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1、一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 1 阅读阅读图表解图表解题题技巧及练习技巧及练习 图表类短文是通过看图或表格等来了解某方面的情况。阅读这类材料时, 主要从两方面入手;一是了解图表的主题,确定图表的主要内容,二是推敲文、 图、画、语言或数字,找出它们之间的关联或试图表达的含义。 图表类阅读理 解一般设五道问题,且大多是细节题。 一、技巧点拔 仔细阅读文章后的问题,根据问题中的关键词或词组,以此作为线索,返 回文章查找相关的句子,用相关的这个句子对照选项,意思一致的就是答。 1、题干定位法 细节题通常考查考生对于某些重要信息进行迅速、准确地寻找的能力。提 问常常用特殊疑问词 what, when, w

2、here, who, whose, how, why 等引出。做这 样的题,可以采用“题干定位法” ,即先弄清楚题干问什么,然后直接到文中寻 找相关信息。带着问题去读文章,目的明确,容易抓住文中与问题相关的信息 点。 2、跳读捕捉信息法 这类细节题通常是考查考生对某句话或某几句话的理解,或对某一个或几 个信息的捕捉能力。其常见的提问方式为: 1). The writer mentions all of the following EXCEPT . 2). Which of the following is TRUE/NOT true according to the passage? 3).

3、Which of the following statements is mentioned/NOT mentioned in the third paragraph? 针对这样的题目,同学们只要运用 Skimming(略读)(略读)的方法,先整体上 阅读文章,然后从原文中找到相关语句进行理解分析,就可以确定答案。要注 意的是,不要孤立地理解单个句子,而要结合上下文语境来理解。 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 2 A Country Soviet Union The USA China Date 12 April, 1961 5 May, 1961 15 October, 2003 Astrona

4、ut Yuri Gagarin Alan Shepherd Yang Liwei Age 27 38 38 Spaceship Vostok 1 Mercury 3 Shenzhou 5 Time 1 hour 48 minutes 15 minutes 21 hours Height 327 kilometers 185 kilometers 343 kilometers Circles around the Earth 1 0 14 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号内。 ( )1. The form above shows us_. A. three journeys in

5、to space B. daily life of three famous people C. differences between three spaceships D. something about three famous astronauts ( )2. _went into space first. A. China B. The USA C. Soviet Union D. The UK ( )3. The Chinese astronaut stayed in space for_. A. I hour 48 minutes B. only 15 minutes C. th

6、e shortest time D. 21 hours ( )4. What cant we know from the form? A. The dates of arriving in space. B. The birthday of each astronaut. C. The heights the three spaceships reached. D. The circles the spaceships went around the earth. ( )5. According to the form, which of the following is true? A. V

7、ostok 1 took Alan Shepherd into space. B. Yuri Gagarin was born on 12 April, 1961. C. Shenzhou 5 circled the earth 14 times. D. Mercury 3 reached a height of 327 kilometers in space. 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 3 B Arriving in New York There are three airports in New York. When you arrive at one of them, you can

8、take bus or taxi to any place in New York. Eating out There are many kinds of food in New York and you shouldnt eat at McDonalds every day. There are good restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown, for example. Hotels There are lots of good hotels in New York. The best is The Plaza on 5th Avenue but

9、 you dont have to pay a lot to stay in the city; there are lots of smaller hotels and the YMCA near Central Park is great for young people. Public Transport In New York ,theres a good bus and subway service. If you are planning to use the subway a lot, you should buy a subway ticket for the journey

10、because its cheaper. But you dont have to use public transport there are lots of places you can go to on foot. The Empire Stale Building, 5th Avenue and Central Park. The New York taxis are a part of the city experience, so you should take at least one taxi during your visit! Places to see Finally,

11、there are a lot of places to see in New YorkTimes Square, the Statue of Liberty. And you shouldnt go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city. Shopping Shopping in New York is fun. There are big shops on 5th Avenue. They are open seven days a week. But be careful

12、when you look at the prices; you have to pay a special 8% tax (税) on everything you buy in New York. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号内。 ( )1. How many kinds of public transport are mentioned in the passage? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. ( )2. “ The Plaza” here is the name of _. A. a restaurant B. a ho

13、tel C. an airport D. a shop ( )3. How much do you have to pay if you buy a book of $10 in New York? A. $ 10.08. B. $ 18. C. $ 10.8. D. $ 10. ( )4. When you visit New York, you should _. A. eat at McDonalds every day B. take a taxi whenever you go out C. stay at the best hotel D. climb the Statue of

14、Liberty ( )5. From the passage, we can learn that_. A. people must travel by public transport in New York B. people have to eat only one kind of food in New York C. people should visit many places of interest in New York on foot D. New York is not a good place for shopping, for things are expensive

15、一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 4 C Britain Today Food British people like good food,and more than half of them go to a restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular 30% of all adults have a hamburger every three months, but 46% have fish and chips! Sports British people dont do a lot of sports. Only 17% of people go swimming every week, about 9% go cycling and 8% play golfand only 6% of people play football( but 32% go to watch it


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