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1、一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 1 Unit 1-2 1 搭载 ,开车接某人 2 因.而著名 3 位于,坐落于 4 手工 5 名胜 6 比如 7 等等 8 红绿灯 9 百货公司 10 流行 11 担心,忧虑 12 总计,合计 13 现金付款 14 信用卡 15 长城 16 天安门广场 17 颐和园 18 保护.以防 19 使.被. 20 通向,导致 1. It is located in the north of china. 2. I have my bike repaired . 3. Ill pick you up at 8 tomorrow morning. 4. I t took the

2、m more than ten years to build the Great wall under terrible conditions. 5. Chinese silk blouse are in style now. 6. What size does your wife wear? 7. How do you like this one? 8. Would you please tell me the way to the supermarket? 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 2 9. Could you show me the way to the school? 10. Wou

3、ld you like to try it on ? 11. How much is it in total? 12. Let me have a look? 13. May i try it on ? 14. Its too expensive? 15. Can you give me a discount? 16. Heres the change. 17. May i help you,sir? 18. How do you like this one? 19. What color do you prefer? 20. I want to so some shopping before

4、 I leave Beijing for home. 21. Please sign here. 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 3 Unit 3-4 1 加入,参加 2 英语演讲比赛 3 继续,坚持 4 充满信心 5 失去信心 6 在.的开始 7 为.树立好榜样 8 仔细考虑 9 害怕 10 从容,不紧张 11 太.以至于不能 12 放弃 13 花费 .做某事 14 在 前面 15 电视剧 16 打开 17 搜索 18 选定 19 各种各样的 20 上瘾 21 熬夜 22 由.引起 23 干涉,干扰 24 好好利用 25 全世界 26 忘记去做某事 1. Learning is difficul

5、t but interesting. 2. Many students find it difficult to understand spoken English . 3. The more you read ,the more you learn. 4. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 4 5. They just keep on learning by themselves and put what they have learned in to practice in their jobs with confidence

6、. 6. Where there is a will, there is a way. 7. This question it too difficult to answer . 8. Take it easy at first. 9. What going on here ? 10. The hot weather will go on for some time. 11. A man is never too old to learn. 12. No pains, no gains. 13. A good beginning is half done. 14. Will you pleas

7、e give me some advice? 15. Thats a good idea. 16. Good idea. 17. That sounds good. 18. Now ,the internet is getting more and more popular. 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 5 Unit 5-6 1.离开,缺席 2 旷课 3 说谎 4 取出 5 扔掉 6 在半夜 7 烦恼,不安 8 苏醒过来 9 谋生 10 使人想起 11 用.代替 12 炫耀 13 同时,一起 14 与.不同 15 成长 16 为.而骄傲 17 世上,到底 18 开车兜风 19 嫉妒 20 振作

8、起来,加油 21 干得好 22 不再,再也不 23 发达国家 24 发展中国家 1. Its my fault . 2. Please fogive me. 3. Its never too late to mend. 4. Life is difficult. This is one of the greatest truths. 5. Cheer up. Dont be shy. 6. Come on. You can do it . 7. Take little,but give much. 8. In a country ,not all the people can become r

9、ich at the same time. 9. USA is developed country. 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 6 Unit 7- 8 1 导致 2 死于 3 处理问题 4 事实上 5 成千上万的 6 尽快地 7 吸入 8 对.有好处 9 从那以后 10 把.混合 11 赠送 12 如此.以至于 13 免费 14 事实上 15 好转 16 发疯 17 对.感兴趣 1. What makes things worse is that some famous actors show smoking on TV. 2. In fact, smoking has many bad e

10、ffects on peoples health. 3. When a person smokes,people around are forced to breathe in the smoke. 4. Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible. 5. It takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow. 6. Lives are no difference 7. Would you like something to eat? 8. It is very delicious ,b

11、ut i can not eat any more. 9. Mind you steps. 11 keep away from the fire. 10. Be quick or youll be late. 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 7 Unit 9 -10 1 时装表演 2 引起,使成为 3 通过,借助于 4 大量 5 或多或少 6 在.中起重要作用 7 确信,确定 8 不再 9 过去常常 10 塞车 11 不是.而是 12 根据 13 同.有关系,涉及 14 死亡率 15 并且,另外 16 知道,意识到 17 经过选择的顾客 18 the public 19 使.引起.的注意 20 a

12、ll the time 1. Hello ,this is Liu Tao . 2. Hold on, please. 3. Just a moment,please. 4. People in large cities feel that the sky is no longer as blue as it used to be. 5. This kind of flowers give out a pleasing smell. 6. We should be aware of out own actions. 一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 8 Unit 11-12 1 照顾 ,照料 2 被

13、看不起 3 决心做 4 为. 做准备 5 求职面试 6 身份证 7 求职,找工作 8 关心 9 现在,目前 10 寻找 11 申请 12 参加 13 亲自 14 代表,为了 的利益 15 幸亏,多亏 16 从 毕业 17 以 开始 18 昼夜 19 以 命名 20 作为回报 21 以 著称 1. But in fact. The nurses did make a difference. 2. What do you value most in your career? 3. What are your professional goals? 4. Lily is graduating from vocational school with a diploma in accounting. 5. Now Lily is facing this challenge. 6. In return , she gained the respect of the British s



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