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1、2019-2020学年北京市丰台区九年级(上)期末英语试卷知识运用(共 14 分)一、单项填空(共 6 分,每小题0.5 分)从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项1(.5分)My little brother ate too much cake, so felt sick()AheBsheCitDwe2(.5分)Chinas womens volleyball team won the World Cup Japan in 2019()AonBatCinDfor3(.5分)Many people like paper books more, _ they

2、are comfortable to read()AbecauseBandCorDso4(.5分)The Amazon rainforest is_rainforest in the world()AlargeBlargerClargestDthe largest5(.5分)_do you usually have dinner?At about 6 pm()AWhenBWhereCWhyDHow6(.5分)Wang Xuan is a famous computer scientist He his research of laser typesetting in 1975()AstartB

3、startedCis startingDwill start7(.5分)James enjoys reading,and he _ novels on his way to work on the subway every day()AreadBreadsCis readingDwill read8(.5分)If we learn more about DNA, we _ more diseases()AtreatBtreatsCwill treatDwere treating9(.5分)There are many tree heroes in China They _ millions o

4、f trees for almost 20 years()AplantBplantedChave plantedDare planting10(.5分)We _ happily when we heard a loud noise outside the door last night()AchatBchattedCare chattingDwere chatting11(.5分)Lord of the Flies in 1954 although it was not a great success at first()ApublishBpublishedCis publishedDwas

5、published12(.5分)Lily, can you tell me_?I always exercise twice a week()Ahow often do you exerciseBhow often you exerciseChow often did you exerciseDhow often you exercised二、完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项13(8分)Everyone knew that Stuti was the best speller in the whol

6、e class She could spell difficult words like encyclopedia and amendment very (1) She used to get perfect scores during each weekly spelling test MsDaisy,her English teacher made a(2) for the spelling tests that any child who doesnt get at least 60% correct spellings would have to correct each wrong

7、word and copy three times for next weeks spelling testSeema,who sat next to Stuti always struggled(挣扎) in spellingsLast Thursday,she received 56% which meant she had to(3) the rest 44% words three times Stuti was so (4) in her spelling abilities that she decided not to study for her next spelling te

8、st The test began MsDaisy pronounced each word and then repeated itEverything was OK until she spoke Handkerchief Stuti scribbled( 匆匆书写) handkerchnow what? Her mind was blank MsDaisy started to move on to the next wordAn idea came into Stutis mind that Seema(5) how to spell it! Seema had written thi

9、s word three times There was wide open space between Stuti and SeemaStutis eyes rolled(滚动) to the rightThere it was,spelled out in Seemas handwriting Her eyes went quickly back to her own paper and(6) the word with the letters ief Stuti remained nervous as Ms Daisy read the last spelling word She ha

10、d(7) just for the first time in her life She thought, Is this the way I want to keep my perfect recordby being a cheater? Finally, she erased what she had written earlier and replaced it with what sheknew was the wrong answer She wrote eif As her hands put down her pencil and passed the test up to t

11、he front, she sighed with relief( 解 脱 ) She thought, So, what if my perfect scores are no longer being kept? At least my(8) is(1)AhappilyBeasilyCslowlyDcarefully(2)AplanBsuggestionCguessDrule(3)AcheckBcopyCreadDpronounce(4)AspecialBunusualCconfusedDconfident(5)AknewBprovedCfoundDwondered(6)AchangedB

12、pickedCfinishedDreplaced(7)AcheatedBaskedClookedDremembered(8)AchoiceBcourageChonestyDpride阅读理解(共 36 分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项(共 26 分,每小题 2 分)14(6分)Chinese Cuisine(烹饪) in the WorldEmma Chen She is a restaurant owner in Cape Town, South Africa She has two restaurantsRed Chamber

13、 and Pron Both of them are very popular with customers She believes that food is not only a business, but also means passing down of culture and customs Her cuisine comes from Shandong Province in Northern ChinaGianni Catani As an Italian, he has become an expert in Chinese Hunan cuisine It is very

14、hard for a foreigner to enter the Chinese world at first Luckily, he was finally accepted and welcomed by a Chinese master cook So he spent eight years with him in learning the secrets of Hunan cuisine Now his restaurant is one of the best places to eat Chinese food in Rome, ItalyEugene Moy He owns a restaurant in San Gabriel Valley in America, which has become a foodie Mecca(美食圣地) for the worlds top Chinese food He believes Chinese food is the power to teach people


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