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1、CONNECTIVE TISSUE PROPER,INTRODUCTION,Connective Tissue (CT) General Features Fewer cells, more extracellular matrix No polarity Rich in blood vessles Functions: connection, support, protection,INTRODUCTION,CT originates from the mesenchyme, an embryonic tissue formed by mesenchymal cells and amorph

2、ous matrix无定形基质.,Mesenchymal cell,INTRODUCTION,CT (in wide sense),CT proper (in narrow sense),Cartilage,Bone,Blood,Loose CT,Dense CT,Adipose tissue,Reticular tissue,LOOSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE,Loose Connective Tissue (LCT) Areolar蜂窝Tissue Features: more types of cells and fewer fibers,LOOSE CONNECTIVE T

3、ISSUE,Loose Connective Tissue consists of Cells: fibroblast成纤维细胞 , plasma cell浆细胞, macrophage巨噬细胞, mast cell肥大细胞, fat cell, undifferentiated mesenchymal cell, leukocytelk,sat白细胞. Extracellular matrix Fiber: collagenous fiber, elastic fiber, reticular fiber Ground substance,LCT CELL,Cell: 建:undiffere

4、ntiated mesenchymal cell 成: fibroblast 巨: macrophage 大: mast cell 白: leukocyte 浆: plasma cell 肪: fat cell,Describe the structure of a cell LM Shape Nucleus细胞核: nucleolus核仁 Cytoplasm细胞质 EM Organelles,gnel细胞器 Granules grnju:ls颗粒,Fibroblast The most common cells in LCT LM: Flat with processes Nucleus:

5、large, pale stained着色浅, with prominent nucleolus核仁明显 Cytoplasm: slightly basophilic,besflk嗜碱性 EM: rich in rER, free ribosomesrabsom and Gol. FUNCTION: synthesize fibers and matrix,LCT CELL FIBROBLAST,Fibroblast (HE),LCT CELL FIBROBLAST,Fibroblast (TEM),LCT CELL FIBROBLAST,Fibrocyte: an inactive stat

6、us静止状态 of fibroblast which can develop into fibroblast for repairing,Fibrocyte,Fibroblast,LCT CELL PLASMA CELL,Plasma Cell Derived from B lymphocyte LM: ovoid or round in shape. Round eccentrically-located nucleus with wheel-arranged heterochromatin. Cytoplasm is abundant and intensely basophilic. E

7、M: rich in rER, free ribosomes and Gol. Function: synthesize and secrete分泌 immunoglobulins,mjnoglbjln (antibodies), taking part in humoral immunitymjunt体液免疫.,Plasma Cell(TEM),Macrophage巨噬 Derived from monocyte in blood LM:Shape: irregular with short processes Nucleus: small, darkly stained Cytoplasm

8、: acidophilic, with granules巨噬颗粒 of various sizes EM: numerous microvilli, rich in lysosomes, phagosomes, phagocytic vacuole and residual body Function: Chemotaxis; Phagocytosis吞噬作用 Secretion;Immune reaction,LCT CELL MACROPHAGE,Macrophage,Histocyte: macrophage in LCT,Macrophage (TEM),Macrophage,Macr

9、ophage,Mast Cell Distributed around vessels Structure: Large, round or ovoid Nucleus: small and pale-stained Cytoplasm: filled with numerous coarse metachromatic 易染性granules. Function: the granules contain heparin肝素, histamine组胺 and eosinophil chemotactic factors嗜酸性趋化因子, and the cytoplasm contains l

10、eukotriene白三烯, taking part in allergic reactions过敏发应.,LCT CELL MAST CELL,Mast Cell,Mast Cell (TEM),LCT CELL FAT CELL,Fat Cell (Adipocyte) Structure Large, round or polygonal Eccentric, flattened nucleus A thin rim of cytoplasm A large lipid droplet Function: synthesize and store fat,White adipose ti

11、ssue HE,LCT CELL,Undifferentiated Mesenchymal Cell Structure: similar to fibrocyte Function: with differentiating potential Leukocytes Neutrophil, eosinophil and lymphocyte,LCT FIBER,Fiber: synthesized by fibroblast Collagenous kldns fiber胶原纤维 Elastic fiber Reticular fiber,LCT FIBER COLLAGENOUS FIBE

12、R,Collagenous kldns Fiber (White fiber) LM: Thick 、Acidophilic EM: parallel-arranged collagenous fibrils胶原原纤维 Collagenous fibril: With periodic cross striation周期性横纹 at 64 nm interval Component成分: type and collagens Mechanical Property: great tensile strength,Collagenous Fiber,Elastic Fiber,Collageno

13、us Fiber(Muscle Tendon HE),Collagenous Fibril (EM),LCT FIBER ELASTIC FIBER,Elastic Fiber (yellow fiber) LM: Thin Slight red (HE), purple (aldehyde fuchsin) or brown (orcein) EM: Elastin + Microfibril Mechanical Property: great elasticity,Molecular basis of elasticity,Collagenous Fiber,Elastic Fiber,

14、Large Artery,LCT FIBER RETICULAR FIBER,Reticular Fiber LM: Thin ;Branch to form networks Argyrophil fiber (silver staining);PAS (+) EM: Component: type collagen 64nm cross striations Distribution: Reticular tissue Connecting portion, e.g. reticular lamina,Reticular Fiber (Lymph Node, silver staining

15、 ),LCT GROUND SUBSTANCE,Ground Substance Amorphous colloidal substance Consists of Glycosaminoglycan糖胺多糖 Proteoglycan蛋白多糖 Multiadhesive glycoprotein多黏多糖 Tissue fluid组织液,LCT GROUND SUBSTANCE GLYCOSAMINOGLYCAN,Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) Sulfated Chondroitin sulfate A, C 硫酸软骨素 Keratan sulfate 硫酸角质素 Hepa

16、ran sulfate 硫酸乙酰肝素 Dermatan sulfate 硫酸皮肤素 Nonsulfated Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan ) 透明质酸,LCT GROUND SUBSTANCE PROTEOGLYCAN,Proteoglycan A. Proteoglycan subunit 1 Core protein 4 GAGs,Test tube brush like,Core protein,GAGs,LCT GROUND SUBSTANCE PROTEOGLYCAN,Proteoglycan B. Proteoglycan aggregate Core protein Hyaluronic acid 透明质酸 Proteoglycan subunit Link protein 连接蛋白,Proteoglycan subunit,Collagenous fibril,Molecular sieve,LCT GROUND SUBSTANCE MULTIADHESIVE GLYCOPR



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