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1、Graphological Style Markers Graphology(笔迹,语相)refers to the shape or size of the symbols used to convey meaning. Various aspects of design in graphology (e.g. punctuation, capitalization, spelling, paragraphing) are resources which can be utilized for communicative purpose.,And in extreme cases, the

2、shape of the text and the symbols of the different linguistic levels are even essential for the interpretation of the text.,I. Punctuation 标点符号都有其常规的, 无标记的用法。 偏离这些常规,以及某种符号的高频率 出现, 都可在适当的情景语境中取得特殊 的文体效应。,Exclamation,1 . A vocative used with an exclamation mark represents urgent warning or command. “

3、Nicholas!” said his uncle sharply. “Nicholas,” said his mother softly.,2. An exclamation mark ending an imperative sentence adds to the peremptory or urgnent force of a command. Shut the door!,3. The combination of question and exclamation marks specifies the writers doubt or surprise about certain

4、language items. What?! He said I was his best (?!) friend.,4. Excessive use of exclamation marks is often considered as a sign of frivolous and immature writing; The use of more than one exclamation mark is a feature of very informal writing.,Dash,1. Dash is considered a mark of informal writing. It

5、 may indicate a sudden break or interruption. “No he didnt, Aunt Mollie. It wasnt Mr Edmond. Mr. Edmond didnt - ”,2. Dashes can be used to mark off a parenthesis. They tend to give a somewhat more dramatic and informal impression. “Let us say “good night”, my fine boy, said the gentleman, when he ha

6、d bent his headI saw him! Over my mothers little glove (David Copperfield, Murdstone),Quotation,To indicate the authenticity of the quoted words. To direct the readers attention to the quoted words. In marring the girl he worried “ a bit more than he could chew”.,To enclose words used in special sen

7、ses or borrowed from other contexts. To enclose words that the writer considers inappropriate or untrue. Another “Livelihood project”,Example: How, is, my, lit, tle, friend? How, is, my, lit, tle, friend? -Charles Dickens Dombey and Son Commas are repeatedly used here to imitate the rhythm of a cloc

8、k.,I came, I saw, I conquered. -Julias caesar 凯撒用这种手段来炫耀他可以不费吹 灰之力就可以征服对手的能力。 这种形式一方面使阅读时间变短, 停 顿变得简短有力使各句之间的意义联系密 切, 减少了三个过程之间的时间差;另一 方面, 这一手段特别强调了最后一个过程。 用逗号来连接came, saw, conquered三个过程, 从而在语法上给三者相同的地位。因此, “ 征 服对手”所需时间与“ 来”和“ 看”所需时间一样 长, 从而强调了“ 征服”这一过程的迅速, 使凯 撒的傲慢之情味跃然纸上。,the first car in town a gi

9、rl Girl thats what Jason couldnt bear smell of gasoline making him sick then got madder than ever because a girl Girl had no sister but Benjamin Benjamin the child of my sorrow ful if Id just had a mother so I could say Mother Mother -Willianm Faulkner The Sound and the Fury This is a paragraph desc

10、ribing Quentins psychology before he commit suicide. The absence of punctuation reveals his illogical, irrational, crazy thoughts at the moment.,(2) Layout (Shape of a text) The shape of a text can be designed in an unconventional way so that it may be suggestive of a certain literary theme.,L(a Le

11、Af Fa Ll s) one l iness (E.E.Cummings),e.e. cummings 的这首诗l ( a , 通 过语言变异的现象, 来达到突出的目的, 给读者留下了过目不忘的印象。诗人把诗 歌看作一种可视艺术, 通过独特的排版方 法, 把单个的词在视觉上的美表现的淋漓 尽致。他的诗歌给读者美的享受, 同时也 留给读者许多遐想的空间。,这首怪异的l (a 从视觉上给了我们 强烈的冲击。 a leaf falls / loneliness l(a里的l恰恰是树干的形状,代表一棵 树,随后用拆分单词的形式呈垂直状态 落下,刚刚像是树叶离开树在风中飘零 而后无声、孤寂地凋落在离树

12、不远处的 地面上。更巧妙的是对单词loneliness 的拆分,l/one/iness。 一片叶子从树上飘落。从此,离开了树 的叶子孤独了,没有了叶子的树也孤独了。,冰山译,艹(一十艹洛)冖卂艹冖卂,译文:茕(一叶落)茕, Think youre in Heaven? Well youll soon be in H E L L (M. Horovitz),在这首诗里,诗人就是用一种违 反常规的奇特的书写方式来直观 地表现入地狱是往下行的。,40-LOVE Roger McGough,middle aged couple playing ten- nis when the game ends a

13、nd they go home the net will still be be- tween them,40-Love 四十岁的爱情 Roger McGough,Middle aged 中 年 couple playing 夫 妇 ten nis 打 网 when the 球 打 game ends 完 后 and they 回 家 go home走 球 the net网 依 will still旧 把 be be-人 分 tween them 左 右,本首诗运用了语象变异的方法。其一, 诗中选的词排成两个竖列,宛如夫妇双方, 中间隔了一张网,正在一来一去的击球; 其二,诗中选的词基本都是单

14、音节词,读 来机械单调,很容易让人联想到这对夫妇 枯燥乏味,缺乏情趣的生活;其三,诗中 的两个关键词tennis 和between被拆开了, 分别置于两个竖列中,隐喻两人的感情世 界已被一张无形的网隔开,不再融为一体。 这些都说明了语象变异在表达主题的重要性, 尤其是在诗歌中。,R. Draper, Target Practice The poem is shaped like a bulls eye or target with a series of concentric circles. Each circle from the outside to the inside represe

15、nts a progression in the degree of seriousness of injury. Uniqueness and originality,She loves me She loves me not She loves She loves me She She loves She Emmett Willows,The poem has a stripping effect like the stripping away of daisy-petals. Each subsequent repetition of the two base lines of the poem is diminished by one word.,So we see that our lover becomes more and more at a loss for words and his mistress eventually prefers her own company. Read diagonally from the bottom left upward to the right, the remaining isol



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