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1、Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics,Michael A. Hitt R. Duane Ireland Robert E. Hoskisson,Chapter 5,1,2003 Southwestern Publishing Company,Strategy Implementation,Chapter 13 Strategic Entrepreneurship,Chapter 11 Organizational Structure and Controls,Chapter 10 Corporate Governance,Chapter 12

2、 Strategic Leadership,Strategy Formulation,Strategic Competitiveness Above-Average Returns,Strategic Intent Strategic Mission,Chapter 2 The External Environment,Chapter 3 The Internal Environment,The Strategic Management Process,Feedback,Strategic Inputs,Strategic Actions,Strategic Outcomes,Chapter

3、5 Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics,Chapter 4 Business-Level Strategy,2,Definitions,Competitors firms operating in the same market, offering similar products and targeting similar customers Competitive rivalry the ongoing set of competitive actions and responses occurring between competit

4、ors competitive rivalry influences an individual firms ability to gain and sustain competitive advantages,3,Definitions,Competitive behavior the set of competitive actions and competitive responses the firm takes to build or defend its competitive advantages and to improve its market position Compet

5、itive dynamics the total set of actions and responses taken by all firms competing within a market,4,From Competitors to Competitive Dynamics,Engage in,Why?,How?,5,個案:General Mills,早餐穀片市場 主要競爭者家樂氏與Post (Philip Morris旗下的Kraft) 競爭手法價格/創新產品 買一送一的促銷 General Mills 的問題 現有競爭者 潛在競爭者 供應商的貨源受污染,1995年GM總裁宣佈取消價

6、格促銷戰術 家樂氏跟進 Post乘機爭奪市場 次要競爭者(私有品牌)伺機大顯身手 改良產品 提高效率 和零售商建立良好關係 大廠的競爭反應 減價 私有品牌利潤受到壓縮而出售產品線,6,Effect of Competitive Rivalry on a Firms Strategies,Success of a strategy is determined by: the firmcompetitive actions how well it anticipates competitors responses to them how well the firm anticipates and

7、responds to its competitors initial actions Competitive rivalry affects all types of strategies most dominant influence is on the firms business-level strategy or strategies.,7,A Model of Competitive Rivalry,feedback,8,Competitive Rivalry,Firms are mutually interdependent one firms competitive actio

8、ns have noticeable effects on competitors one firms competitive actions elicit competitive responses from competitors competitors feel each others actions and responses Marketplace success is a function of both individual strategies and the consequences of their use,9,Competitor Analysis,Competitor

9、analysis a technique firms use to understand their competitive environment. Along with the general and industry environments, the competitive environment comprises the firms external environment a technique used to help the firm understand its competitors the first step to being able to predict comp

10、etitors behavior in the form of its competitive actions and responses,10,Market Commonality,Market Commonality is concerned with the number of markets with which a firm and a competitor are jointly involved the degree of importance of the individual markets to each competitor Most industries markets

11、 are somewhat related in terms of technologies core competencies Multimarket competition Firms competing in several markets,11,Resource Similarity,Resource similarity the extent to which the firms tangible and intangible resources are comparable to a competitors in terms of both type and amount Firm

12、s with similar types and amounts of resources are likely to have similar strengths and weaknesses use similar strategies Assessing resource similarity can be difficult if critical resources are intangible rather than tangible,12,A Framework of Competitor Analysis,Market Commonality,High,Low,Low,High

13、,Resource Similarity,The shaded area represents degree of market commonality between two firms,Resource endowment B,Resource endowment A,KEY,I,II,III,IV,13,Drivers of Competitive Actions and Responses:,Awareness is the extent to which competitors recognize the degree of their mutual interdependence

14、mutual interdependence results from market commonality resource similarity,Awareness,Drivers of competitive behavior,14,Drivers of Competitive Actions and Responses:,Motivation concerns the firms incentive to take action or to respond to a competitors attack and relates to perceived gains and losses

15、,Drivers of competitive behavior,Motivation,15,Drivers of Competitive Actions and Responses:,Ability relates to each firms resources the flexibility these resources provide Without available resources the firm lacks the ability to attack a competitor to respond to the competitors actions,Drivers of

16、competitive behavior,Ability,16,Drivers of Competitive Actions and Responses:,A firm is more likely to attack the rival with whom it has low market commonality than the one with whom it competes in multiple markets Because of the high stakes of competition under the condition of market commonality, there is a high probability that the attacked firm will respond to its competitors action in an effort to protect its position in one or more markets,Drivers of competitive behav



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