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1、Unit 6 I am going to study computer science. The Third Period Section B (1a1e & 4)Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. 能够表达自己的新年决心及清晰的表达实现决心的方法。 2. 由过新年许愿,谈新年设想来导入新课,该话题应该是学生很感兴趣的话题,有亲身经历合体会,新课的导入便顺理成章,水到渠成。 3. 本课旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习交流环境,通过听、说、读来培养学生运用知识的能力,并让学生能在做中学,通过课堂的各种实践活动准确地运用英语来表达。Language points(语言点)要求掌握以下句式:I

2、 am going to 要求掌握以下词汇:名词n. resolution, team(本节课的生词较少,而且单词的拼写比较简单,所以学生学起来不会感到困难,如果班级学生的水平较高,可以鼓励学生当堂掌握。 Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm-up and presentation(1)Have Ss share some of their New Years resolutions with the class.You can also show Ss Ms. Wangs resolutions on the screen to help them brainstorm.

3、Encourage them to say a resolution that they really mean to keep.(由过新年许愿,谈新年设想来导入新课,该话题应该是学生很感兴趣的话题,有亲身经历合体会,新课的导入便顺理成章,水到渠成。)2. Work on 1a.Go through the pictures in 1a on the screen with the Ss. Then ask them to match the pictures with the correct resolution in 1a.(通过图片引出不同的新年愿望,使得愿望更加具象。)3. Work

4、on 1b.Have Ss get into pairs and discuss what they are going to do next year with their partners.Then, have some pairs come to the front and present their discussion to the class.4. Work on 1c.Now, have Ss look at 1a again. Then, ask them to listen and circle the resolutions that they hear.5. Work o

5、n 1d.T: Listen again. Write how the people are going to make their resolutions work.(这个环节可以让学生再一次感知听力材料和训练听力技能,并且提高听力技巧,比如速记法等。)6. Write a magazine articleWrite a magazine article about Kim, Lucy and Mike about their resolutions according to the listening.Remind Ss that they need to make the article

6、 interesting, as if it is something they expect to read in a magazine.(这个环节的设计主要是整合听力素材,让学生改编听力材料为一篇小短文,也为后面的家庭作业写自己的新年愿望的小短文提供模板。)7. Work on 1e. Have Ss make a list of resolutions and get them into groups to discuss how they are going to make them work. (这个环节是一个从听到说的过程,并结合自身给出真实的回答,尽量说出合理的理由,同时一个思维

7、导图可以为学生提供思维的思考方向。)8. Work on 4.Have Ss look at Activity 4 on page 48 and ask them to imagine that they work for the city. Have them think of ways that they can make the city cleaner and greener. Next, have some Ss come to the front and present their plan to the class. Get the class to vote for the ideas they like the most. (给学生提供了交流的机会,同时也是对本节课的一个拓展提升,从自己的新年愿望,到对整个城市的愿望,也在无形中引导学生对自己生活的社会环境的关注。)9. HomeworkOral: Read the conversation in 1c & 1d aloud.Written: Write article diary entry about your New Years resolutions.(根据学生程度进行口语和书面作业的布置,强调了小语篇的意识。) 2



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