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1、Occupational Stress Management 职场压力管理,华中师范大学心理学院 王忠军,引言,天天谈激励,谁来管压力 组织:更快速、更高效、更节省成本、更多的绩效 员工:压力、倦怠、侵犯、不愉快、低度幸福感,Outline,Stress 压力的本质 Theoretical perspectives 压力的理论视角 Single process models 单一过程模型 Dual-process models 双过程模型 Resources-based perspectives 资源视角 Future directions 压力管理与未来研究方向,一、Stress 压力的本质

2、,Stress 压力,Stress 压力 Process through which individuals respond to excessive environmental demands 个体对刺激的适应性反应,这些刺激对个体提出了超出正常水平的心理和生理要求 Stressor 压力源 Any force that pushes psychological and/or physiological functioning beyond its normal range 任何能够引起压力的东西,即环境刺激 Strain 压力感/压力反应 Undersirable stress-relat

3、ed outcomes Stressorstrains 压力源导致压力感或压力反应 例如:温州动车事故后,中国铁路系统积极寻求EAP服务,Stress process 压力的过程,一般适应综合征(general adaptation syndrome) (Hans Selye),Stress process 压力的过程,一般适应综合征(general adaptation syndrome) (Hans Selye),Stressors 压力源,Intrinsic work factors 工作的内在因素 Demanding job characteristics 工作特征的要求 Low au

4、tonomy or control 低度自主或自控 Little feedback 较少的反馈 Low skill demands or task variety 低度技能要求或任务多样性 High workload 高工作负荷 Working conditions 工作条件 Physical conditions 物理条件 Psychological conditions 心理条件 Role variables 角色变量 Role ambiguity 角色模糊 Role conflict 角色冲突,Stressors 压力源,Interpersonal relationships人际关系 C

5、onflict with supervisors, coworkers, or clients 与上级、同事、顾客的人际冲突 Perceptions of organizational politics 知觉的组织政治 Career development 职业发展 Job insecurity 工作不安全感 Lack of advancement opportunities 缺少发展机会 Organizational change 组织变革,Strains 压力反应/结果,Job-related 与工作相关的反应 Job satisfaction, motivation 工作满意度、工作动机

6、 Productivity, performance 生产率、绩效 Accidents, injuries 事故、伤害 Turnover, absenteeism 离职、缺勤 Emotion-related 与情绪相关的反应 Anger 愤怒 Anxiety 焦虑 Depression 抑郁 Frustration 挫败感 Burnout symptoms 倦怠,Workload, stress and performance,厌倦和冷漠,高精力和激励,紧张和焦虑,最优工作 负荷水平,绩效,高,低,低,高,工作负荷过重诱导的压力,Strains 压力反应/结果,Physiological 生理

7、的反应 Physical symptoms 心理征兆 Dizziness, headache, stomach distress 头昏、头痛、胃痛 Sleep disorder 睡眠紊乱 Long-term effects 长期影响 Coronary disease 冠心病 Hypertension 高血压 Illness frequency 疾病频率 Behavioral 行为的反应 Smoking 吸烟 Substance use 物质滥用 Bullying? 威胁、欺负、暴力?,Stress 压力,Sources of stress 压力源,Intrinsic work factors

8、-job characteristics -working conditions -work load -travel Role variables -role conflict -role ambiguity Interpersonal relationships -supervisors -co-workers -customers/clients Career development -job security -lack of advancement -obsolete skills -change,Job-related -job satisfaction -motivation -

9、performance -withdrawal Emotion-related -exhaustion -depression -irritability Self-esteem physiological -illness -blood pressure -heart problems behavioral -substance abuse -smoking,Strains 压力反应/结果,Job Stress,二、Theoretical perspectives 压力的理论视角 -Single process models 单一过程模型 -Dual-process models 双过程模型

10、 -Resources-based perspectives 资源视角,Theoretical perspectives of stress 压力研究的理论视角,Goal is to identify: 研究目标 What elicit the stress process 引发压力的因素 How the stress process relate stressors and strains 压力的过程/机制 When such process will vary 压力过程的调节因素 Three categories of theories 三种代表性的理论视角 Single process

11、perspective 单一过程视角 Dual process perspective 双过程视角 Resource-based perspective 资源视角,Single process perspective单一过程视角,Transactional model 交易模型 (Lazarus organizational constrains 角色性压力源:政治知觉、组织限制 Challenge stressors 挑战性压力源 Obstacles to be overcome in order to achieve personal learning and development 战胜

12、障碍将有利于个人学习和发展 Workload: time pressure, and high levels of job responsibility 工作负荷:时间压力、高水平的工作责任,Hindrance vs challenge stressors: a research example 一个研究例子,LePine et al.(2005),Challenge stressors,Hindrance stressors,Motivation,Emotional strain,Performance,Hindrance vs challenge stressors: research e

13、xample 另一个研究例子,Podsakoff et al.(2007),Hindrance stressors,Challenge stressors,strains,Job satisfaction,Organizational commitment,Withdrawal behavior,Resource perspective 资源视角,Conservation of resources theory 资源保存理论 Resources Various items that are valued by the individuals Objects Houses, cars Perso

14、nal characteristics Self-esteem, mastery experiences Conditions Socioeconomics status, work roles Energies Money, time,Resource perspective 资源视角,Conservation of resources theory 资源保存理论 Stress is elicited when 压力产生于: There is actual loss of resources 实际的资源损耗 There is potential loss of resources 潜在的资源

15、损耗 When efforts to maximize resources do not result in adequate return 扩充资源的努力没有获得足够的回报 Reciprocal process linking resources and stress 资源与压力之间相互影响的过程 Resources loss/threat of resources loss stress expending resources to cope with stress resource loss Thus, those with a larger pool of resources are

16、more resilient against stress 资源储备量较大的个体应对压力时更具弹性,Resource perspective 资源视角,Conservation of resources theory 资源保存理论 Critique 批评/局限 Broad definition of resources 对资源的定义过于宽泛 Almost all aspects of the work environment can be conceptualized as “resources” Cyclical proposition between resource loss and stress is unique资源损耗与压力之间的循环论证 However, research seldom provide a direct test 需要直接证据!,Dual process + resource perspective 双过程+资源观,Job demands-resources model 工作要求-资源模型 Job


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