九年级英语全册 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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1、Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands(第1课时)一、 教材分析 本课重点学习一些常见国家的英文表达,以及该国在初次见面时的行为与语言, 该话题能激起学生的好奇心,调动学生学习英语的积极性。其中有听力练习也有口语练习。内容相对来说较简单,重点帮助学生练习“be supposed to do” 的用法,在不断的练习中达到掌握以及熟练运用的目的。二、教学目标和要求知识目标:1、能够使用be supposed to do谈论不同国家人们初次见面时的礼仪2、掌握关键词:shake hands , bow , kiss ,custom 3、句型: A: What ar

2、e you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? B: We are supposed to shake hands/bow/kiss.4、句型“should have + done”能力目标:正确运用短语:be supposed to, should do something ,情感目标:本单元以谈论“习俗”为话题,了解各地不同的文化知识,从而让学生知道哪些是应该做的,哪些是不应该做的,要学会尊重不同的文化,养成良好的行为习惯,培养学生的学习兴趣。三、教学重点1. The customs of some countr

3、ies.2. Tell what you are supposed to do in different situations.四、教学难点Can use “be supposed to” correctly.五、 教学策略本课主要是一节听说课,根据英语课程标准及英语教学大纲的要求,在本节课的教学过程中,采用“小组合作“以及“任务型”的教学途径,借助多媒体,增强趣味性和直观性,增大课堂容量,提高课堂效率,面向全体同学,在听说过程中帮助学生掌握知识、发展能力、形成正确的价值观。六、教学准备录音机 课本 课件 多媒体设备。七、教学环节1、 课堂导入.Lead-inHow many continen

4、ts are there in the world? And what are they? As we all know, the seven continents are made up of many countries. Who can list some countries in English? Every country has its own flag. If you see a flag, can you tell me which country it stands for? Show them some flags of the countries. And enjoy t

5、he beautiful scenery of some countries. Ask the students to try their best to love the world and protect the environment to make the world more beautiful.2、 课堂讲授Different countries have different customs. We are from China. When you meet someone for the first time, what should you do? Role play your

6、 conversation with your partner. We use language to express ourselves. But sometimes we also use body language to help express ourselves. In China when we meet some for the first time, we shake hands with them.Do you know the customs of some other countries. Finish 1a according your understanding.Li

7、sten to the tape to check your answers to 1a.3、 课堂练习Do exercises to check if the students master the knowledge they have learned in this class.4、 课堂活动Lets have a pairwork according to 2a and 2b.A: How was the dinner at Pauls house last night?B: Well, it was Ok, but I made some mistakes. I was suppos

8、ed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:00.Then give students some other situations, for example, “greet teachers”, “do homework”, “visit someone” ask them make conversations using “what are you supposed to do when you .?”5、 课堂小结(1.)Be (not) supposed to do (2.)Customs of some countries6、 作业布置(1.)Wr

9、ite at least 5 sentences using “be supposed to do”(2.)Find other differences of customs between China and other countries八、板书设计You are supposed to shake hands when you meet for the first time.Be supposed to 九、教学反思在本节课的教学过程中,我采用了“任务型”的教学途径,通过小组合作的方式,并借助多媒体,增加趣味性和直观性,增大课堂容量,提高课堂效率,各个环节由易到难,环环相扣,面向全体学生,争取让每一个学生都能参与到教学活动中来,得到练习的机会,教学目标圆满完成,大部分学生在这节课后能准确流利的使用所学句型以及单词进行自由会话。但这堂课基本用全英语授课,导致基础不是太好的学生在理解上有些困难,从而不能很好的听懂老师的要求,课堂气氛有时不够活跃,总体上来说,学生对每个环节都比较感兴趣,能够在轻松快乐的氛围中学习和使用英语,体验学习英语的乐趣。2



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