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1、四六级英语写作常见句型 (1)用于描写漫画、图表的常用句型 Asthe graph describes, Fromthe cartoon /picture, we can see that Accordingto the statistics shown in the first /second graph, Thetable shows / indicates / reveals that Itcan be seen /concluded from the picture / table / figures that graph ( 图标,曲线图 ) ,cartoon (连环漫画 ) ,ta

2、ble (表格) , figure (数字),picture (图片,图画 ) (2)用于句首提出论题或现象的句型 Recently, has become the focus of the society. hasbeen playing anincreasinglyimportant role in our day-to-day life.(increasingly相当于 more and more, 但更加正式, 适用于写作) Nowadaysthere is a growing concern for Nowadaysit is common to hear/see hasbecome

3、a common occurrence in ourdaily life.(屡见不 鲜,常见的事 ) Nowadaysmore and more people are beginning tobe aware ofthe seriousness of Itis only during the last /past few years that man hasbecomegenerallyawarethat Thereis anold / popularsaying/ proverbwhich says / goes Inrecent years, there is a general tend

4、ency that Nowadays , has beco mea problem we have to face. (3)用于比较、阐述不同观点的常用句型 Somepeoplelike / prefer,whileothersare / feel inclined to Thereare different opinions among people as to Some believe whole hold Somepeopleclaimthat is superior to Others,however, disagree with it . Somepeoplebelieve Othe

5、rsmaintain Still othersclaim Somepeoplesuggest Others,however, hold the opposite opinion. Onthe one hand, peopletend to.On the other hand, they feel Somepeoplearguethat Others,in contrast, believe t hat Althoughmore and more peoplecome to believethere are still others who insist that On thecontrary,

6、 there are peopleinfavor of Thereare some people whoholddifferent opinions about 也能够用 sb. hold thenotion that(相当于 think ,为正式用语 ) (4)用于陈述个人观点 / 想法的常用句型 Myown experience tellsme that Inmy opinion, we shouldattack more importance to Asfor my own ideaaboutI believe Asfar as I am concerned, I plan to Per

7、sonally,I prefer Inmy view, both sides are partlyright in that Butfor me, I would rather Myown point of view is that Inconclusion,I supportthe statement that Asregards me,I tendto choose (5)用于书信写作的常用句型 Thankyou for your letter of Itis a pleasure for me to invite youon behalf of to accept Thanksso mu

8、ch for your letter, which arrived Iam writing to youwith reference to(“关于,相关”,相 当于 about) Iam writing to youin connection with(与相关 ) Iwould be grateful if you could / would Iwould like to know some information on Itwill be appreciated if you can / could Iwould also like to know if you can / could Il

9、ook forward to hearing from you. (6)用于结尾的常用句型 Fromwhat has been discussed / mentioned above , we may conclude that Therefore,it is not difficult to draw / come to the conclusion that Itis high time that something was done about Fromall the reasons / consideration above, it is evident / clear / obvio

10、us that Takinginto account all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that Giventhe reasons / consideration I have just outlined / discussed / presented, Istrongly recommend that Itis clear, therefore, that (=Therefore, it is clear that ) Allin all, what really matters is, in fact, to Itis essen

11、tial that effective measure (should) be taken to Fromwhat has been discussed above, we may reasonablyarrive at the conclusionthat (还能够说 cometo the conclusion, reach the conclusion, draw the conclusion, jump to theconclusion) In conclusion, the most important is On the whole(= generally),it is high time thatevery one (注意: It is (high) time that sb. didsth.从句的动词一定 要用过去式 ) As a result, we should take some effective steps to Judging by the figures / statistics, it is not difficult to see that Only in this way / in doing so, can we



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