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1、基础强化训练(一)范围:七年级上、下册时间:20分钟.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1She cant play the piano. She cant sing, e_2Hes good at p_ pingpong and hes in the school pingpong club.3I like the book b_ its very interesting.4They have PE. for an h_ this afternoon.5Theres no m_ tonight and its very dark outside.6Did anyone m_ my book? I

2、put it on the table, but now I cant find it.7Well s_ our trip when you are ready.8There are all kinds of trees in the f_9We hear with our e_10The price of the sweater is h_. I cant afford it.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空11I think the _(five) lesson is very hard for me.12It often _(snow) in the north of our countr

3、y in winter. 13Look! My mother is _(cook) in the kitchen. 14My father _(stay) up late to watch the soccer match last night. 15He often gets _(dress) quickly after he gets up. 16Look, one of the girls in our class _(be) singing in the music room.17Let the children _(leave) at once. Its very dangerous

4、 for them to play here.18There are lots of _(tomato) on the table. Please get some for me, Bill.19My computer doesnt work. Id like _(buy) a new one.20Linda, this yellow sweater is Helens. And _(you) is over there.句型转换21Mr. Green is_of_medium_height. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Mr. Green _ _?22Its raining in Hangzh

5、ou. (对画线部分提问)_ the weather _ in Hangzhou?23Her mother is cooking in the kitchen. (对画线部分提问)_ her mother _ in the kitchen?24The people are having a good time in the park. (改为同义句)The people are _ _ in the park.25Betty does her homework at home. (改为否定句)Betty _ _ her homework at home.26There are some tre

6、es in this picture. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ _ _ trees in this picture?No, _ _27Mary went_shopping with her parents. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Mary _ with her parents?28I helped my mother with the housework yesterday. (改为否定句)I _ _ my mother with the housework yesterday.29The news is very exciting. (改为感叹句)_ _ the news is

7、!30Does your sister watch TV or do homework in the evening?(用now改写句子)_ your sister _ TV or _ homework now?.根据汉语意思完成句子31你可以帮我搭帐篷吗,乔?Can you help me _ _ a tent, Joe?32昨天我如此忙以至于没时间吃午饭。I was _ busy _ I had no time to have lunch yesterday.33当我走进教室时,我看见埃米正在听音乐。When I walked into the classroom, I _ Amy _ t

8、o music.34“你的鞋子多少钱?”“8美元。”_ _ _ your shoes?Theyre 8 _35他母亲告诉他不要在马路上踢足球。His mother told him _ _ _ soccer on the road.36令我感到惊讶的是,他们下周将搬到乡下去。_ _ _, theyll _ _ the countryside next week.37“你的叔叔在那里做什么?”“他看望他的祖父母。”What _ your uncle _ _?He _ _ his grandparents.38“你想要什么样的面条?”“我想要牛肉面。”What _ _ noodles would

9、you like?_ _ beef noodles, please.39今天报纸上有什么特别的消息吗?Is there _ _ in todays newspaper?40我叔叔买了一幢带有大花园的房子。My uncle _ a house _ a big garden.参考答案.1.either2.playing3.because 4hour5.moon6.move7.start8forest9.ears10.high.11.fifth12.snows13.cooking14stayed15.dressed16.is17.leave18tomatoes19.to buy20.yours.21

10、.What does; look like22.Whats; like 23Whats; doing24.enjoying themselves25doesnt do26.Are there any; there arent 27What did; do28.didnt help29How exciting30.Is; watching; doing.31.put up32.so; that33.saw; listening 34How much are; dollars35.not to play36To my surprise; move to37is; doing there; is seeing/visiting38kind of; Id like39.anything special 40bought; with



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