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1、Period 4 训练案 (Writing课本P48),Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,写作一:完成课本P48的3a和3b的练习。 写作二:根据下面提示写一篇有关李明为Anna指路的作文。 假如你是李明,Anna是你的笔友,她从美国过来看望你。你因为工作忙无法到机场接她,就给了Anna去你家的路线,并根据以下路线提示写一封信给Anna。,Period 4 训练案,1.李明住在一个喧闹的街区。 2.离开机场 (airport)后乘12路公共汽车,在公共汽车上她可以坐在前面,这样会让她感觉好点儿。 3.在中心街下车。然后,沿着中心街一直往前走。,P

2、eriod 4 训练案,4.在第一个十字路口向左拐。这时就可以看到一栋白色的大楼在超市和邮局之间。李明的家就在这栋楼的七楼。 5.李明的父母将在家里等她。,Period 4 训练案,【思路点拨】 第一步:审题:人称_ 时态_ 第二步:列出主要的短语和句型。 1.在机场_ 2.乘坐12路公共汽车_,第一、二人称,Period 4 训练案,一般现在时和一般将来时,at the airport,take the No.12 bus,3.在公共汽车的前面_ 4.感觉好点儿_ 5.下车_ 6.沿着一直向前走_ 7.在与之间_,in the front of the bus,Period 4 训练案,fe

3、el better,get off the bus,walk along ,between and ,8.在七楼_ 9.等待_ 10.在第一个十字路口向左拐_,on the seventh floor,Period 4 训练案,wait for,take the first crossing on the left/turn left at the first crossing,第三步:运用and,or,so,because 等连接词将以上要点连成文章,并注意句型的多样化。 Dear Anna, I am very happy you can come.But I am very busy t

4、oday.Can you come by yourself? Let me tell you how to get to my house. _ Yours, Li Ming,Period 4 训练案,I live in a noisy neighborhood.First, you can take the No.12 bus after you leave the airport.You can sit in the front of the bus.It will make you feel better.You can get off the bus on Center Street.

5、Then walk along Center Street.,Period 4 训练案,You can turn left at the first crossing.You will see a white building between the supermarket and the post office.My home is on the seventh floor.My parents will wait for you.,Period 4 训练案,第四步:修改文章自己复查,小组互改。 1.用红笔在文章中纠错。2.欣赏好词好句:评选小组内写得最好的三个句子摘抄下来。 _ _,Per

6、iod 4 训练案,(作文评分细则与标准请参照本书最后一页),Period 4 训练案,单元语法专练 一、单项填空。 ( )1._ is the bus station? Its near the cinema. A.What B.When C.Where D.How,Period 4 训练案,C,( )2._ a shop at the end of the street. A.There is B.There are C.There have D.There has ( )3.The bank is _ the post office. A.next to B.next C.the nex

7、t D.the next to,Period 4 训练案,A,A,( )4.You can _ a taxi to go there with your mother. A.by B.take C.taking D.to take ( )5.That is an old hotel, _ it is very clean and quiet. A.because B.or C.but D.and,Period 4 训练案,B,C,( )6.Beijing is in the _ of China. A.east B.south C.north D.west ( )7.The pay phone

8、 is fifty meters away _ here. A.to B.from C.at D.for,Period 4 训练案,C,B,( )8.The library is _ Zhongshan Street. A.at B.on C.across D.between ( )9.There _ a bed and two chairs in the room. A.is B.be C.are D.am,Period 4 训练案,B,A,( )10.Jane watches Jack _ into the classroom. A.walks B.to walking C.to walk

9、 D.walking,Period 4 训练案,D,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 11.There are two _(hospital)in town. 12.I can answer the question _(easy). 13.We cant spend too much _(money)on our clothes.,Period 4 训练案,hospitals,easily,money,14.On the weekend, my father usually _(climb)mountains with his friends. 15.When you drive, you c

10、ant stop at the _(cross).,Period 4 训练案,climbs,crossing,单元基础巩固 一、单项填空。 ( )1.Excuse me.Is there a post office near here? Yes, _ is.Go down this street and turn right. A.it B.this C.that D.there,Period 4 训练案,D,( )2. _ the weather in Beijing? A.Wheres B.Hows C.Whats D.Whos ( )3.Laura enjoys _ storybooks

11、. A.reading B.read C.to read D.reads,Period 4 训练案,B,A,( )4.Look! The children are making many _ on the playground. A.snowman B.snowmen C.snowmans D.snowmens,Period 4 训练案,B,( )5.Is there a bank in the neighborhood? Yes,just go down this street. Its _ your left. A.on B.of C.at D.in,Period 4 训练案,A,( )6

12、.The homework is _.I can finish it _. A.easy; easy B.easily; easily C.easy; easily D.easily; easy ( )7.Could you tell Jim _ more exercise? A.do B.to do C.does D.doing,Period 4 训练案,C,B,( )8.Its _today.You should put on your coat when you go out. A.rainy B.cool C.cold D.dry ( )9.The little girl likes

13、to watch the birds _ in and out of the trees. A.flying B.flew C.flies D.to fly,Period 4 训练案,C,A,( )10.How is it going? _. A.Sure B.Thanks C.Warm D.Not bad,Period 4 训练案,D,二、根据中文提示或音标填写单词,使句子完整、通顺。 11.Is there a pay phone on the _(路)? Yes.Its over there. 12.Please be careful when you go _(穿过)the busy

14、street.,Period 4 训练案,road,across,13.Turn left at the first _(十字路口). 14.The best things in life are _ (免费的). 15.I like to _(花费)time in the library on weekends. 16.The hotel is _ the post office.,Period 4 训练案,crossing,free,spend,behind,17.You can get to the library _ . 18.We cant spend too much _ on our clothes. 19.Its _ in Feb


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