外研版八上《Module 8 Around town》ppt全模块课件

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1、Module 8 Around town,Unit 1 How do I get to the Forbidden City?,Detailed explanation,Drilling: Activity 3&4 ( Acting out can be done.) Key points: Asking the way: How do I get to ? Can you tell me the way to ? Giving directions: Go straight ahead. Go along /Go across. Turn left/ right , opposite , o

2、n the corner of,between and,教 学 设 计 思 路,Warming up: 通过复习所学地点名词引入本课的学习。,Lead-in & Presentation: 通过对已知方位词的练习和听力训练,从而了解整篇短文大意.,Drilling & practice: 学生通过朗读对话和对短文的翻译,进一步加深对短文的理解,从而提高阅读理解能力。,Consolidation: 培养学生良好的听说能力,能够根据地图讲清路线,描述某个地点的位置。,New words study.,bank market supermarket pool swimming pool square

3、 left right opposite chairman between,银行 市场 超市 水池,池塘 游泳池 广场 向左;左边的;左边 向右;右边的; 右边 在的对面 主席 在之间,New words study.,turn corner along revolutionary memorial,转向;转弯 街道拐角 沿着 革命的 纪念物,纪念碑,Activity1. Listen and match the words and expressions with the pictures.,bank bookshop market park restaurant supermarket s

4、wimming pool,swimming pool,Conversation1,park,supermarket,bank,Conversation2,restaurant,Conversation3,bookshop,market,Conversation4,Activity2.Work in pairs. Say which places you can find in your town. e.g. Theres a park near our school. There is a _ near our school. There is _next to our school. The

5、re is _ near my home . There _next to my home . There _ next to the market. ,Activity 3.,Listen and read.,Pre-listening questions:,What map is Lingling showing Sally? Where is the Forbidden City?,The map of Beijing.,Its opposite Tiananmen Square.,Activity 3.,Ask the Ss to read the text and find the

6、sentences about asking the way and giving directions.,Asking the way: 1.How do I get to the Forbidden City? 我怎样才能到达故宫呢? 2.Can you tell me the way to a park? 能告诉我去公园的路怎么走吗? 3.Where is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall? 毛主席纪念堂在哪儿? Giving directions: 4.Go straight ahead 朝前走 5.between and 在之间 6.turn left/r

7、ight 向左右转 7.opposite 在对面 8.on the corner of 在交叉口 9.Go along 沿着 走,Everyday English,Heres over there on the left/on the right Its kind of,这是,那儿,有点儿,有几分,在左边/在右边,Activity4.Match the numbers on the map with the places.,the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall,along between left map next to on the corner of opposit

8、e right turn,The answers: 1.F 2 .d 3. a 4.e 5.b 6.c 7.g,Activity5. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions in the box.,between /next to /on the corner of /opposite,1.Tiananmen Square is the Forbidden City. 2.The Museum of Chinese Revolution is the Museum lf Chinese History. 3.The Great

9、 Hall of the People is of Tiananmen Square and Dongchangan Jie. 4.Dongchangan Jie is Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City.,between,next to,on the corner,opposite,7.Work in pairs. Look at the map .Ask for the directions fromto Tiananmen Square-Beihai Park A: Excuse me , how do I get to Beihai Park

10、? B: Go straight and turn left.,Module 8 Around town Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right,Detailed explanation,Drilling: Activity 1 Key points: as, on your left / right , get off, walk /go along, go past Difficult sentences: 1.Opposite is the National Gallery , a museum with lots of famous paintin

11、gs. 2.When you are tired , the best way to see London is by boat. 3.As you go along the river , the London Eye is on your right. 4.Youre now back where you started.,教 学 设 计 思 路,Warming up: 复习问路的简单用法,通过呈现图片引出新单词,导入主题。,Lead-in & Presentation: 通过阅读,让学生学会指路的表达法,了解伦敦的著名建筑,培养学生看地图的能力。,Drilling & practice:

12、 学生通过朗读课文并回答问题,进一步加深对短文的理解,从而提高阅读理解能力。,Consolidation: 通过复述课文,练习等加强学生对本课新知的学习,巩固,学会表达如何指路。,Revision,Complete the conversation . A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way _ the museum, please? B: Yes, its near the station. You go _ this street to the end. Then _ left, go _ the bridge and the museum is _ y

13、our right. A: Thanks a lot. B: _.,to,along,turn,across,on,Youre welcome,Tower Bridge,Presentation,Big Ben,Buckingham Palace,Do you know which city we ll talk about?,the House of Parliament,The London Eye,Can you tell us the other famous places in London?,the National Gallery,the Tower of London,伦敦眼是

14、世界最大的摩天轮,为了纪念千禧年(2000年)而建。它坐落在泰晤士河畔,伦敦市议会大厦前面。伦敦眼高135米,可鸟瞰周围25英里之内的景观。,伦敦塔九百多年来曾先后作为王宫、兵工厂、监狱及城堡,是伦敦最著名的建筑物之一。城堡共由22个高塔组成。,Activity 3,Say which places you can see in the photos.,the House of Parliament,The London Eye,Tower Bridge,Activity 4,Match the words with the pictures.,bridge church museum pal

15、ace store tower,museum,store,bridge,church,palace,tower,Step3. New words,1.tour 2.painting 3.clear 4.boat 5.off 6.tower 7.as 8.on your right,旅行 油画;绘画 晴朗的;清晰的 船 下(飞机、车、船等) 塔 当的时候 在你右边,Check the words,1.tour 2.painting 3.clear 4.boat 5.off 6.tower 7.as 8.on your right,旅行 油画;绘画 晴朗的;清晰的 船 下(飞机、车、船等) 塔 当的时候 在你右边,Read the tour of London and follow it on the map.,Activity 1,The square,National Gallery Buckingham Palace Houses of Parliament, Big Ben London Eye River Thame



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