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1、九年级英语上册Unit 4 Topic 3 We will live in space one day Section D教案仁爱版 - 1 - / 5 九年级上仁爱版英语Unit 4 Topic 3 We will live in space one day Section D教案 The main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是1a 和 4。 . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn the new words and useful phrase: beyond, separate, hand in 2. Revi

2、ew the use of “modal verb + be + p.p.”. 3. Talk about our planet and living things on other planets. . Teaching aids 教具 录音机 / 多媒体课件 / 教学挂图 / 幻灯片 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习 ( 时间 :13 分钟 ) 1. (多媒体展示一些图片,学生们根据图片内容造句,该句子必须是“情态动词+被动语态 结构”,复习本单元语法。) T: Hello! Boys and girls, in

3、this topic we have learned a new grammar, the passive voice with modal verb. Now, lets look at the screen. Say some sentences according to the pictures. Please remember that you should use “modal verb + be + P.P.”. Do you understand? Ss: Yes. T: (多媒体呈现一个很脏的教室。) Here is a classroom. S 1, can you? S1:

4、 Yes. The classroom should be cleaned every day. T: Good. Lets look at next one. (呈现一幅环境污染图片。)S2, please? S2: The environment must be protected by us. T: Excellent. Next one. (呈现一辆坏了的自行车。)S3, you please! S3: The bike should be repaired. T: Good. Next.( 展现一个小孩用脏兮兮的手在吃苹果的图片。)Who can make a sentence? S

5、4, can you? S4: Her hands should be kept separate from the apple. T: Very good. Lets look at next one. (呈现一片被砍伐的树林。) S5: The trees shouldnt be cut down by people. T: OK, next. (展现科学家们正在认真做研究的图片。) S6: Scientific research must be done carefully. T: You did very well. Have you mastered the new grammar?

6、 SS: Yes. ( 板书并要求掌握separate) separate adj./v. 2. ( 多媒体制作一个动漫的声音。让学生判断波利说的关于上一节课学过的火星的内容是否 正确。激发学生的兴趣,达到复习的目的。) T: Boys and girls. Weve learned something about Mars. Do you still remember? 九年级英语上册Unit 4 Topic 3 We will live in space one day Section D教案仁爱版 - 2 - / 5 Ss: Yes. T: Let s listen to what Po

7、lly says. Are her expressions of Mars right or wrong? Polly: Mars goes around the earth at a distance of about 228 million kilometres. Ss: No, you are wrong. Polly: It is one fourth as big as the earth. Ss: No, its about half as big as the earth. Polly: Mars looks like a red and black ball. Ss: No,

8、it looks like a red and orange ball. Polly: It is very beautiful. Ss: Yes. Polly: A person weighs 120 kilos on earth, but only weighs 48 kilos on Mars. Ss: Yes, you are right. Polly: The temperature on Mars is between -120 and 20 . Ss: No, its between -138 and 28 . Polly: It takes a spaceship from t

9、he earth about eight years to reach Mars when the two planets are closest to each other. Ss: No, eight months, not eight years. T: OK, boys and girls, you did very well. It seems that you have mastered the passage very well. Congratulations! 3. (出示教学挂图太阳系,让学生们从感官上认识太阳系,教师导入新课。) T: Boys and girls, ju

10、st now we talked about Mars. As we know, Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in the solar system. Do you know how many planets there are in the solar system? Ss: Yes. There are eight. T: Right. The solar system is like the home of the eight planets. Our planet, the earth, is the third planet from

11、 the sun. However, the solar system is a small part of the universe. ( 板书并释义。) universe n. 宇宙 The solar system is a small part of the universe. Scientists have sent up spaceships to explore other planets in the solar system. Whats more, some spaceships have gone beyond the solar system. ( 板书,讲解并要求掌握

12、beyond。) beyond prep. Some spaceships have gone beyond the solar system. Scientists will do more research about the space. So boys and girls, you must study hard. Then you can do something useful to help research the space one day. Do you think so? Ss: Yes, we will study hard. T: OK. Next, lets read

13、 the text to learn more about the solar system. Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现 ( 时间 :8 分钟 ) 九年级英语上册Unit 4 Topic 3 We will live in space one day Section D教案仁爱版 - 3 - / 5 1. (学生打开课本,听1a 录音并跟读,回答下列问题。) T: Boys and girls, lets listen to the tape. Read after it, then answer the following questions: ( 幻灯出示问题。)

14、 (1) Has anybody found life on other planets? (2) What s called the solar system? ( 学生听后回答问题,教师核对答案,必要时可再放一遍录音。) 2. (让学生读 1a, 选出恰当的标题。然后完成1b。) T: You read 1a again. Choose the best title of the passage, then finish 1b。 ( 学生完成后,核对答案。) T: Now, which one would you like to choose? Ss: Is there anyone ou

15、t there? T: Yes, good. Now look at 1b. Who can match the pictures with their names according to 1a? S7: (B) the solar system (D) the earth (A) the universe (C) the sun T: OK, you did very well. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固 ( 时间 :8 分钟 ) 1. (学生再读 1a,教师板书本课关键词和短语。) T: Boys and girls, let s find out the k

16、ey words and phrases of the passage. ( 板书 ) life, millions of years, on other planets, the earth, seven, the solar system, universe, launch, beyond, discover, message, information, alone 2. (根据板书的关键词,引导学生复述课文。) T: Look at the key words and phrases on the blackboard. Can you retell the text? Ss: Lets have a try. T: OK. life, millions of years. Ss: There has been life on the earth for millions of



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