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1、工程硕士英语考前辅导,考试要求、考点、题型分析 陈多佳,1,考试要求,全国硕士学位研究生入学资格考试外语运用能力测试的词汇与语法部分共10题.5题为词汇题五题为语法题.词汇题主要是考查考生掌握并熟练使用英语词汇及短语的能力. 根据考试大纲规定, 考生应领会式掌握4,250个左右单词和500个常用词组, 并能根据构词法和语境识别常见的派生词; 着重要掌握名词, 动词, 形容词, 短语和固定搭配, 其中包括同义词, 反义词, 形近词等的辨析.,2,考点及题型分析,短语类题型 -理解题意, 去伪存真 短语类试题是词汇部分比较主要的一个考点, 主要涉及动词短语,介词短语及起连词作用的固定词组(如abo

2、ve all, in that, other than, rather than 等)。做好这类题目主要依靠学生平时的掌握与积累,特别是一些常用动词如go, put, fall, give, take, come, keep, get, bring, make, hold, turn, look, ask, stand, lay, live, run, call等与介词或副词的常用搭配应牢记在心。,3,2005年真题中相关题目,To speed up your entry, please bring your Admission Card with you. So childless coup

3、les will suffer discrimination from family members and neighbors. (close No. 39),4,单词辨义题型 -分析选项, 消除干扰,单词辨义是词汇题中的另一大题型. 可以把它分为词义辨析, 近义词辨析和形近词辨析. 这种题目对考生的词汇量要求很大. 反过来说, 也是对考生词汇量掌握情况的有效检验。考生在解此类题目时要注意仔细分析各个选项, 逐一排除干扰项.,5,词义辨析 词义辨析还比较单纯考词汇量, 选择项中的词之间词义都很明确, 只要理解题干的意思便可作出准确选择. 如: The first Olympiad is sa

4、id to have consisted _ of a 200-yard foot race near the small city of Olympia. A)nearly B)completely C)merely D)identically I didnt _ to take a taxi but I had to as I was late. A)mean B)assume C)hope D)suppose 2005年真题: P 206 (清华) No. 9; No. 10,6,近义词辨析 近义词辨析是三者中最难的一项. 它不仅考查考生的词汇量, 而且考查考生在面对词与词之间存在共同概

5、念的干扰时,如何找出区别而最终作出正确判断. Many old people in the cities find themselves unable to get used to the rapid _ of city life. A) rate B) speed C)step D) pace Generally _, the climate here is most suitable for the old people. A) speaking B) telling C) saying D) talking,7,2005年真题中相关题目,Every year, thousands of

6、college students apply for the CCTV Cup English Speech _. A. Argument B. quarrel C. Debate D. Contest Argue: argue against 辩驳 argue for ( in favor of)为辩护 Debate: debate (up) on 讨论,辩论,8,形近词辨义 形近词辨义的难度界于上述两者之间, 主要是从相似的拼写或发音方面给考生造成干扰, 如果考生对某个词记忆不深, 模棱两可的话, 就很容易陷入被动. 因此归根到底, 这种题型仍是以考查单词词义为主. The new cur

7、rency will get into _ soon. A) circuit B) circulation C) circular D) circle The captain of the ship _ the passengers that there was no danger. A) assured B) ensured C) secured D) insured _his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others. A) Dislike B) Unlike C) Alike D) Liking,

8、9,搭配关系题型 -仔细推敲, 逐一排除 英语中的搭配关系多种多样, 除了在短语题型里介绍过的动词与介词, 动词与名词的搭配, 考试中还常会考到形容词与介词, 形容词与名词, 名词与介词等. 考生在遇到有些搭配不那么肯定的情况下一定要沉着冷静, 对各个选项仔细推敲, 并放入句中利用语感和平时做题的经验进行逐一排除. 如: He was a talented football player as a boy, but he never _ his early promise. A) concluded B) completed C) performed D)fulfilled,10,语法,考试要

9、求 如词汇部分所述,语法题与词汇题出现在同一部分, 共5题.属单项选择题。 语法是解决其他题型的基础和关键。要学好语法不能满足于记住了多少条语法规则,更重要的是掌握它们的用法。虽然这部分只有5题,但这部分可被看作是对语言知识的考核,因此这一部分在整个考试中有举足轻重的地位,考生对这部分试题的完成准确率可以反映考生的英语基础知识打得牢不牢固。,11,测试范围 基础语法测试要求考生不仅能正确完成语法知识题, 还能够举一反三, 灵活运用到其他考试题型中如阅读理解, 完形填空等, 这就需要考生具体掌握以下几点知识. 1.名词,代词的数与格的构成及用法: Book/books, tomato/tomat

10、oes; tooth/teeth (变内部元音) deer/deer, means/means (词形不变/通形名词) criterion/criteria, syllabus/syllabi(外来词),12,2.形容词,副词的比较级 和最高级的构成及用法.,3.动词的基本时态,语态的构成形式及用法 见真题No.2 4.非谓语动词的构成形式及用法 见真题No.4 5.虚拟语气的构成形式及用法 6.各类从句的构成形式及用法 7.强调句的构成形式及用法 8.倒装句的构成形式及用法 见真题No.7 9.主谓一致的用法,13,阅读理解,阅读部分的测试要求及测试范围 测试要求 阅读部分共设20题。短文4

11、篇。 要求考生在理解短文的基础上从每题的四项选择中取最佳答案。 阅读部分的考试目的是测试考生从阅读材料中获取信息的能力。要求考生既具备答题的准确性,也要求考生具备一定的答题速度。主要测试以下能力: (1)掌握测试材料的中心思想、主要内容和细节; (2)对测试材料的内容进行一定的判断和推理; (3)理解某些词和句子的意义或上下文之间的逻辑关系; (4)领会作者的观点并能判别作者的态度。,14,1.掌握测试材料的中心思想、主要内容 和细节,Bee dancing is a fascinating field of study. Scientists have discovered that bee

12、s communicate certain information about food sources by the direction they face, the manner in which they move, and the intensity with which they make noise. However, because bee dancing appears to vary according to species, bee communication probably must be regarded as inherited rather than learne

13、d behavior.,15,Question 1:,What is the topic of the passage? A) bee behavior B) bee communicative movements C) bee dancing D) learned behavior,16,Question 2:,Bee dancing consists of : A) silent movement B) movement and soundC) sound only D) flight patterns,17,(2)对测试材料的内容进行一定的判断 和推理;,Do not believe t

14、hat the running of a highly successful multinational business must rest wholly upon one man, as one leader must be replaceable if the business is sound and stable and the shareholders are to be protected.,18,找出你认为最能表达出原文的一条选项,A) A multinational business needs more than one man as a top leader B) A l

15、eader must not be irreplaceable C) A company must often replace its leader. D) Leadership must be determined by the shareholders for their protection,19,(3)理解某些词和句子的意义 或上下文之间的逻辑关系;,Beauty has always been regarded as sth praiseworthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier, have better marriages and have more respectable occupations. Personal consultants give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive defendants. But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability.,20,The word “ liability” most probably means_.,A) misfor



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