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1、新版外研七上Module 10 Spring Festival 重点知识整理 +巩固练习 (附答案 ) 重点短语 为.做准备 get ready for = be ready for 春节 Spring Festival 相当忙 quite busy 此时此刻at the moment 制作大红灯笼 make big red lanterns 学舞龙 learn a dragon dance 打扫房屋 clean the house 打扫地板 sweep the floor 在厨房 in the kitchen 当然 of course 烹调食物 cook the meal 忙于某事 be b

2、usy with sth 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth 正在工作 be at work=be working 把.放好; 整理.put sth away 扫除霉运 sweep away bad luck 努力工作 work hard 努力学习 study hard 加入(组织、团体) join sb 加入(活动) join in 快点,赶快 hurry up 匆忙到某地hurry to sp 匆忙做某事 hurry to do sth 看一下 have a look at =look at. 穿着新衣服 wear new clothes 压岁钱 lucky money= re

3、d pocket 在圣诞节 on Christmas Day 传统食品 traditional food 在同一天on the same day 每年 every year 坏运气 bad luck 在我的国家 in my country 圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas 庆祝春节 celebrate Spring Festival 吃一顿传统的家庭团圆饭have a traditional family dinner 如此多的 . so much +不可数名词 如此多的 . so many +可数名词 在电视里看一个特别的节目watch a special programme on

4、TV 吃一顿丰盛的家庭团圆饭have a big family dinner 祝某人新年快乐 say happy new year to sb 学习舞狮 learn a lion dance 从.收到礼物 get presents from. 在元宵节 at Lantern Festival 重点句子 1. Hi, Lingling. This is Tony speaking. 您好,玲玲。我是Tony。 2. Whats happening ?=What are you doing? 你在做什么? 3.Are you getting ready for Spring Festival? 你

5、们正为春节做准备吗? 4.Were getting lots of food ready for Spring Festival. 我们正为春节准备大量的食品。 5.Shes cleaning the house and putting things away. 她正打扫房间和整理东西。 6.Spring Festival happens every year, but not on the same day. 春节每年都会来,但不在同一天。 7.It usually comes in February . 春节常在二月份。 8.Here s a photo for you. 这儿有一张照片给

6、你。 9.My mother is sweeping away bad luck. 我母亲正把霉运扫去。 10.We are celebrating Spring Festival with a traditional family dinner on New Years Eve. 在除夕夜,我们以一顿传统的家庭晚餐来庆祝春节 11.Hongbao means lucky money. 红包就是压岁钱。 12.Spring Festival finishes at Lantern Festival. 春节在元宵节结束。 13.He is still at work.=He is still w

7、orking . 他仍然在工作。 巩固练习 单选题 ( ) 1.What are you doing? I m getting readymy English test. A. to B. on C. for D. in ( ) 2.Who is in the office? Mr Green. He a report. A. is writeing B. is writing C. writing D. wrote ( ) 3.Why do Chinese people like red? Because they think it ca n them good luck. A. carry

8、 B. bring C. make D. take ( ) 4.Is Linglings grandmother cooking the meal? No, she . A. is B. isntC. are D. aren t ( ) 5. What the boys doing? A. is B. are C. do D. does ( ) 6. My grandpa lanterns for Lantern Festival now. A. is making B. made C. was making D. make ( ) 7. We often round rice dumplin

9、gs called yuanxiao. A. eat B. eating C. eats D. ate ( ) 8. We don t clean the house for a few. A. day B. week C. days D. month ( ) 9. He is watching the match. Im watching it,. A. also B. either C. to D. too ( ) 10. Why not your teacher for help when you cant finishit by yourself? A. ask;write B. to

10、 ask;writing C. ask;writing D. asking;write ( ) 11Hello,Linda speaking. Whos _ ? Hello,this is Martin. Ahe Bone Cthat Dthis ( ) 12Your room is very dirty(脏)You should keep it _ Aclean Bbeautiful Cspecial Dwarm ( ) 13Can I join them? _ AOf course BNo,you dont CYes ,you are DYes,you do ( ) 14My mother

11、 isnt _ home. Shes _ work. Ain; at Bat; in Cat; at Din; in ( ) 15My mother usually gets up early and gets ready _ the meal. Afor cook B cook Ccooking Dto co ok ( ) 16What _ Zhao Benshan and Xiao Shenyang watching? AamBis Cbe Dare ( ) 17They are singing and _ under the tree. Adance Bdancer Cdancing D

12、danceing ( ) 18_ she _ an English class? No,she isnt. AIs;have BIs;having CDoes;have DDoes;has ( ) 19Chinese people think “eight” is a _ number. Asad Bluck Cunlucky Dlucky ( ) 20I know a man _ Bill. Aname Bnaming Cnamed Dnames ( ) 21It is very cold._ your coat,please. APut on BPutting on CWear DWear

13、ing ( ) 22The students _ their homework every day. But they _basketball now. Ado;play Bdoing;playing Care doing;are playing Ddo;are playing ( ) 23The girl wants a few _. Afriend Blanterns Cpudding Ddumpling ( ) 24Bill is _ in the game called “Happy Farms(农场) ” on the Internet. Ainterest Binterested

14、Cinterests Dinteresting ( ) 25On her birthday,Lingling gets a lot of presents _ her parents and her friends. Afor Bfrom Cto Dabout 词汇题 1My father is busy making a_. 2Jane like s_. 3The boy is_ the floor. 4Look! M y mother is cooking a_. 5Hello! This is Peter_. 6My father is a good _.Now he is _(cook

15、) in the kitchen. 7. She often _(wash) her clothes at night ,but now she _(read) a book. 8I am busy _( sweep) the floor. 9_Danny and John _ (run) now? No, they arent. 10Whats_(happen)to you? 11We are getting r_ for our English test. 12There are d_ and lion dances during the New Year Festival. 13Xiao Hong likes eating a kind of rice d_ called Yuanxiao. 14I want s_ to eat. Please give me a hot dog. 15Do you know the sign(标志)? Yes. It m_ “No photos” 16Th


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