牛津译林版英语九上Unit 8《Detective stories》(Welcome to the unit)ppt课件

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1、Unit 8 Detective stories,【课前热身】,detective 侦探 clue 线索 missing 丢失 murder 谋杀 suspect 犯罪嫌疑人 medium 中等的 untidy 不整洁的 guilty 有罪的 truth 事实,真相 guess 猜,猜测 lie 说谎,Aims:,By the end of the class,you will be able to: 1.Understand the clues of a crime (了解罪行的线索) 2.Read notes on the four suspects (读懂关于四个犯罪嫌疑人的笔录) 3.

2、Talk about who will be guilty (谈论谁有可能是凶手),Sherlock Holmes (夏洛克.福尔摩斯),Who is he?,a detective,侦探,Conan,Bao Zheng,detective 侦探 clue 线索,suspect 嫌疑犯,Di Renjie,lie (be lying) 撒谎,guilty 有罪的,truth 真相,be dressed like a detective,Listen and answer.,1. Is Eddie looking for a murderer?,2. What is Eddie looking

3、for?,No, he isnt.,He is looking for his food.,Read again and answer. 1,What does a detective do? A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important. 2, Do you think Eddie is a real detective? No, I dont think so.,Read after the tape again and act it out in pairs.,What qualities should

4、 a detective have?,Discussion,1 careful 2 patient 3 organized 4 clever 5 imaginative 6 ,Polices report,Last Saturday night at 8 p.m., a young man was murdered. The murder happened in Sun Town. We have four suspects. We have made notes on all of them.,Test 1:,What happened last Saturday night? Where

5、did it happen? How many suspects are there?,Jimmy White,Frank Johnson,young man,Emily Smith,James Brown,Suspect 1 Job: Lives in: Last Saturday: Appearance: Personality:,Suspects,James Brown Doctor Moon Town working in a hospital in Sun Town tall and slim serious,Questions,1. Whats Dr Browns job? 2.

6、Where was he when the murder happened? 3. What is he like?,A doctor.,He was working in a hospital in Sun Town,He is tall, slim and serious.,Test 2:,Suspect 2 Job: Lives in: Last Saturday: Appearance: Personality:,Jimmy White shopkeeper Sun Town in New Town tall and strong helpful,Fill in the blanks.

7、,This man is _. He is a _. He lives in _. He is _, _. Last Saturday, he was in _.,Jimmy White,shopkeeper,Sun Town,tall,strong and helpful,New Town,Test 3:,Suspect 3 Job: Lives in: Last Saturday: Appearance: Personality:,Emily Smith Cook Star Town working at a restaurant in Sun Town small and fat qui

8、et,Emily Smith works in a restaurant. She lives in Moon Town. Last Sunday she was shopping in Sun Town. She is small, fat and quiet.,True or false,T,F,F,T,Test 4:,Suspect 4 Job: Lives in: Last Saturday: Appearance: Personality:,Frank Johnson office worker Sky Town was at home alone of medium height

9、and untidy nervous,( ) 1. What does Frank Johnson do? A. A cook. B. An office worker. C. A shopkeeper. ( ) 2.Where was he last night? A. At school. B. In the shop. C. At home. ( ) 3. Whats his personality? A. Helpful. B. Friendly. C. Nervous.,B,C,C,Multiple choice,Test 5:,Discussion,A:Who do you thi

10、nk is the murderer? B:(James Brown/Jimmy White/ Emily Smith/Frank Johnson) A:Why? B:Because,Listen and answer.,1. Who does Sandy think is most likely to be the murderer? Why? 2. Who does Daniel think is most likely to be the murderer?,Jimmy White. Because he lives in Sun Town.,Frank Johnson.,Daniel

11、and Sandy are also talking about the murder in Sun Town.,Work in pairs and discuss who you think is most likely to be the murder.,Pair work,S1: Who do you think is not telling the truth? S2: I guess Jimmy White is lying. S1: Why? S2: Because hes tall and strong. Perhaps hes good at fighting S1: I do

12、nt think so. He/She is helpful. S2: Then who do you think is the murderer? S1: Perhaps James Brown killed the man , because he was in Sun Town last Saturday.,Idiom(成语) : 天网恢恢,疏而不漏. Nobody escapes the judgment of Heaven.,【学海拾贝】,1. Why are you dressed like that, Eddie? 你为何打扮成那样? dress在这里是动词,“穿着衣服”。常用于

13、被动语态,be dressed in 表示某人在某个场合穿着什么衣服。 她今天穿了件红衣服。 She_today. 给某人/自己穿衣服_ 她大了能自己穿衣服了。 She is old enough to_.,穿成那样_,is dressed in red,dress sb/ oneself,dress herself,be dressed like that,2. This is much more serious. 这要严重得多。,本句much 意为“.得多”,修饰形容词的比较级。如:,漂亮得多_ 强壮得多_ 他今天好多了_,much more beautiful,much stronger

14、,He is much better today.,3. My food has gone missing. 我的食物不见了。,go 在这里做连系动词, 意为“变成, 处于状态” (go表变化时一般指事情向消极、不好的方面转化)。如:,gone bad,这个食物已经变质。 The food has_. 我认为她听到那个消息后会发疯的。 I think she _when she hears the news.,will go mad,4. I guess Jimmy White is lying. lying 为lie 的现在分词, 这里表示“说谎” lie_ _ lie(现分)_ 他经常向他

15、父母撒谎。 He always _his parents. 他又在撒谎。 He_ again.,lies to,is lying,lied lied,lying,lie 还可作名词 tell a lie 说谎,Useful expressions,1.侦探故事 detective stories 2.穿成那样 be dressed like that 3.寻找重要事情的线索 look for clues to something important 4.严重的多 much more serious 5.不见了 go missing 6.为。做笔录 make notes on 7.中等身高 of medium height 8.说真话 tell the truth 9.在撒谎 be lying 10.在另一个地方 in another place 11.看起来不整洁和紧张 look untidy and nervo


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