(人教新起点)四年级英语下册期中测试 (2).doc

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《(人教新起点)四年级英语下册期中测试 (2).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(人教新起点)四年级英语下册期中测试 (2).doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小学四年级英语下册期中测试姓名 班级 分数 听力部分(40分)一、听音圈词。( 10 )1 office zoo potato 2. fine five field3. machine get CD 4. happy nervous sad5. shoulder back hand 6. borrow surprise proud7. sir teacher driver 8. wolf duck sheep9Chinese music Maths 10. what when who二、听音选择(10)1. Sam is _ . 2. Daming is _ . 3. Lingling and

2、 Amy are _ . 4. Xiaoyong is _ . 5. Dongdong is _ . 三、听音标号。( 6 )四、听音排序。(7)( ) Tilly saw a cat.( ) Yesterday, she went into a shop.( ) She was scared.( ) Tilly was a mouse.( ) Tilly broke the door and ran away.( ) She bought some cheese.( ) Then she ate the cheese.五、听音写数字。(6) 笔试部分(40)六、抄写单词和句子。(10)tho

3、usand shop picture flower What did he play? He played the pipa. 七、看一看,连线。(12)1.Dont touch the machines! 2. The boy laughed.3. The computer is beautiful. 4. Dad played the erhu.5. Its Mothers Day. 6. The boy looked after sheep.八、读一读,写出划线单词的意思。(6)1Do you want to listen to Chinese Music? ( )2. The wolf

4、 ate all the sheep. ( ) ( )3. Wear these glasses! ( )4. This machine cut the potatoes. ( )5. The TV is expensive. ( )九、选词填空。(6)tall difficult cheap perfect big beautiful1.The picture is . 2. The pen is . 3.The tree is . 4. The elephant is . 5.Its very . 6.The computer is .十、读一读,圈一圈。(6)We played in a

5、 concert last year. Dongdong played the piano. He played very well. LiMing played the guitar. He was nervous before the concert. At the end everyone clapped. He was happy. XiaoLan played the erhu. It is a Chinese instrument. XiaoLan played the erhu beautifully. And she was very proud.1. Who played the piano in the concert?A. Dongdong B. LiMing2. Who played the erhu in the concert?A. LiMing B. XiaoLan3. Who played the guitar in the concert?A. LiMing B. Dongdong



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