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1、Bladder Cancer,1.Incidence and Prevalence 0.828/10万(men) 0.27/10万 (female) Occupational exposure 染料工人的发病率较高:致癌物质-乙萘胺、联苯胺、四氨基联苯、双氨基苯等。 橡胶、纺织印染、电缆、油漆、燃料、焦油、农药、制革、印刷、司炉、电料、产煤等行业。 Cigarette smoking 吸烟与膀胱癌发病率有明显关系。 Chronic cystitis and other infections 埃及血吸虫病、膀胱白斑、腺性膀胱炎、尿结石、尿潴留。,2.Pathology,1.Type of His

2、tology: transitional cell carcinoma 90% spuamous cell carcinoma 7% adenocarcinoma 2% urachal carcinoma,2.分化程度:WHOG1 高分化 G2 中分化G3 低分化,3.Spread :metastatic spread lymphatic spread vascular spread -liver 38% -lung 36% -bone 27%,4.Staging,5.Natural history,1.间隙性无痛性全程肉眼血尿80% (intermittent painless hematu

3、ria) 2.尿频、尿急、尿痛 (frequency,urgency,pain) 3.排尿困难 膀胱结石 (dysuria,bladder stone) 4.下腹部包块 贫血 浮肿 下肢浮肿,6.Diagnosis,1.signs and symptoms 2.physical examination 2.microscopic cytology: 新鲜晨尿 阳性率7080% 可作为普查筛选 阳性行膀胱镜检查 BTA,Diagnosis,3.Cystoscopy : sharp 、site 、amount 、size、biopsy 、relationship 原位癌:局部充血、稍隆起 Ta T

4、1:单发或多发,粉红色,蒂细长,分枝 T2 T3:乳头短小,深红,广基或短蒂, T3 T4:无蒂,边界不清,局部隆起,表面褐色 或灰白色,有钙盐沉淀,坏死,膀胱容 量减小。 膀胱肿瘤好发:侧壁、三角区、后壁、顶壁、 前壁,Diagnosis:,4.X-ray: Excretory Urography(IVU) 了解上尿路有无异常(多器官发病) 局部充盈缺损 累及输尿管口肾积水 膀胱造影:充盈缺损 膀胱壁浸润-僵硬、不整齐 5.Computed Tomography(CT): 了解膀胱癌浸润深度 有无肿大淋巴结与周围脏器关系,Diagnosis:,6.MRI 7.Ultrasonography,

5、7.Treatment:,手术(resection) 放疗(radiation therapy) 化疗(chemotherapy) 生物治疗(biologic therapy) Principle:superficial(Tis,Ta,T1) -保留膀胱手术 invasive and regional(T2,T3,T4) -全膀胱切除术,7.Treatment,1. superficial(Tis,Ta,T1)-表浅 经尿道电切术(Transurethral resection TUR-BT) 膀胱切开肿瘤切除术 激光治疗(laser therapy) 随访(follow-up):每3个月复查

6、膀胱镜,7.Treatment:,2. invasive and regional(T2,T3,T4)-浸润 (1). partial cystectomy Indication :单个、距膀胱颈3cm以上,TUR难以切除部位,憩室内癌 Anti-indication:复发,多发,男性累及前列腺,膀胱容量过小 肿瘤距输尿管口小于2cm,做移植 (2). total cystectomy: 整个膀胱,前列腺,精囊,尿流改道 indication:多发且浸润,膀胱壁、三角区浸润,反复发作,肿瘤过大切除膀胱容量过小。,7.Treatment:,radiation: 浸润 radiation cyst

7、itis chemotherapy: 全身:顺钯、卡钯、阿霉素、 丝裂霉素 局部:塞替哌(thiotepa) 丝裂霉素(mitomycin) 阿霉素(doxorubicin),7.Treatment:,Biologic therapy: Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) 不良反应(side-reaction): 膀胱炎(cystitis ) 血尿(hematuria) 皮疹(tetter) 膀胱痉孪(bladder spasm) 干扰素(interferon) 白介素-2(Interleukin-2),8.Follow up,Superficial tumor ini

8、tial resection tumor free recurrent 2 years-43% 5 years-22% Bladder washing Cystoscopic examination,Neoplasms of the Testis,1. etiology,Incidence-3.7 per 100,000 (USA 1971) 隐睾(cryptorchidism) 5-10% 遗传(genetic factors) 2-3% 损伤(trauma) 萎缩(atrophy),2.pathogeny,原发(Primary neoplasms): 生殖细胞肿瘤(germinal neo

9、plasms) 精原细胞瘤(seminoma) 胚胎瘤(embryonal carcinoma) 畸胎瘤(teratoma) 绒毛膜上皮瘤(choriocarcinoma) 非生殖细胞肿瘤(nongerminal neoplasms) 性腺基质肿瘤(gonadal stromal neoplasms) 继发(Secondary): 恶性淋巴瘤(metastases),3. Clinical Manifestations,A nodule or painless swelling or harden of one gonad In approximately 10% of patients,ac

10、ute pain is the presenting symptom In approximately 10% of patients,metastases symptom is the present,4.Diagnosis:,History Physical examination Lab examination ultrasonography 瘤标(tumor markers): -FP (+) 胚胎瘤 hCG (+) 精原细胞瘤 绒毛膜上皮癌,5.Treatment,Surgery (early radical orchiectomy 睾丸根治切除术) Seminoma(精原细胞瘤)

11、radical orchiectomy+radiation therapy。 embryonal carcinoma(胚胎癌) radical orchiectomy +retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy(腹膜后淋巴结清扫术) Choriocarcinoma(绒毛膜上皮癌) radical orchiectomy +chemotherapy,THANK YOU!,后面内容直接删除就行 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料可以编辑修改使用,主要经营:网络软件设计、图文设计制作、发布广告等 公司秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!,致力于数据挖掘,合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求,感谢您的观看和下载,The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the presentation and make it into a film to be used in a wider field,


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