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1、CAF STA 10/2004供應商培訓,精实生产 衡量指标/价值流分析,何謂精實製造(Lean Mfg),它是什麼? 是一種在價值流(value stream)中藉由排除浪費以提昇流動性,使其能獲致更短的前置時間,從而提供高品質、低成本的製造哲學 由產品開發、程序工程、營運管理及企業總管理作業等所組成的一整合性系統,其能為顧客提供價值及帶給人們尊嚴 它不是什麼? 僅是裁減員額數,价值流图分析,课程目标 Objectives,在完成此一课程你将能 At the end of this section, you will be able to : *定义期间价值流及价值流图分析 Define t

2、he terms Value stream and value stream Mapping *應用价值流图分析实施步骤以模拟精实 Apply the steps for Mapping a Value Stream to the Lean Simulation,价值流是什么What is Value Stream,定义 Definition 价值流是將生产物料改变到产品运交给客 户之間全面性需求措施 A value stream is all of the actions required to change raw materials into a product delivered to

3、 the customer,价值流图是什么What is Value Stream Map,定义 Definition . 一个目视化以描述整体价值流, 包含原材料产品及咨訊流分析图 A visual depiction of the complete value stream, including material, product, and information flow,价值流图分析之利益Benefits of Value Stream Mapping,*提供流動视觉的描述(以)用作零件制程程序的决策 Provides a visual depiction of flow use as

4、 part of the decision making process *在价值流中以提供鉴认七大浪费缘由 Allows for identification of the sources of the seven wastes in the value stream *验证咨询流与材料流的關连性 Demonstrates the linkage between information flow and material flow *通过价值流以作为工厂发展改善流程基础与消除浪费 Becomes the basis for developing a plan for improving fl

5、ow throughout the value stream,现状价值流图Current state value stream map,一个现状价值流图是为完整价值流目前存在的视觉描述。包含物料,产品,即咨询流 A current sate value stream map is the depiction of the complete value stream as it presently exists. the map inclides material, product, and information flow 虽然关注在生产制造,也可以用在描述非生产活动。 Although th

6、e focus is on the manufacturing, the map could also be used to depict non-manufacturing activities,现状价值流图Current state value stream map,评估现状 Assessing the current situation 价值流图分析第一步骤是评估现实状况以制作现状图 The first in value stream mapping is assessing the current situation by creating a current state map,现状

7、价值流图Current state value stream map,*选择一产品或产品族 Choose a product or product family *描述顾客需求 Depict the customer requirements *反向跟随产品从交货,生产作业,到原料入厂 Follow the flow of the product from shipping, working backwards to the where raw materials arrive in the plant *绘制产品在使用的過程,移动与储存阶段程序 Draw the processing ste

8、ps used to process, move and store the product,现状价值流图Current state value stream map,*记入適當的程序与库存数据 Input the appropriate process and inventory data *绘制咨询流 Draw the information flow *绘制时间线描述前置时间,表示出有附加值 与无附加值时间 Draw a timeline depicting the lead time, showing value add and non-value add time,Current s

9、tate mapping for a value stream,Current state map,Value stream mapping,Futures state map,未来价值流图future state value stream map,未来价值流图是一目视可描述改善對策目标包含物料,产品,及咨询流 A future state value stream map is visual depiction of the goal of improvement actions, the map includes material, product, and information flo

10、w,未来价值流图析步骤future state value stream mapping,*着手以现状价值流图鉴别消除浪费机会 Begin with the current state value streams map, use the map to identify opportunities to eliminate waste. *确认顾客需求/takt time Identify the customer demand rate /takt time *依计划执行(从控制缓行最小于最大水准) follow the plan to “flow where you can, and pu

11、ll (from a controlled buffer with minimum and maximum levels ) when you cannot flow”,未来价值流图析步骤future state value stream mapping,*使用工具如流程分析以协助分析及鉴别浪费降低的机会 Use tools, such as process flow analysis,to help analyze and identify waste reduction opportunities. *确认在生产鍊单一点(制程速率点)可排生产计划 Identify one single p

12、oint in the production chain (the pacemaker process “)where you will schedule production *张贴价值流图在作业区给全部工作人员清楚目视為持续改进的基础 Post the map in area that is clearly visible to all work group members on a continuous basis.,future state value stream mapMeasurements :衡量指标,*前置时间天数是以库存依據顾客需求在各作业間,计算前置时间必须从制程浪费消除

13、改善 Lead time in days is calculated by dividing inventory by customer requirements for one day for each operation, lead time should improve as waste is eliminated from the process *附加值时间秒数是由作业时间计算,如变更外形 安装,或产品修饰,附加价值时间将相同于现在与未来状况除非制程被变更 Value-add time in seconds is calculated by timing the operation

14、as it changes form, fit, or finish of the product. value add time will be the same in both the current and future sate unless process is changed,future state value stream mapMeasurements :衡量指标,*指标 Dock to dock (DTD) Build to schedule (BTS) First time through (FTT) Overall equipment effectiveness (OE

15、E), total Cost *工作小组未来状况对策绩效必须由改善数据反应 The effectiveness of work group future state actions should be reflected by an improvement in these metrics,价值流图析,*价值流图析是一种完整且有系统性的方法 *使用价值流图析之意义是可在巨观的大范圍下作业。亦可拘於局部性.區域性.或個別性的作業. *因此他是可进行全面整体性而不仅是最佳化个别部分。,价值流图析,*一个价值流图析是指归集一产品在其生产过程中所有的活动:包括哪些有增加附加價值及没有增加价值的活动。

16、*价值流图析将是包含有附加值作业与无附加值作业调查检讨,用以改善制程提升整体生产力的一项系统手法,价值流图析,*价值流是为产品已当前通过其基本生产过程所进行的全部活动,可分成 .从原材料到产品交到顾客手中 “生产流” .从概念到投产 “设计流”,价值流图析,*从顾客到供应商跟随产品的生产反向路径将材料流与讯息流以代表图形仔细绘出每個过程以便于了解掌握制程中的 (关键问题) *分析检讨,关键问题,提出改善对策后,再次绘制一期望的,未来状態的价值流图,作为目标蓝图及执行改善活动,生產管理,生產排程MPS,顧客,協力廠商,採購MRP,物料? 人力? 優先順序?,人員是否足夠,時間拖延,生產部品,塗裝部門,物料是否足夠,時間拖延,催料,需要物料,庫存,庫存,不準確的顧客訂單,不具信賴的製程及供應商,交貨單,不及時、不正確的庫存


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