2013年秋人教版8年级上册 Unit 2 Period 2.doc

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1、(Unit 2 How often do you exercise?)Period 2(2a-2d)Teaching aims(教学目标)1学会谈论自己和询问他人做事情的频率。2学会邀请和接受或拒绝别人周末活动。Language points(语言点)1.要求掌握以下句式: What does she usually do on weekends? He usually watches TV. How often does he go shopping? He hardly ever goes shopping. 2要求掌握以下词汇及短语: once, twice, Internet, ful

2、l, swing dance, maybe, at least, once a week, twice a month, three times a week, how comeDifficulties(难点):正确描述不同人称的活动频率。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Review & Lead inT: I often read on weekends. What do you usually do on weekends, Lisa?S1: I usually watch TV on weekends.T: What does Lisa usually do on week

3、ends, Lucy?S2: She usually watches TV. Do you often watch TV, Tom?S3: .S4: 教学设计说明:通过推火车式轮回对话,复习了上节课的重点句型和短语,也为下面完成听力内容做好铺垫。2. Work on 2aPresent the new words and phrases on the screen to the class (twice a week, once a month, three times a day).T: I watch TV only on Saturday and Sunday. So I can say

4、 I watch TV twice a week.(教师把这些新词和短语写在黑板上并且领读一遍。)Have Ss get into pairs and make their own conversations about how often they do things. You can use the two examples on the screen to help them.T: Now, Cheng Tao is talking about how often he does these activities. Listen and number the activities 1-5

5、 in the order you hear them.Answers: a. 3, b. 1, c. 5, d. 4, e. 2教学设计说明:听力前的铺垫对降低听力难度有很大帮助,因此听完回答2a应该不难。,一遍完全可以完成任务。3. Work on 2bT: Listen again. Match the activities in 2a with how often Cheng Tao does them.every dayonce a weektwice a weekthree times a weekonce a monthtwice a monthgo to the movies

6、watch TVshopexercise read4. Pair workWork on 2cT: Get into pairs and fill in the form. Then, make your own conversations.A: How often do you watch TV?B: I watch TV every day.A: Whats your favorite program?B: Its Animal World.A: How often do you watch it? B: Once a week. 教学设计说明:进一步巩固本节课所学内容,让学生在讨论、听的

7、基础上学会谈论自己和询问他人做某事的频率。5. Role-playLook at 2d on page 10 and role-play the conversation with your partner.Give Ss 5 minutes to prepare. Then ask a few pairs to present their conversation to the class.6. HomeworkOral:Read 2d on page 10 and change the words used to make a new conversation.Written:Copy the sentences in Grammar Focus on page 11.教学设计说明:鼓励学生在模仿的基础上编自己的对话,创造性的利用课本知识。语法聚焦是一个单元比较重要的知识点,通过抄写一遍并翻译,学生加深了对重点知识的理解。2


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