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1、Day 6 结合话题31 听写内容 1. disabled adj.残疾的 -disability n. 2. independent adj. 独立的-independence 3. encouragement n.鼓励 4. congratulation n. 祝贺;庆贺 5. success n.-succeed v. -successful adj. 6.consideration n. 考虑;体谅 7. contrary adj. 相反的 8. convenient adj. 方便的 9. curiosity n. 好奇心-curious adj. 10. debate n./v 辩

2、论;争论,11. convincing adj. 令人信服的 12. contribute v.-contribution n.贡献;出力 approval n. 赞成;认可 dignity n.尊严;高贵的品质 companion n.同伴;伙伴 短语: 1. 对有益 be beneficial to 2. 对有天赋 have a talent /gift for 3.下决心做 make up ones mind to do sth. 4. 适应新环境 adapt to new surroundings 5.就 向某人表达祝贺 congratulate sb. on sth.,Day 6 完

3、型专练 (十九)-(二十一) 三篇完型练习:19、21比较 easy ,建议讲解第20篇。 (十九) 1.文中第三段中 mitigating tense 缓和紧张 mitigate mitieit vt. 使缓和 2.相关词组:take a nap 睡午觉 have /take a break 休息片刻 force sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做 beg sb. to do sth.乞求某人做 order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做 urge sb. to do sth. 敦促某人做 3.选项1中 interval ntv()l n.间隔;间距 at intervals

4、 不时 例:She woke him for his medicines at intervals throughout the night. 4.选相5中 friction frk()n n.摩擦力,(二十)解题要点:着重结合文章上下文的照应和提示 1.选项1中 get it straight 搞清楚;弄明白 extreme-extremely productive富有成效的 ;有用的 2.L4 in terms of 依据;按照;在方面 So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when

5、you do them.所以,不要从做什么的角度,而是要从什么时候做的角度来考虑你的重点。 L7 ponder pnd vt. 仔细考虑;衡量 L8 take sth. seriously 认真对待某件事 L9 infinitelynfntli adv. 无限地;极其 infinite adj. 无限的,无穷的 L12 consent knsent vi. 同意;赞成;答应 n. 同意;(意见等的)一致;赞成,Indeed, the important question in terms of becoming more peaceful isnt whether or not youre g

6、oing to have negative thoughts - its what you choose to do with the ones that you have. 事实上, 在如何变得更加平静这个问题上,不在于你是否有消极的想法而在于你采取什么方法去消除消极思想。(仅供参考) 此处do with 根据下文第六空 when it comes to deal with negative thoughts.得出答案。,(二十一) L3 : will/would do well to do sth.做较妥 L4: be supposed to 应该 The cover is suppose

7、d to protect the machine from dust . L5 :assume v. - assumption n. 假定;设想 L8: hospital n.医院 hospitality hsptlt n.好客 2.选相1中 polite -impolite patient -impatient 选项2中 stiffly stifli adv.生硬地;顽固地;呆板地 选项4中 单词词形变换结构类似: guideguidance annoy-annoyance accept- acceptance acquaint-acquaintance perform -performance 3.选项7中 repeat repeatedly hurry- hurriedly excite- excitedly,


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