(人教新起点)六年级英语上册 开学测试卷1.doc

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1、六年级开学测试卷班级: 姓名: 学号: 分数: 一、【题文】看图补全单词。(10分)1.bir_day2.badm_ton 3.ch_sticks 4.c_dy 5.play ch_s【答案】1.birthday 2.badminton 3.chopsticks 4.candy 5.play chess【解析】1.birthday 生日 2.badminton 羽毛球3.chopsticks筷子 4.candy 糖果 5.play chess下棋【难度】容易【结束】二、【题文】读一读,翻译下列短语(12分)1. 邮寄礼物_2. 制作卡片_3. 野餐_4. Childrens Day _5. N

2、ational Day _6. go to bed _【答案】1. mail a present 2.make a card 3.have a picnic 4.儿童节5.国庆节6.就寝【解析】1. mail a present 邮寄礼物2.make a card 制作卡片3.have a picnic野餐4.Childrens Day儿童节5. National Day国庆节6.go to bed 就寝【难度】较易【结束】三、【题文】根据句子顺序给图片标号(10分)(1)Lets have a picnic in the park today!(2)You are going to play

3、 basketball.(3)Im going to play chess.(4)Today is a sunny day.(5)It is raining.【答案】5 4 1 2 3【解析】(1)Lets have a picnic in the park today!我们今天在公园里野餐吧!(2)You are going to play basketball.你打算去打篮球。(3)Im going to play chess.我打算去下棋。(4)Today is a sunny day.今天是晴天。(5)It is raining.下雨了。【难度】一般【结束】四、单项选择(12分)( )

4、1【题文】 _ eat too much candy. Its bad _ your teeth.A. Do, to B. Dont, for C. Do, at 【答案】B【解析】祈使句的否定形式是在句首加Dont,Its bad for为固定短语“对有坏处”。【难度】一般【结束】 ( )2【题文】We had a long walk in the mountains. We were very _.A. tired B. cold C. pretty【答案】A【解析】由第一句可知,我们在山里走了很长的路,一定是很累了。故选A。【难度】一般【结束】 ( )3【题文】 Tree Plantin

5、g Day is _March 12th.A. in B. on C. of 【答案】B 【解析】on March 12th, 在几月几号用on,以选B。【难度】一般【结束】 ( )4【题文】Where you go last Sunday? I went to the nature park. A. do B. did C. Does【答案】B【解析】句意:上个周日你去哪了?我去了自然公园。由last Sunday可知,句子应使用过去时态。where引导的特殊疑问句助动词用did,故选B。【难度】一般【结束】 ( )5【题文】What _I do?You should see a docto

6、r.A.do B.should C.am【答案】B【解析】由答句You should see a doctor.可知,问句的助动词是should。来源:学科网【难度】一般【结束】6【题文】-How was your trip? -It was _.A. green B. by plane C. wonderful【答案】C【解析】题干意思是你的旅途怎么样?回答也用过去式。选项C“它很棒”符合语境,选择C。【难度】一般【结束】五、【题文】将A栏的英文,与B栏所对应的汉语意思连起来。(9分) A BTeachers Day 儿童节National Day 教师节Childrens Day 新年Ne

7、w Years Day 国庆节 Christmas Day 圣诞节Mothers Day 父亲节Tree Planting Day 植树节来源:Z_xx_k.ComSpring Festival 春节Fathers Day母亲节【答案】 A BTeachers Day 儿童节National Day 教师节Childrens Day 新年New Years Day 国庆节 Christmas Day 圣诞节Mothers Day 父亲节Tree Planting Day 植树节Spring Festival 春节Fathers Day母亲节【解析】考查学生对各个节日英语短语的掌握情况。【难度】

8、较易【结束】六、【题文】给下列句子选择正确的译文。(10分)( )(1)Were going to have a picnic.( )(2)Will you take your kite?( )(3)I will take my ball on Sunday.( )(4)Are you going to have a picnic on Saturday?( )(5)She will fly too.【答案】(1)C (2)D (3)B (4)E (5)A【解析】考查学生的英汉翻译能力。需要注意一些词的准确翻译,have a picnic野餐,will,be going to打算。【难度】一般

9、【结束】七、【题文】根据图片内容,将句子补充完整。(12分) 1. A:What did you do last weekend? 2. A:What did you do last weekend? B:I _. B:I _. 3. A:What did you do last weekend? 4. A:What did you do last weekend? B:I _. B:I _.【答案】1. washed (my) clothes 2. watched TV 3. cleaned my / the room 4. stayed at home【解析】1. 图片显示“在洗衣服”,句

10、子用过去时,所以应填washed (my) clothes。2. 图片显示“在看电视”,句子用过去时,所以应填watched TV。来源:学&科&网3. 图片显示“在打扫房间”,句子用过去时,所以应填cleaned my / the room。4. 图片显示“待在家里”,句子用过去时,所以应填stayed at home。来源:学科网【难度】一般【结束】八、【题文】请阅读下面的对话,根据对话内容选择恰当的句子完成对话。(15分)Doctor : Good morningLily:例: ( B )Doctor: Whats wrong?Lily: 1.( )Doctor : Do you oft

11、en eat sweet food?Lily: Yes, I do.2.( )Doctor: 3.( .)Lily: I brush my teeth in the morning .But I dont brush in the evening. 4.( )Doctor: You should brush your teeth twice a day,You shouldnt eat too much sweet food.lts bad for your teeth.Lily: Thank you.Doctor: 5.( )You will be better soon.Lily: OK.

12、 Ill take some medicine.A. I like chocolate and candy.B. Good morningC .Do you want to take some medicine?D. What should I do now?E. Do you brush your teeth twice a day?F. I have a toothache.【答案】1.F2.A3.E4.D5.C【解析】1.句意:我牙疼。根据图片我们看到有医生在给病人看牙齿,所以答案中有toothache,故选择答案F.2.句意:我喜欢吃巧克力和糖果。根据前一个问句和前面的一个答句,所以确定主要是我,选择A或是D。但是回答是一个肯定句,故选择A。3.由答句句意可知,问句应该为一个关于刷牙频率的句子。故选E。E项意为:你一天刷两次牙吗?4.句意:我现在应该怎么做呢?要选择一个问句要在C,D,E中选择,但是C和E是一般疑问句,要用Yes和No来回答。故选择D。5.句意:你想拿些药吗?首先要选择一个问句就剩下C了,而答句里面也出现了medicine,故选择C。【难度】困难【结束】九、



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