer behavior.,谢 谢,20.8.316:52:2716:5216:5220.8.320.8.316:52,16:5216:52:2720.8.320.8.316:52:27,2020年8月3日星期一4时52分27秒,


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