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1、考点跟踪突破41完成句子一、句型转换。A(2017,重庆渝北区)1He was listening to music at that time yesterday.(改为否定句)He wasnt listening to music at that time yesterday.2She did chores with her parents.(改为一般疑问句)Did she do chores with her parents?3The population at Chongqing is over_30_million(对句子画线部分提问)What is the population of

2、 Chongqing?4We believe we will achieve our dreams in the future.(改为同义句)We believe our dreams will come true in the future.5不要忘了提醒我日期和地点。(完成译句)Dont forget to remind me of the date and place.B(2017,上海)1The invention of smart phones changed the world in many ways.(改为一般疑问句)Did the invention of smart pho

3、nes change the world in many ways?2That amusement park has lots of tourists during_the_holiday(就画线部分提问)When does that amusement park have lots of tourists?3The local government organizes the film festival every autumn.(改为被动语态)The film festival is organized by the local government every autumn.4Share

4、dbikes are very popular in some big cities.(改为感叹句)How popular sharedbikes are in some big cities!5“Have you ever been in a hot air balloon?” Melissa asked her mom.(改为宾语从句)Melissa asked her mom if she had ever been in a hot air balloon.来源:Z#xx#k.Com6PM 2.5 does harm to peoples health and the environm

5、ent.(保持句意基本不变)PM 2.5 is harmful to/bad for peoples health and the environment.7enables,various information,the Internet,to collect,teenagers(连词成句)The_Internet_enables_teenagers_to_collect_various_information.C(2017,孝感)1People will use robots more and more in the future life.(改为一般疑问句)Will people use

6、robots more and more in the future life?2I was studying_for_the_test when the rainstorm came.(对画线部分提问)What were you doing when the rainstorm came?3Lets discuss when we shall go to the Sea World.(改为同义句)Lets discuss when to go to the Sea World.4Many students like reading books better than playing comp

7、uter games.(改为同义句)Many students prefer reading books to playing computer games.D(2017,乐山)1It will be 20 years since Hong Kong returned to China on July 1,1997.(就画线部分提问)How many years will it be since Hong Kong returned to China on July 1,1997?2If you want to become thinner,youd better eat less befor

8、e you go to bed.(改为同义句)If you want to lose weight,youd better eat less before going to bed.二、翻译句子。A(2017,白银)1越来越多的人喜欢看朗读者这个节目。More and more people enjoy watching the program The Reader.2老师们对学生们的成就感到非常骄傲。Teachers take great pride in their students achievements.3你至少要花半个小时才能到达那里。It will take you at lea

9、st half an hour to get there.4这个音乐听起来很悦耳。The music sounds very pleasant5站得越高,看得越远。The higher you stand,the farther you see.B(2017,西宁)1青少年应该被允许选择自己的爱好。Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own hobbies.2到目前为止,我们已经为考试做好了准备。So far,we have been ready for the exam.3让我们齐心协力实现中国梦!Lets pull together to

10、 achieve Chinese Dream!4青海正在变得越来越美丽,每年夏天有数以千计的游客来度假。Qinghai is becoming more and more beautiful,thousands of tourists come to enjoy their holidays every summer.C(2017,天津)1我们昨天四点半回家的。We went home at half past four yesterday.2别为我担心,我会没事的。Dont worry about me.Ill be all right.3努力学习,你的梦想就会实现。Work hard,an

11、d your dream will come true4这种玩具汽车正在这个商店中出售。This kind of toy car is on sale in the shop.5这本书讲述了坏人如何为自己的行为付出代价。The book tells us how bad people pay for their actions.D(2017,宜宾)1我们一直忙于准备今天的考试。We are busy preparing for todays exam all the time.2直到中考结束,李雷才轻松下来。Li Lei doesnt relax himself until the entra

12、nce to high school exam ends.3在中国只有一个孩子的夫妇被允许再生一个孩子。A couple who have only one child are allowed to have a second baby in China.来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K4现在越来越多的人选择了共享单车去上班而不是开车去。Bike sharing is chosen instead of driving to work by more and more people now.5“一带一路”是东西方之间交流合作的象征。The Belt and Road is the symbol

13、of communication and cooperation between the East and the West.E(2017,烟台)1为了避免浪费资源,我们必须尽可能多地循环利用。In order to avoid wasting resources,we must recycle them as much as possible.2互联网在人们的工作和生活中起着重要的作用。The Internet plays an important role/part in peoples work and life.3学会掌握自己的生活,不要总是与别人比较。Learn to be in c

14、ontrol of your own life instead of comparing with others all the time.4人民的名义这本书非常受欢迎。这家书店的几千册书已经销售一空了。The book In the name of people is so popular that thousands of copies in the bookstore have already been sold out.5“一带一路”的目标是将亚非欧联系起来,并促进沿线国家的发展。The Belt and Road aims to connect Asia with Europe an

15、d Africa,and help with the development of the countries along the routes.F(2017,兰州)1我们绝不放弃实现自己梦想的努力。We will never give up trying to make our dreams come true.2永远不要为了结交朋友或保持友情而做一件错事。Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one.3无论学生在学校里发生什么事,老师总会在他们身边帮助他们。No matter what happens to the students in the school,their teachers will always be there for them.4她参军已经快十年了。She has been in the army for almost 10 years.5我认为他不会拒绝我们的求助。I dont think he will say no to our asking him for help.G(2017,恩施)1我们应该


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