牛津译林版英语九下Unit 1《Asia》(Welcome to the uint)ppt课件

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《牛津译林版英语九下Unit 1《Asia》(Welcome to the uint)ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津译林版英语九下Unit 1《Asia》(Welcome to the uint)ppt课件(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Asia,Welcome to the unit,Comic strip & Welcome to the unit,Free talk,How much do you know about Chinese traditional culture?,Foreigners cannot use chopsticks to eat.,chopsticks 筷子,dragon dance 舞龙 Dragon dance is a kind of Chinese traditional custom during Spring Festival.,Chinese paper-cuttin

2、g 中国剪纸 My American friend has learnt Chinese paper-cutting for about three years.,Chinese opera 中国戏曲 In an interview, Leehom had commented that traditional Chinese opera could be made accessible to the younger generation.,Chinese knot 中国结 The Chinese knot is one of the decorative art forms in the tr

3、aditional culture of the Chinese nation.,step 台阶,梯级 Its tiring to climb so many steps.,New words,tiring adj. 使人疲劳的,累人的 step n. 台阶,梯级 Chinese knot n. 中国结 Chinese paper-cutting n. 中国剪纸 Chinese opera n. 中国戏曲 dragon dance n. 舞龙 chopsticks n. 【复】筷子,The British exchange students have arrived in Beijing. M

4、illie is showing them some pictures of Chinese things. Help her write the correct name under each picture.,Chinese things,_,dragon dance,Chinese knot Chinese opera Chinese paper-cutting chopsticks dragon dance kung fu,Chinese things,_,Chinese opera,Chinese knot Chinese opera Chinese paper-cutting ch

5、opsticks dragon dance kung fu,Chinese things,_,chopsticks,Chinese knot Chinese opera Chinese paper-cutting chopsticks dragon dance kung fu,Chinese things,_,Chinese paper-cutting,Chinese knot Chinese opera Chinese paper-cutting chopsticks dragon dance kung fu,Chinese things,_,Chinese knot,Chinese kno

6、t Chinese opera Chinese paper-cutting chopsticks dragon dance kung fu,Chinese things,_,kung fu,Chinese knot Chinese opera Chinese paper-cutting chopsticks dragon dance kung fu,If your foreign friend asks you for suggestions on his/her travel plan in China, what will you advise him/her to see and whe

7、re will you advise him/her to visit?,Free talk,Kevin, a British exchange student, is asking Millie for her suggestions on his travel plan. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1. Where does Millie suggest visiting first? 2. What special things can we see if we are in Beijing?,1. Wh

8、ere does Millie suggest visiting first? 2. What special things can we see if we are in Beijing?,Beijing. Tiananmen Square, the Palace Musuem and the Great wall are wonderful places to go.,Chinese opera, especially Beijing opera .,Work in pairs and give your own ideas about Kevins travel plan. Use th

9、e conversation in Part B as a model.,Free talk,Would Eddie like to go travelling?,Listen and answer:,Where are Eddie and Hobo? What does Eddie think of the trip? Will Eddie stick it out?,They are on the Great Wall.,He thinks the trip is tiring.,No.,Read the dialogue follow the tape in chorus.,Read t

10、he dialogue follow the tape in roles.,Act the dialogue out!,Language points:,1. The Great Wall is amazing, isnt it? 长城太神奇了,不是吗? 【概念】 反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。其中附加疑问句是对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点。,Language points:,1. The Great Wall is amazing, isnt it? 长城太神奇了,不是吗? 【注意要点】 1、反意疑问句前后两部分谓语应是:“

11、肯定陈述否定疑问”或“否定陈述肯定疑问”。 2、简略问句如果是否定式:not应与be,do,will等系动词、助动词、情态动词缩写。 3、简略问句的主语不用名词,应用人称代词。 4、陈述部分含“too.to”时,是否定句。,Language points:,1. The Great Wall is amazing, isnt it? 长城太神奇了,不是吗? 【练习】 (1)Thereislittlejuiceintheglass,_? A.isthereB.isntthereC.isit (2)-Yourenewhere,_? -Yes,ImfromDujiangyan. Icameherel

12、astweek. A.doyouB.dontyouC.areyouD.arentyou,A,D,2. Wed better keep moving. 我们最好坚持走。 had better do sth 最好做某事 had better后接动词的原形 e.g. 我最好在妈妈到家前完成家庭作业。 Id better finish my homework before mom gets home. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事,一直做某事 e.g. He kept talking until the meeting was over.他一直在说,直到会议结束。,Language po

13、ints:,3. I dont want to go on. 我不想继续了。 goondoingsth.指继续做同一件事 如: Afterashortrest,theywentonworking.短暂休息之后,他们继续工作。 goonwithsth.指继续同一件事,此时with后能接名词,代词,不能跟ing形式。如: Afterashortrest,theywentonwith the work.短暂休息之年,他们继续那项工作。 goontodosth.指接着做另外一件事。如: Afterfinishingthewords,theywentontogooverthe text. 结束单词后,他

14、们接着通课文。,Language points:,1. Heseldomcamehere,_? Yessir. A.didnthe B.doeshe C.doesnthe D.didhe 2. Youd better _ (return) the book at once. 3. He kept _ (cough) all morning,Exercises,D,return,coughing,翻译下列句子。 开会时他一直站着。 2.你最好听你父母的话。 3.我们下午去购物吧,好吗?,Hekeptstandingduringthemeeting.,Youd better listen to your parents.,Lets go shopping this afternoon, shall we?,Homework 1.Recite the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo. 2.Finish off the exercises in workbook. 3.Preview Reading.,Thank you!,



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