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1、American media,美国传媒,American newspaper,TheLosAngelesTimes洛杉矶时报 TheNewYorkTimes纽约时报 WashingtonPost华盛顿邮报 TheWallStreetJournal华尔街日报 TheNewYorkDailyNews纽约每日新闻 ChicagoDailyTribune芝加哥论坛报 USAToday今日美国 NewYorkPost纽约邮报,American magazine,福布斯杂志(Forbes) 财富杂志(Fortune) 商业周刊(BusinessWeek),American radio,ABC(美国广播公司

2、)American Broadcasting Company NBC(全国广播公司)National Broadcasting Company CBS(哥伦比亚广播公司)Columbia Broadcasting System PBS(公共广播协会)Cable News Network FOX(福斯电视网)Fox Broadcasting Company TBS(透纳广播网)Turner Broadcasting System MTV(音乐电视频道)Music Television,American TV show,Entertainment program Talk show Variety

3、 show,Entertainment program,美国偶像 american idol 幸存者 survivor 飞黄腾达 the ampprentice 极速前进 the amazing race 单身贵族 the bachelor 成交不成交 deal or not deal 美国达人 american get talents 大兄 big brother 每日秀 the daily show,Talk show,oprah winfreconan,obriendavid letterman,jay leno,Variety show,American Idol,American g

4、et talent,So you think you can,dance war,dancedancing with stars,奥普拉(1954年1月29日),生于密西西比州科 修斯科,美国企业家和电视节目主持人。毕业于田纳西州立大学公演艺术及语音通讯学双 学士学位。2007年获得霍华德大学荣誉博士学位。由于母亲不到20岁未婚就怀了她,奥普 拉的童年过得相当清寒。她的出生证明上写的是奥帕(Orpah),取自圣经旧约全书 里路得记一卷里面的其中一位摩阿布族女人的名字,但是邻居们在读写她的名字时把 其中的R和P调换了位置。最终奥普拉成 了广泛接受的名字。根据2004年的福布斯杂志称,奥普拉温芙瑞

5、据信身家超过10亿美金。,Oprahs (January 29, 1954-was born in Mississippi division Hughes families, American entrepreneurs and host of TV. Graduated from Tennessee state university art and voice communication premiere learn double A bachelors degree. Howard university in 2007 for a honorary doctorate degree. Du

6、e to less than 20 years old mother is pregnant with her unmarried, Mr Heep Pull childhood had a fairly from underprivileged backgrounds. Her birth certificate is written in Mr Palmer (Orpah), from the old testament, the bible The record in a roll of inside one of the womans name, Roman abramovich bu

7、t the neighbors in reading and writing her name One of the R and P transpose the position. Oprah into final The name of the widely accepted. According to the 2004 Forbes magazine said, oprah winfrey is believed to go more than $1 billion.,奥普拉,美国著名影视公司,American films,环球影片公司(Universal Picture Co.) 派拉蒙影业公司 (Paramount Pictures, Inc.) 20世纪福斯电影公司 (20th Century-Fox Film Corp.) 哥伦比亚影业公司 (Columbia Pictures Corp.) 华纳兄弟影业公司 (Warner Bros.) 米高梅公司 (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) 联美公司(United Artists Corp.) 雷电华影业股份有限公司 (RKO),hollywood,


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