2018 届中考英语人教总复习课件:第二部分6.话题六 个人兴趣、情感与情绪 (共77张PPT).ppt

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2018 届中考英语人教总复习课件:第二部分6.话题六 个人兴趣、情感与情绪 (共77张PPT).ppt_第1页
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《2018 届中考英语人教总复习课件:第二部分6.话题六 个人兴趣、情感与情绪 (共77张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018 届中考英语人教总复习课件:第二部分6.话题六 个人兴趣、情感与情绪 (共77张PPT).ppt(77页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、目录,contents,话题基础积累与写作,话题综合练习,话题基础积累与写作,目录,contents,名词: 1.兴趣_ 2.业余爱好_ 3.习惯_ 4.照片_ 5.歌唱,歌曲_,interest,hobby,一、基础积累,habit,photo,song,6.邮票_ 7.电视_ 8.剧场,戏院_ 9.吉他_ 10.钢琴_ 11.感情_,stamp,television/TV,theatre,guitar,piano,feeling,12.感觉,意识_ 13.自豪,骄傲_ 14.遗憾的事;羞愧_ 15.惊奇,诧异_,sense,pride,shame,surprise,动词: 1.想,想要_

2、2.欣赏,享受的乐趣_ 3.跳舞_ 4.唱,唱歌_ 5.游泳_ 6.绘画_,want,enjoy,dance,sing,swim,draw,7.溜冰,滑冰_ 8.收集,搜集_ 9.感觉,觉得_ 10.欢呼_ 11.请,使人满意_,skate,collect,feel,cheer,please,12.相信_ 13.信任,信赖_ 14.鼓励_ 15.烦恼,担忧_,believe,trust,encourage,worry,形容词: 1.有趣的_ 2.最喜欢的_ 3.有价值的_ 4.有用的_ 5.重要的_,interesting,favorite,valuable,useful,important,

3、6.令人激动的_ 7.无聊的_ 8.生气的_ 9.发疯的,生气的_,exciting,boring,angry,mad,短语: 1.喜欢阅读_ 2.去电影院_ 3.看电影电视_ 4.参加音乐会_ 5.空闲时间_ 6.对感兴趣_,enjoy reading,go to the cinema,watch movies(films)TV,go to a concert,spare/free time,be interested in ,7.喜欢_ 8.下国际象棋_ 9.做运动_ 10.集邮_ 11.放弃_ 12.主张_,be fond of,play chess,play sports,collec

4、t stamps,give up,go for,13.不得不,必须_ 14.对大声喊叫_ 15.对生气_,have to,shout at/to,be angry with,常用句子: 1.你的爱好是什么? 我喜欢看漫画。 _,Whats your hobby?,I am interested in reading comics.,2.躺在床上看书对眼睛不好。 _ 3.你集邮多久了? 十年了。 _,Reading books in bed is bad for eyes.,How long have you been collecting stamps?,For ten years./Sinc

5、e ten years ago.,4.你什么时候开始写故事? 五年前。 _ 5.你干得很漂亮,我很满意。 _,When did you start writing stories?,Five years ago.,Im satisfied that you have done a good job.,6.看见你,我很开心。 _,I am happy/glad/pleased to see you.,二、话题写作 A.信息归纳 请仔细阅读一个外国网上的一篇文章,并根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 Franc Smith, who is eight and lives in Washington,

6、D.C., remembers a lot of events from when he was 4 or just a bit younger.There was the time he fell “headfirst on a wood floor” and was sent to the hospital,,the day someone stole the family car (“my dad had to run after it down the block”), or the morning he found a brown fox in the back yard. But

7、Franc looks puzzled when his mom, Joanne Smith, asks him about a family trip to the Philippines when he was 3.“It was to celebrate someones birthday,” she tells him.“We took a long plane ride, two boat trips,” she adds.Franc says he doesnt remember.,Thats a classic example of a phenomenon known as c

8、hildhood amnesia(健忘症).“Most adults do not have memories of their lives for the first 3 years,” says Patricia Bauer, a professor of psychology(心理学). However, some early memories can still last.Thats because they carry a lot of emotions(情绪).That memory of Franc is from when he was 4.Another child stil

9、l remembers,an event which happened when he was just 18 months old.It was the day his mother went to the hospital to give birth to a baby sister. “Jason remembers crying on the floor of the kitchen, and he remembers how upset he was,” his mother says.,Information Card,eight/8,a (brown) fox,to celebr

10、ate someones birthday,They carry a lot of emotions,Jason,B.书面表达 对于你的童年,你还有哪些记忆呢?请你就此写一篇短文。内容包括: 1.童年第一次做某件事或去某个地方的经历。 2.童年给你的感受。,【写作指导】 第一步:审题: 记叙文,第一人称,一般过去时+一般现在时。 第二步:列提纲。 第一段: 回忆童年第一次做某件事或去某个地方的经历。,参考句型: 1.I can remember my first visit to 2.Ill never forget the first time I 3.I clearly remember

11、doing for the first time.,第二段:童年给你的感受。参考句型: 1.Childhood is the happiest time in my life. 2.Every time I think of my childhood, ,第三步:列出主要的单词、短语和句型。 1.美好的回忆_ 2.平生第一次_ 3.大约四岁_ 4.向学习_ 5.经历_ 6.充满_,第四步:运用and, or, so, because, but, first, then等连接词将以上要点连成文章,注意句型多样化。 【整篇写作】 _,Ill never forget my first visit

12、to the zoo when I was four years old.That day, I saw real lions for the first time.The lions seemed very lazy and were sleeping.Suddenly, a lion stood up and looked at me coldly.I was so afraid that I started to cry! However, it turned out to be a happy experience because later my daddy bought me a

13、big ice-cream to calm me down.,For most people, childhood is their happiest time in their lives.So it is for me.Every time I think of my childhood, the sweet memories always make me smile.(103 words),话题综合练习,目录,contents,一、完形填空 Compared to some unhappy people, those who are always pleased and relaxed get colds less easily, according to a new study.The researchers from New York University said,“Being happy helps the body 1 diseases.” “It seems that positive feelings may reduce the 2 of illness,” said the chief researcher Sheldon Cohen.,In an earlie



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