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1、Unit 1 Welcome back to school! Period 1一、看图,选择与图片对应的单词。AgirlBChinaCthe UKDboy1()2()3() 4()二、根据中文释义,选择正确的单词,将其序号填在题前的括号里。() 1朋友 AfriendBhave() 2中国 Athe UKBChina() 3新的 AnewBToday() 4男孩 AgirlBboy() 5欢迎 AwelcomeBthanks三、选择对应的中文释义,将序号写在括号里。( ) 1Hi, Im Amy. Im from the UK.() 2Hi, Im Sarah. Im from the USA

2、.() 3We have two new friends today.A 你好,我叫莎娜。我来自美国。B今天我们有两位新同学。C你好,我叫艾米。我来自英国。四、读问句,选择对应的答句。() 1Good morning, boys and girls.AGood morning, Miss White! BGoodbye, Miss White.() 2Im Lily, Im from the UK.AWe have two new friends today. BWelcome!() 3Hi, Im Mike. Im from Canada. What about you?AIm nine.

3、BIm from China.Period 2一、下列图片分别是哪个国家的标志性建筑?将序号写在对应的括号里。Athe USABthe UKCCanadaDChina二、根据中文释义,选择正确的单词,将其序号填在题前的括号里。() 1美国 Athe UABthe USA() 2中国 Athe UKBChina() 3英国 Athe UKBthe USA() 4加拿大 ACanadaBChina三、读读句子,选择正确的选项填空。() 1We friends.AareBis() 2Im from .Athe USABUK() 3Amy from the UK.AareB is() 4We like

4、 .AplayBto play四、请将国旗和他(她)的自我介绍对号入座。() 1Im from Canada.() 2Im from the UK.() 3Im from China.() 4Im from the USA. Period 3一、看图,选择与图片对应的单词。ApandaBcat ChandDbagEdad二、拼一拼,写一写。三、大声读下列单词,选出每组中画线部分读音不同的一个。() 1AfatBcat Cand() 2AChinaBhaveCbag () 3AhandBdadCAre() 4Aplay BtodayCapple四、读句子,选择对应的图片。() 1This is

5、a cat.() 2Show me your bag.Period 4一、根据下面的国旗,选择对应的国家名。1 China ( ) 2Canada ( )3Australia ( ) 4the USA ( )二、为下列句子选择正确的中文释义,将其序号填在题前的括号里。()1This is Amy.A我叫莉莉。B这位是艾米。()2Im from the USA.A.我来自英国。 B.我来自美国。 ()3Shes a new student.A她是个女孩。B她是一位新学生。()4Where are you from?A你来自哪里?B你叫什么名字?三、读句子,选出正确的应答句。()1Where ar

6、e you from?AEight.BIm from Canada.()2Whats your name?AMy name is Amy.BNice to meet you.()3How old are you?AIm Chen Jie.BIm nine.()4This is my friend, Amy.ANice to meet you.BSee you!四、将国家名和相应国家的代表行动物连线。ChinaCanadaAustraliathe USAPeriod 5一、看图,选择与图片对应的单词(多项选择)。AteacherBstudentCsheDhe二、为下列句子选择正确的中文释义,将其

7、序号填在题前的括号里。()1This is Lingling.A我叫莉莉。B这位是玲玲。()2She is a student.A她是一个学生。B她是一个女孩。()3This is Mr Jones.A这位是琼斯老师。B这位是怀特老师。()4Lily is a pupil.A莉莉是个女孩。B莉莉是个小学生。 三、选择填空。() 1This Amy. AisBare() 2Im Canad . AisBFrom() 3She and he are .AfriendsBfriend() 4She is . AstudentBa student四、看图,选择正确的选项。() 1 a student.

8、AHesBShes() 2Shes a .AstudentBteacher() 3Mike is a .AgirlBBoy() 4Its from .AChinaBCanadaPeriod 6一、圈出与图片一致的单词。二、判断下面每组单词是否同类,同类的请画“”,不同类的请画“”。()1AfromBfriendCteacher()2AsheBheCyou()3AboyBgirlCname()4AChinaBCanadaCAustralia三、根据中文,选择与之对应的单词。() 1男孩 AboyBgirl () 2新的 AnewBno() 3欢迎 AwelcomeBfrom() 4中国 AChinaBCanada四、根据给出的情景,选择正确的句子。() 1你想问新同学来自什么地方,你这样说:AWhere are you from? BWhats your name?() 2你想对新同桌表示欢迎,你说:AThank you!BWelcome!() 3你想告诉同桌你来自山东,你说:A I like Shandong.BIm from Shandong.() 4你告诉妈妈你今天交了个新朋友,你说:A I have a new friend today.BI have a new pencil today.


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