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1、突发事件应对与个人安全防范技巧Individual emergency reaction during attack,During assault and kidnapping遭遇袭击、绑架,课程目的 Goals,Understand kidnapping and kidnapper 了解绑架、绑架者 The meaning to the hostage in different stages of kidnapping 剖析绑架过程对人质的意义 Survival from rescue 如何在营救中生存,2,2,3,Massacre Or Kidnapping 评估是屠杀还是绑架 Kidna

2、pping 确定是绑架 Types of kidnapping 绑架的种类 Who are kidnappers? 绑架者是谁 Hostage survival guide 人质生存指导 -绑架的过程对人质的意义 The meaning to the hostage in different stages of kidnapping -心理层面 from psychological level -身体层面 from physical level 营救时怎么办 During the rescue,3,During an incident 袭击中,3 actions to make: 3个行动 E

3、scape逃跑 Conceal yourself隐藏 Resist抵抗,Shooting in the hall 大厅里枪击,Into an unprotected room, and protect it. 到一个还没有保护的房间,然后保护好。 Dont running along the corridor to room. You may meet the attackers. 不要跑过长长的大厅到房间,除非关好了出口,否则 您可能会遇到持枪歹徒或被劫为人质 Dont hide in the toilet 不要藏在卫生间,Shooting in building 建筑内的枪击,Stay i

4、n room, protected door 如果您在教室,房间或办公室,呆在那里,保护好门 If there is no lock, try your best block the door or jam the door 如果门没有锁,试着用最大可能堵上门或者在门缝里塞入门楔 If there is window at door, cover it. 如果门有窗户,尽能力遮盖上它 Shut down light, cell phone to silence. 关灯,手机调到静音 Letting others in- Danger 只有保证在安全地带里的人没有危险时,才能试图救外面的人 Sh

5、ooter will pretend to ask for help. 枪手会敲门及求救来引诱您开门,您的反应 Reaction,demo,Hostage Taker vs. Active Shooter绑架者VS屠杀者人质劫持与主动袭击,Hostage Taker 劫持人质者 Captures hostages to use as “brokering chips” for劫持人质作为“讨价还价的条件”: Money 金钱 Politics 政治目的 Revenge 报复 Personal gain or safety 个人利益或个人安全 Killing spree 屠杀 Kills vic

6、tims 杀掉受害者 To “make a statement” for their“cause”为他们的“事业”“发表声明” To destroy a target 为摧毁一个目标,Type of Kidnap常见绑架的类型,Ideological 意识形态 Financial经济 Express kidnapping 快速绑架 Tiger kidnapping 老虎绑架 Mixed motives混合动机 Taking hostages during unsuccessful criminal act (bank/shop robbery, jail-break) 犯罪行为未遂时劫持人质(

7、银行/商铺抢劫、越狱) Sectarian violence 宗教派系间暴力 Hijacking (plane, ship, bus, train, car) 劫持(飞机、轮船、巴士、火车、汽车),Attack cycle 攻击流程,Presence stronger than ever 他们的出现频率比任何时候都高 Successful kidnapping require good intel 成功的绑架必须优质的情报,Tiger kidnapping 另类绑架-老虎绑架,A person of importance to the victim is heldhostageascollat

8、eraluntil the victim has met the criminals demands 对于被要挟者重要的人被绑,直至犯罪分子的要求被满足 the crime often requires considerable inside information about the target 此类犯罪经常需要关于目标的大量内部信息,Express kidnapping 另类绑架- 快速绑架,a method ofabductionused in some countrieswhere a smallransom, that a company or family can easily

9、pay, is requested. 一些国家发生的一种绑架手段,要求被绑者公司或家庭支付一笔极易支付的小额赎金,TYPES OF KIDNAPPERS绑架者类型:,Who are my kidnappers? 绑架者是谁?,amateurs 业余 professionals 专业,Conditions for Kidnapping 绑架的定义 .MoviesActive shoter school shooting.wmv,HOSTAGE 人质生存指导,After you have been taken 在你被劫后,Other types,Psychopatic personality (o

10、ften cold, felonious motivation, absence of empathy) 病态人格(经常冷漠、行事动机多违法、缺少同情心) Mental ill (psychosis) 精神病 Drug users 吸毒者 Fanatics 狂热势力 Common“ criminals “普通”罪犯 Normal“ people in crisis 危机中的“正常”人 + combinations 组合,12,Phases of a Hostage Situation人质劫持的阶段,Capture Phase 劫持阶段 Most dangerous phase 最危险的阶段 I

11、ntruder is trying to take control 入侵者正试图接管 Often chaotic and violent 多混乱且暴力 Often best chance to escape 逃跑的最佳时机 Must assess intent rapidly 必须快速评估目的 Hostage Taker/ Killer/ kidnap? 人质劫持/杀戮/绑架?,视频:.MoviesKidnapper is killed by BOPE(Brazilian Swat) on the streets o.flv,Capture Phase 劫持阶段,(if killing is

12、intruders intent如果闯入者的目的是杀人) Get out escape any way possible. Use whatever exit is available and run until you are safe. 撤离任何可能的方式。使用任何手头有的出口,跑到安全了为止。 Take out disarm and disable the intruder(s) as quickly as possible with as much force as needed. 清除将闯入者(们)用最短的时间和必须的武力使其缴械并制服。 Consider that victims

13、outnumber intrudersswarm 受害者人数多于入侵者。包围他们 Victims can disrupt focus and time framemoving targets 受害者分散他们的注意力并拖延时间。移动目标 Dont allow time for reloading or changing weapons 不给他们时间重装子弹或更换武器,Transportation转运,Normally after quick and brutal capture 一般在快速且暴力的劫持后 You may be drugged, bound, gagged, blindfolded

14、 and/or beaten 可能被药、被绑、被勒、被蒙眼、被打 You may be forced into the back of vehicles or boots 可能被强行塞进车辆的后备厢 keep active listen to voices and language are they angry or calm? 保持主动聆听他们的音调和语言他们是生气的还是冷静的? Listen/feel for outside noises, direction of travel, stops and other familiar smells or sounds 聆听/感受外部的噪音、行

15、进方向、停车点和其他熟悉的味道和声音,Internment Phase 拘押阶段,Could last a few hours or a few weeks 可持续几小时或几周 Negotiations take place, hostage takers are busy 谈判正在进行,劫持者很忙 Employ the “3 Cs”: 利用“3C原则” Calmcalm hostages lead to calm hostage takers. 镇定,镇定的人质使劫持者更镇定 Connectgain their trust and respect as a person, not a bro

16、kering chip. Build rapport. 沟通,获得他们作为一个人的信任和尊重,不再是一个谈判筹码。建立和谐的关系。 Capitalizeon escape or rescue opportunities. 最大化,使逃脱或被救的机会最大化。,PSYCHOLOGY心理层面,When you are kidnapped当你被绑架时,Psychological stages for victims 害者的心理阶段,Impact (mental denial, feeling of unreality, then mental and physical tense and anxiety)影响(思想上否认、不真实感、心理和身体上的焦虑和不安) Definition of situation and partial calm (interpretation of situation, adjusting to rules of game“, belief that everything will be solved soon) 对于事件的界定



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