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1、 Unit 1 Can you plan the guitar? (Section B 1a_1e)Teaching and learning aims ( 教学目标) 一、 语言知识:1、能掌握与乐器相关的生词和词组:drum, play the drums ,piano ,play the piano, violin, play the violin. 2、能在听力课文中听出相关的句型:I can play the guitar, I can sing and I can play the drums, but I cant sing or dance. 二、语言功能。1、学会运用谈论能力

2、的句型:Can you /he/she? What can you do? What club do you want to join? 运用这些目标语言询问别人的技能和特长。2、巩固并熟练运用can用于不同人称来谈论能力的句子,并能根据听力课文、talk about what clubs they want to join ,Enable students to ask about others abilities. 三、学习策略: 在运用can用于不同人称来谈论能力的基础上,总结它在特殊疑问句中的用法规律。 四、情感态度: 积极参加社会、团体活动和社会实践来丰富自己的文化生活;通过与别人的

3、交流学习和互相帮助来培养自己多方面的才能。 Teaching and learning steps. Steps 1、Review 1、 Let the students review “ can”, Talk about the activities that you can do and you cant do. Then let the students talk about the following pictures, divide them into two groups Student A asks, Student B answers, use “Can you/she/he.

4、? Yes, I/you/she/he can. No, I/you/she/he cant. ( 设计意图:设计复习的目的,是想通过形象直观的图片让学生复习 can的一般疑问句及肯定和否定回答,在此基础上,继续掌握can的用法规律。)Steps 2. Pre-listening activities一、 预习检测。Read the book and put the Chinese into English orally, then write them down without looking at your book .1、 拉小提琴_.2、弹吉他_.3、打鼓_.4、弹钢琴_. 5、讲故事

5、_.6、你会拉小提琴吗?_? 不,我不会_7、比尔会弹吉他吗?是的,他会。但是他不会唱歌。_,_,_. (设计意图:通过预习检测,查看学生预习生词情况,做到心中有数,教师有针对性地教,学生更有针对性的学。)二 、Warming up and leading in. T: I am an English teacher .I can speak English .but I cant sing or dance .Because I dont like music. Do you like music? Ss: Yes. T: Look at the pictures of the instru

6、ments. What are they? OK .Lets come to 1a. 12 3 4 T: (To a student) Can you play the guitar? Help him or her answer like this: Yes, I can ./ No, I cant .to the others, Then ask and answer with some other students like this to learn the new words and expressions .At last , The students ask and answer

7、 in pairs about the four pictures above . SA: Can you play the guitar? SB: Yes, I can, / No, I cant . SA: Can you play the drums? SB: Yes, I can. No. I cant. SA: Can you play the .? SB: Yes,/ No ,1a: Let students look at the four instruments. Draw lines to match the words with the pictures 2. Ask an

8、d answer about instruments.Let students find someone who can play a certain instrument.On the board: Find some who can play the _. drums piano guitar violin Direct students to the model question and response in 1c. e.g. Can you play the violin? Yes, I can/ No, I cant. Let students to ask the questio

9、n to their classmates. If a student responds “Yes, I can”, then their name can be written down next to the instrument. Then your group can get double points.(设计意图:通过询问谁会某种乐器,把名字写在乐器下面,可以调动学生们的积极性,活跃课堂气氛,再者,通过这种方法来对1c的对话进行练习,调动了学生对展示自己特长的渴望,为后面的听力练习做了铺垫。)Step3. While-listening activities.1、 Listening

10、 for the main idea .( 听取大意) Listen and choose the main idea.The main idea of the conversations is to talk about _.A. what instruments the teacher can play .B. what instruments some students can play.C. how to have a concert.2、 Listening for the specific ideas of 1b .( 听取细节) Task 1. Listen and number

11、 the words【1_4】in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a .1、 The sound of a guitar 2、The sound of drums 3、The sound of a piano 4、The sound of a violin .2、 T : Listen to the tape and circle the words and phrases in the chart below. play the violin sing play the guitar dance play the drums draw play t

12、he piano tell stories Task 2、Listen again , Fill in the chart with the words and phrases in 1d . Can Cant Bill Cindy FrankTask 3 、Listen again and fill in the blanks . Teacher: I want some students for the school concert. What _you do ? Bill ? Can you _? Bill: No ,I cant . But I can_. Teacher : You

13、can play the guitar ?what can you do, Cindy? Cindy: I can _ and I can _. Teacher: You can! Great, Cindy .Can you play the guitar? Cindy: No. I cant .Frank can _. Teacher: Frank, can you play the piano? Frank: Yes. I can play the piano .but I _sing or dance. Task 4 、Listen and repeat . Play the tape

14、again, then Role_ play the conversation with your partner. ( 设计意图 :本课时是Section B的听力内容, 我设置了听取大意、听取细节、在听取细节中,又设置了4个任务,先让学生试听,掌握其大意,接着让学生看着听力课文,再听。然后,合上课本,再听,通过至少3至4 遍的听力训练,初步培养听的技能,我认为,如果每堂课坚持听力训练,然后再进行听力模仿,就能提高学生的口语表达水平。) Step4. Post-listening activities.Can: sing/play the drumsCant: play the piano. Frank CindyBillCan: play the piano.Cant: sing or dance.ca



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