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1、Human Resource ManagementPART1,Personnel Management to Human Resource Management,Recognition of the need to take a more strategic approach to the management of people Began in the 1980s in the USA UK followed quickly Concept is a strategic approach to acquiring, developing, managing and gaining the

2、commitment of the organisations key resource the people who work for it Armstrong 1991,Features of HRM,Management focussed and top management driven Line management role key Emphasises strategic fit integration with business strategy Commitment oriented Two perspectives hard and soft Involves strong

3、 cultures and values,Performance oriented Requires adoption of a coherent approach to mutually supporting employment policies and practices Employee relations organic rather than pluralistic Organising principles are organic and decentralised Flexibility and team building important policy goals Stro

4、ng emphasis on quality to customers Rewards differentiated by skill, competence or performance,Features of HRM,Fombrum, Tichy and Devanna Model 1984,Selection,Performance,Appraisal,HRD,Reward,Warwick Model of HRM,Business Strategy Context,Inner Context,HRM Content,HRM Context,OUTER CONTEXT,Warwick M

5、odel content of the boxes,Outer context socio-economic, technical, politico-legal,competitive Inner context culture, structure, politico-leadership, task-technology, business outputs Business strategy context objectives, product market, strategy and tactics HRM context- role, definition, organisatio

6、n, HR outputs HRM content HR flows, work systems, reward systems, employee relations,The Harvard Model,Stakeholder Issues: Workforce characteristics Business strategy above standard; excellent etc Below standard performance can be used to generate development needs,Can provide forum for the identifi

7、cation of new/changing competence requirements Can provide forum for setting acquisition of competence time scales Provides a clear and agreed framework for performance evaluation and discussion,Appraisal,Development,Provides a framework for individual training needs No transfer problems as competen

8、ce can only be demonstrated by on the job behaviours Development contributes directly to current performance Encourages a broad based approach to development activities,Ensures line manager commitment to development Offers common language to all participants in the development process Offers transpa

9、rent process to all stakeholders Facilitates validation and evaluation of the development process,Development,Reward,Promotes flexibility Promotes a development focused culture Provides opportunities for advancement via skills Provides opportunities for earnings enhancement on the basis of skills an

10、d flexibility rather than seniority,Can assist in addressing the technical/managerial divide Offers a route for the reward of knowledge workers Carries high face validity and felt fair perception Via core organisational competencies can link reward directly to organisational strategy,Reward,Integrat

11、ion,Vertical - integration with corporate strategy Horizontal - the internal integration of the components of an HR strategy Intra-gration the integration of the parts of a component of HR strategy e.g reward strategy base pay, variable pay and benefits all support each other,Current HRM Issues look

12、s nave in todays turbulent and global environment; still pursued in some sectors with long time horizons.,Evolutionary: Natural Selection,Emphasis on environmental fit Profit maximisation achieved by market competition Fit determined by chance rather than strategy Survival by short term strategies a

13、imed at current fit Strategy and illusion in unpredictable environment,Evolutionary law of the jungle,HR key role in environmental scanning Policies and strategies aimed at flexibility and adaptability Matching model Critique markets more regulated than jungle; by government, law, international agre

14、ements Concept of flexibility important,Processual life is messy,Concept of bounded rationality Subjective interpretation of data therefore strategy flawed and incomplete We take the first best option sufficing Organisations as coalitions consensus by negotiation Minimum adaptation for survival rath

15、er than proactive change spare capacity as buffer Strategy a comforting ritual,Processual and HRM,HR policies evolving and reactive Soft HRM OD, best practice and development of internal competencies important Critique lacks vision; may not be able to respond quickly enough to threats,Systemic: soci

16、ally grounded,Man makes decisions based on social factors not economic;Social networks define norms Internal context of firm influenced by social groups, interests, resources and micro-politics Different forms of organisation successful indifferent cultures Systemic perspective includes national culture, family, gender, social groups Strategy must be sensitive to these,Systemic and HR,HR policies and processes will have to reflect local culture Ma



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