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1、工程管理专业英语,Specialized English for Construction Management,莫懿懿 Email:myy_,什么是专业英语?,普通英语 (Common or Ordinal English) 通用、普遍的基础词汇以及听说读写 科技英语 (English for Science and Technology) 专业英语 (English for Special Science and Technology) 隶属于科技英语 是科技英语的一部分,以表达科技概念、理论与事实为主要目的。遵守科技英语的语法体系和翻译方法,特别注意客观事实和真理,表达准确(accura

2、cy)、精炼(conciseness)和正式(formal)。 是结合各自专业的科技英语 有很强的专业性、涉及的面更加狭窄,与专业内容配合更为密切。 专业英语与科技英语既有区别又有联系,专业英语的学习需要有一个良好的科技英语基础,同时也要注意其自身的词汇特点,语法特点、修饰特点和翻译特点等等。,学习本课程的目的(Main purpose),Based on the existing knowledge of Construction Management and English, through the course, you will be able to: Expand the vocab

3、ulary of Specialized English for Construction Management Improve the ability to read and understand English Journals/Papers for Construction Management Improve the ability of Specialized English-Chinese translation for Construction Management.,学习要求,遵守上课纪律,不要迟到、早退 授课方式:朗读专业单词、翻译、小组讨论 考核方式:出勤+随堂练习+期末P

4、PT 成绩评定:平时成绩30%+考试成绩70% 相互沟通,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,Words and Expression intersect vi.相交,交叉,横断 take shape 成形,形成,具体化,体现 refinery n.精炼厂,炼制厂 intimately adv.密切地 transcend vt.超过,胜过 in large measure 在很大程度上,大部分 high-rise n.高楼,大厦 condominium n. 共管,共有房产 town house n.市内住宅,城内住宅,Unit 1 Typ

5、es of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,Field-labor-intensive 现场劳动密集型的 Account for 占,说明 Fiscal 财政的 Skyscraper 摩天大楼 Sophistication 老于世故,老练,复杂 Oligopoly 垄断,求过于供 Footpath 人行道,小路 Pipeline 管道,管线 Earthmover 重型推土机 Crane 起重机,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,Warm Up Questions 1. Why is residential con

6、struction industry dominated by large numbers of very small firms? 2. Give some examples of project types of that office and commercial building construction may encompass. 3. What are the major distinctions of heavy construction compared to office and commercial building and residential housing con

7、struction? 4. What are the major distinctions of industrial construction in contrast with the basic materials characteristic of heavy engineering construction?,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,human endeavor 人类活动 Educational philosophies and practices take shape in the architecture of sc

8、hools and colleges, while governments and corporation express their “images” with structures that house their offices and production facilities. 教育理念和实践在学校建筑中得以体现,而政府与企业则通过容纳其办公室和生产设备的建筑物来体现他们的“形象”。 It is difficult, if not impossible (= if possible 如果可能的话), to categorize neatly so great a spectrum o

9、f project. if not impossible 双重否定表示强烈肯定,否定句型表达肯定句型。 a spectrum of n. 系列,范围 frustrate vt. 阻碍,挫败 arbitrary adj. 武断的,主观的 transcend the boundary 超越边界 outnumber vt. 在数量上超过 parallel vt. 与相似,类似,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,The latter (condominium), in particular, are technologically less cl

10、osely related to residences than to the following description of nonresidential building construction and are sometimes incorporated as part of multipurpose commercial development. 尤其是后者,即共管式住宅,它们与住宅的技术关联性不如以下描述的非住宅类建筑那样密切相关(be closely related to),有时被合并为多功能商业发展的一部分。 There are a few very large firms,

11、 but as a rule the low capital and technology requirements in this sector of the industry means that it is characterized (以为特征) by large quantities of very small firms. 有一些大型企业,但是通常(一般)由于该行业较低的资金和技术要求,占主导地位的还是大量小型企业。 among other things 除此之外,除了别的以外 business failure 经营失败 independent contractor 独立承包商 d

12、eveloper-builder 开发-建造商,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,mass production 批量生产 the financing of constructed facilities 兴建设施的融资 general contractor 总承包商 be specialized in 专门从事于 labor-and-material intensive 劳动力与材料密集型 speculative housing 投机性住 oligopoly 垄断,求过于供 interstate adj.【主美】州与州之间的 utilit

13、arian structure 功利性(实用性)的结构 publicly financed 公共资金 under contract with 根据合同与 competitive open bidding 竞争性公开招标,Unit 1 Types of Construction Project 建筑项目的类型,dominate vt. 在占主要地位,支配 and typically all phase of the project are handled by the same firm on a negotiated design-construct or “turnkey” contract

14、ual arrangement, with considerable overlap between design, procurement, and construction. 通常项目各阶段的工作由同一企业依据谈判的设计建造或交钥匙合同安排来承担,因而设计、采购与施工各工作之间有相当多的重叠。 key patent 核心专利 privately financed 私人融资 hoisting and material-handling equipment 起重和材料处理设备,开心连线,Single-family home Garden apartment Recreational facil

15、ities Retail chain stores Multiunit town house Warehouse Light manufacturing plant Skyscraper Condominium High-rise apartment,多单元城内住宅 独户住宅 花园式住宅 仓库 共管式建筑 娱乐场所 摩天大楼 高层公寓 零售连锁店 轻工制造厂房,英汉互译,Earthmover Crane Truck Turnkey contractual arrangement Fossil-fuel Professional consultant Urban rapid transit sy

16、stem Disposal system Power line,土方 岩石 钢材 混凝土 木材 管道 开发建造商 分包商 商业用房建设 业主 设备密集型,Listening Practice: Yours 2012,Vocabulary Curator 管理人员,馆长 Split it up into 裂开,分裂 Archive n.档案馆,资料库,文件 Archaeology 考古学 Vibrant 明亮的,色彩鲜艳的,充满生机的 Perimeter 周围,周边,边界 Spiral 螺旋(形),螺线,Yours 2012,Listen to the video and please answer the questions below How many categories is the exhibition split up into? How much has been spent on removing waste from the site? How many seats are there in the main Olympic Stadiu



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