课件湘少版三年级英语下册Unit13 What shape is this 第一课时 PPT课件

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《课件湘少版三年级英语下册Unit13 What shape is this 第一课时 PPT课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《课件湘少版三年级英语下册Unit13 What shape is this 第一课时 PPT课件(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 13 What Shape Is This?,湘少版英语三年级下册,教师通过课室的门、窗、墙、钟,学生的学习用品等实物教授本课的单词、句子: What shape is this? Its a triangle/rectangle/square/circle. What shapes are these? Theyre triangles/rectangles/squares/ circles.,Lets sing: Shapes,have a rest:,What shape is this? Its a,triangle,巩固操练:,What shape is this? Its

2、 a,circle,What shapes are they? Theyre,circles,What shapes are they? Theyre,rectangles,Lets play a game:,(猜物品的形状),What shape is this? Its a.,What shapes are these? Theyre.(s).,1. 老师先示范进行问答,同学们根据老师的信息举起相应的图形(同学们课前已准备好),然后请几组同学进行问答,老师做裁判,比一比哪个组反应快而准。 老师先示范,把已剪好的图形放到地上,然后问:What shape is this? /What shapes are these? 台下与老师配合的同学举起单词卡片,老师说出答句Its a /Theyre (s),如正确则跳到该图形上,否则出局如果跳对则加两分,如果跳错只能的一分。(四人小组比赛得分),Lets play games:,Square and circle, And triangle too. Look at the picture. Its for you.,Lets chant:,用所给的图形画一幅画(每个图形可以重复),完成后同桌用所学句型进行问答,并给对方打分,Thank you!,


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