03This is my sister.doc

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1、 高清视频学案 2 / 2Unit 2 This is my sister北京四中 贾巍 大家刚从小学进入初中,英语学习更是进入了一个全新的阶段,同学们在享受英语学习乐趣的同时也要注重自己的基础训练与培养哦,下面,跟着贾巍老师,一起从英语中找乐趣吧!学习目标:1. 预习Unit 2 This is my sister;2. 学习重难点句型。学习内容:1. Exerciseswords:1.Lucy is a girl. She is her fathers _.2.Jim is his fathers _.3.My fathers sister is my _ .4. Kates father

2、s brother is her _.5. Tims father is my uncle, so Tim is my _.6.His parents are his _ and _.Who are they?Who is your fathers brother?Who is your mothers brother?Who is your fathers sister?Who is your mothers sister?Who is your uncles son?Who is your uncles daughter?What does your uncle call you?What

3、 does your aunt call you?Group the peoplefather mother grandpa uncle daughter sonanut grandma grandchildren cousin parentsnephew niece siblings 2.句型讲解 (介绍位置相对较近的人) This is (首次面对面介绍)These are 句型 :(介绍位置相对较远的人)That is . .Those are .句型 (一般疑问):Is this your father?Are those your parents?Yes, he is.No, the

4、y arent.Language PointsThis is a photo of my family.这是一张我们的全家福。(照片内容为我们全家。)我有一张熊猫的照片。I have a photo of a panda.Language PointsIn the next picture are my brothers.典型英文倒装句,My brothers are in the next picture.坐在那里的是我爷爷。Over there sits my grandpa.Coco is in my family, too.Coco也是我们的家庭成员。 英文中的“也” too,一般放在句尾,前面用逗号隔开其它句子成分。我会唱歌,也会跳舞。I can sing, and I can dance, too.3. Culture Corner用英语介绍时要说明名字。 - Who is he? - He is my brother, Paul. - These are my parents, Alan and Mary.地址:北京市西城区新德街20号四层 邮编:100088 电话:82025511 传真:82079687



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