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1、完全竞争市场行为,第8章,竞争企业的供给行为,8.1,65,3,竞争企业的行为,关于企业行为的基本假定: We will assume that our competitive firm maximizes profits.,65,4,profit,PQ,salary interest rent,=,-,利润等于,并不表示资本没有收入。劳动得到了应得的工资,资本得到了应得的利息,土地得到了应得的租金,所有的要素都得到了应得的收入,资本也不例外。如果利润大于,资本将获得超额收益。,65,5,利润最大化行为准则的说明,实际中企业的行为取决于企业的控制权掌握在所有者还是经营者手里。 假定企业追求最大

2、利润的理由: 利润最大化行为准则便于理论分析; 如果市场竞争机制是完善的,追求利润的企业更有可能在市场竞争中生存。,65,6,经济学的假定需要合理性吗?,如果一个理论的假定(假设)不合理,我们能够得出合理的结论吗? 我们的假定有可能都合理吗?,65,7,经济学家的分歧,经济学家关于经济学的假定是否应该具有“经验内容”的看法是不一致的。 有的经济学家认为,一个能够有效地解释经济现象的假定应该或多或少具有经验内容。 有的经济学家认为,假定无须包含经验内容。一个好的假定往往是不合理的。,65,8,张五常的“白痴与汽油站”,有一群人,每个都是白痴。经济学者却假设他们每个人明智地争取最大的利益。事实上,


4、,65,10,完全竞争市场的基本特征,There are many small firms, each producing an identical product and each too small to affect the market price. The perfect competitor faces a completely horizontal demand curve. The extra revenue gained from each extra unit sold is therefore the market price.,65,11,说明,一般教材关于完全竞争的假

5、设: 无数的买者与卖者 (numerous buyers and sellers); 产品没有区别 (homogeneous products); 自由进入和退出 (free entry and exit); 完美和完全信息 (perfect or complete information)。,65,12,P,Q,Industry Output,价格接受者,65,13,D,D,S,S,d,d,P,Q,p,q,industry,firm,65,14,说明,行业的需求曲线不能由将行业中所有企业的需求曲线相加而来。 回忆一下:一个产品的需求弹性与该产品的替代品多少或替代的难易程度相关。 如果各企业生

6、产的产品都一样,那么产品之间可以完全相互替代。,65,15,Quantity,Price,个别企业产品的价格略微提高,需求将大幅减少,因产品被竞争对手的替代;反之,价格稍微降低,将把竞争对手的顾客拉过来。当不同企业的产品之间能相互完全替代时,需求曲线就是一条水平线。,顾客大量流失,65,16,Q,d,d,Firm Output,q,p,Industry Output,How would you describe the firms demand in terms of elasticity?,a) Elastic b) Inelastic c) Perfectly elastic,65,17,

7、边际收益,Marginal Revenue (MR) is the change in revenue that is generated by additional unit of sales.,MR = Salesq+1 - Salesq,65,18,说明,边际收益比较销售量为q1和销售量为q时的销售总额差,而不是在销售量为q的基础上,再增加1单位销量是引起的销售总额增加量。 例如,销售量为30时的边际收益,不能是卖出30件产品后再多卖1件后增加的销售额。,65,19,边际收益,So what must be the relationship between the industry ma

8、rket price and the firms marginal revenue in a perfectly competitive industry?,a) P MR b) P = MR c) P MR,P = MR,65,20,利润,Profits are net revenues, or,Profits =,total sales total costs,65,21,利润最大化条件,Maximum profit will occur when output is at that level where the firms marginal revenue is equal to it

9、s marginal cost. At the maximum-point:,MR = MC,65,22,利润最大化条件的说明,因此,当 MRMC 时增加产量,MRMC 时减少产量都可以增加利润,当 MR=MC 时,利润达到最大化。,65,23,Quantity,Price, AC, MC,MC,AC,A,B,M,Profits increase by additional unit of sales,Profits decrease by additional unit of sales,65,24,Quantity,Price, AC, MC,MC,AC,M,profit,P,65,25,

10、Quantity,Price, AC, MC,MC,AC,M,loss,P,65,26,亏损最小化条件,Minimum loss will occur when output is at that level where the firms marginal revenue is equal to its marginal cost. At the minimum-point:,MR = MC,65,27,亏损最小化条件的说明,因此,当 MRMC 时增加产量,MRMC 时减少产量都可以减少亏损,当 MR=MC 时,亏损达到最小化。,65,28,零利润和停产价格,Quantity,Price,

11、AC, MC,MC,AC,AVC,M,M,Shutdown point,Zero-profit point,d,d,PS,65,29,停产规则,The shutdown point (停产点) comes where revenues just cover variable costs or where loses are equal to fixed costs.,65,30,The higher the firms fixed costs, the more it has to lose by shutting down.,固定成本的重要性,Which type of industry i

12、s more likely to incur such losses? (a) An industry with low fixed costs like coffee shops and dry cleaners (b) A capital-intensive industry with high fixed costs like automobiles and the airlines,竞争行业的供给行为,8.2,65,32,企业的供给曲线,Quantity,Price, AC, MC,AC,AVC,Shutdown point,Supply curve,65,33,市场供给曲线,Quan

13、tity A,Quantity B,Total quantity,Price,Price,Price,Firm As Supply,Firm Bs Supply,Market Supply,S,S,65,34,说明,如果企业的供给之间相互关联时,不能简单地将各个企业的供给相加来得到市场供给。 在完全竞争的市场上,各个企业的供给之间可以认为是没有关系的。,65,35,不同时期的价格变化,Quantity,Quantity,Price,Price,Short-Run Equilibrium,Long-Run Equilibrium,65,36,长期供给曲线,Industry quantity,Pr

14、ice,Q=q,The firms use some scarce factors which prices will be affected.,The firms use general inputs without affecting the prices of those general inputs.,65,37,如果利为正,Competitive Industry,Free entry,Price,and Profits,65,38,如果利润为负,Competitive Industry,Free exit,Price,and Profits,65,39,零利润长期均衡,Compet

15、itive Industry,Free to entry,Free to exit,P=MC=AC Zero-profit,竞争市场的特殊情况,8.3,65,41,竞争市场的一般原则,D,D,S,S,Quantity,Price,D,D,S,S,Quantity,Price,Demand rule,Supply rule,65,42,不变成本,Constant-cost supply,S,S,P,Q,Quantity,Price,E,E,D,D,D,D,65,43,固定供给和经济租金,S,S,P,Q,Quantity,Price,E,E,D,D,D,D,Fixed supply,Factors

16、 with fixed supply earn rent.,65,44,向后弯曲的供给曲线,S,S,P,Q,Quantity,Price,E,E,T,Labor supply,竞争市场的效率和平等,8.4,65,46,评价市场机制,对于市场机制的重新认识; 产权制度的效率; 市场失灵问题; 政府对于经济的干预。,65,47,效率的概念,The importance of this conclusion about long run equilibrium lies in its implications (含义) for the efficiency of the perfectly competiti


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