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1、获取竞争优势的人力资源管理之六,Human resource management gaining a competitiveness advantage,Performance management绩效管理,when you finish studying this chapter, you should be able to: Develop, evaluate and administer 4 performance appraisal tools掌握4种绩效评价工具 List and discuss the pros and cons of performance appraisal

2、methods 列举讨论绩效评价方法的优缺点 Explain the problems to be avoided in appraising performance绩效果评价过程中易出现的难题 Hold on effective appraisal interview绩效反馈面谈,Case analysis 1: 飞龙航空食品公司,李为是飞龙航空食品公司的地区总经理,担任该职快要有一年了。他分管10家食品供应站,每站有一名经理负责。在这些经理中,老郑最有特色,他善于和他重视的人交道, 注意和下属和客户搞好关系,他的客户都是“铁杆”的,很少转向飞龙的对手去订航空食品。老郑性格豪爽,最喜欢卷起袖

3、字向部下展示如何制作航空食品新菜倄。不过老郑由于不注意饮食健康,患了心血管和胆囊结石,今年已经请了一个月的假。此外,老郑也最爱表现自己,他向李为报告自己功劳的次数大大超过其他9位经理的总和,这一点让李为感到有些不快。 由于业务的扩大,盛传李为要添一名副手, 老郑自认鹤立鸡群,已经公开说这职务非他莫属,李为听了觉得两人风格太悬殊,若让老郑当副手,真叫他受不了。 年终考绩到了,如何给老郑打分(10分,5 个等级,从最优到最差)让李为犯难:打高了老郑更认为提副手非他莫属, 打低了他准会闹起来。考虑再三,李为给老郑总体考绩打了一个6分,他觉得这有充分理由:他病了一个月,但他知道这分数远低于郑自己的期望

4、值。李为开始着手给老郑各个考评维度的分项打分,并准备着如何跟老郑面谈,向他传达所给的考绩结果。 问题:李为回老郑的考评合理吗?老郑不服气是否有充分理由? 飞龙公司考绩制度有何需要改进的地方?,Case analysis 2: The problem of the 360 feedback 晋升绩效考核的困难,第一钢铁厂副厂长理唐枚, 现年39岁,他80年代毕业于东北钢铁学院黑色冶金系, 一直在钢铁厂工作,从车间到科室都干过,是一位有经验的冶金工程师。 他为人聪明好学,对新事物敏感,在工作中逐渐显示出管理才华。在升任经营副厂长以前,他已经在多种职能部门工作过。今年年10月,总公司有意要将唐枚升任

5、为公司副总经理,为此对他进行了全面的考核。新世纪新干法,总公司人事部采用了国际通行的360度绩效考评法,参加考核的有他的上级, 同事,下级以及和钢铁厂有业务往来的单位领导,可以说是十分全面,大家都填了一份问卷表,然而考核的结果,出乎总公司人事部的意外,各方面的意见很不一致,对某些维度的评价还十分矛盾,这使人事部感到为难,如何写出一份能代表各方面意见的综合评定书呢? 问题:造成意见不一致的因素可能有哪些? 如何看待360度绩效考评法?,1.Basic Conception of Performance绩效评价的基本概念,1.1 Definition of performance Performa

6、nce appraisal绩效评价 Performance feedback绩效反馈 Performance management 绩效管理 确保员工工作表现和工作绩效和组织目标相一致而进行的管理活动。 Performance culture 绩效文化 以绩效评价为倒行导向的企业共有价值观。,1.2 Performance management in the organization 组织绩效管理模型,1.3 The purposes of the performance management绩效管理目的,“we can change a lot of people just a little

7、 and we believe that overall organizational effectiveness will be improved”-Bracken Strategic 战略目的 Management 管理目的 Developmental 发展目的,Purpose of performance appraisal 绩效评价的目的,Decision making管理目的 Development发展目的 Organization Participant Core competencies Job-specific competencies Encourage between-pe

8、rson Encourage within-person competitive ranking of skills Required Voluntary Required sharing results with Discourage sharing results raters Typical uses are :performance Typical uses are : employee management, succession planning career planning, training staffing, pay,1.4 performance standards 绩效

9、评价的标准,Strategic accordance 战略一致性 Reliability信度 Validity效度 Acceptance 可接受性 Clarity 明确性,The Reliability of 360 feedback,Real changes in ratees behavior in the intervening time and raters change in the attitude,knowledge, opportunity to observe.被评价者和评价者的变化 Measures of Inter-consistency对要素评价的内部一致性 instr

10、ument fault评价工具的模糊性 The way raters interpret and use the rating scale 对评价等级的解释运用的一致性 Inter-rater agreement评价群体内部一致性 Agreement between rating sources评价群体之间的一致性,Contaminate and fault in the performance appraisal system,Appraisal system true performance contamination validity Miss out,1.5 steps in appr

11、aising performance 绩效评价步骤,Define the job 工作界定 Appraise performance 绩效评价 Provide feedback 绩效反馈,2. Appraise Performance approaches 绩效评价方法,2.1 comparison approach比较法,(1) paired comparison methods 配对比较法 Ranking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs of the employees for each trait and indicat

12、ing which is the better employee of the pair.将每一位员工的特质和工作群体所有其他成员进行一对一的比较, 并指出配对比较中较好的一位。,FOR THE TRAIT FOR THE “QUALITY OF WORK” “CREATIVITY”MEN RATED MEN RATED,2.2 Trait approach 特性法Graphic rating scale technique图尺度评价法,Graphic rating scale.图尺度评价法 A scale that lists a number of traits and a range o

13、f performance for each. The employee is then rated by identifying the score that best describes his or her level of performance for each trait.列举出绩效评价要素, 从每一项评价要素找出最能符合员工绩效状况的分数,,Score-rating,2.3 Behavior approach 行为法 Critical Incident Approach关键事件法,Critical incident approach. Keeping a record of un

14、commonly good or undesirable examples of an employees work related behavior and reviewing it with the employee at predetermined times. 管理者将每一位雇员在工作活动中所表现出来的特别好的或坏的(有效绩效和无效绩效)记录下来,然后和员工共同审查它。,(2)Example of critical incidents for the an assistant plant manager 对厂长助理的绩效评价,2.4 result approach 结果法,Manage

15、ment by Objectives(MBO)approach 目标管理法 MBO Involves setting specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically discussing his or her progress toward these goals. 与每一位员工共同制定一套便于衡量的工作目标,然后定期和他们讨论目标完成的情况。 MBO always refers to a comprehensive organizational goals.实施MBO要考虑组织目标。,The Six Mai

16、n Steps MBO 的实施步骤,Set the organizations goals. 确定组织目标 Set departmental goals.确定部门目标 Discuss departmental goals 讨论部门目标 Define expected results对预期成果的界定 Performance reviews工作绩效评价 Provide feedback提供反馈,2.5 quality approaches 质量法,Process-flow analysis流程分析 Course effect diagram因果图 Pareto chart帕累托图 Control charts控制图 Histogram 直方图 Scatter grams 散点图,Pareto chart帕累托图,Control c



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